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Joined 11-11-06, id: 1164233
Author has written 1 story for Numb3rs.

This account is labbeled "BanishedThought", because that is exactly what the fics I post here are - banished thoughts, stories that are in my oppinion a little too extreme in the angst/scarring department for me to want to post it on my regular account -- Yep, I have another account on this site meant for my regular postings - the more cheerful ones; the ones I prefer to write - and so this is an account that I set up as my venting tool.

So basically, each story you read from here was inspired by either my bad dreams, bad experiences (either personal, or of a close friend), a bad day/week/month, or even simply a continuation of bad experiences on the home-front that have been the norm since childhood - these are stories that I write to get the negatives out of my head, making room for the positives, and thereby keeping me out of therapy ;P -- In short, the stories posted here are going to be comprised of beginnings and middles that are far bellow happy - I can guarantee that they all end good (or rather, bittersweet), and that I will never get too disgustingly graphic with any scenes (I'm not that twisted, gloomy or violent), but I can also guarantee that if you are looking for overall "feel-good fics", you won't find any here -- This here is the dwelling of solid drama, angst, action/adventure, mystery, and a whole lot more drama/angst, comprised almost entirely of some experience or other that leaves the main characters emotionally scarred... repairable, of course, in time.

So yeah, if you're the type looking for funny and happy, look somewhere else, 'cause I can guarantee you that these fics are NOT for you. However, if you're a hardcore fan of thorough character drama, angst, and all around whumping with a feel-good ending, then read on, enjoy, and as always, review.

When Tears Aren't Enough reviews
A terrible tragety sends Charlie's life on a tailspin. When he goes over the edge, it's up to those who love him to bring him back. fic starts sad, ends happy CHAPTER 3 UP
Numb3rs - Rated: T - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 3 - Words: 10,180 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 30 - Updated: 12/18/2006 - Published: 11/30/2006 - Charlie E., Don E.