Author has written 10 stories for House, M.D., and Misc. Movies. After being out of the fangirl-loop for far too long, I've made my way back in with a few choice fandoms. I'm a sucker for smart TV, so current obsessions go out to the West Wing (in its glory days), Sports Night (likewise) and House (which is all I've been writing for lately). I'm a slash fan, but I write het too when the mood strikes. And though I have a few pet pairings, my scope is pretty broad. I rarely write about happy relationships anyway. I like writing emotionally driven stuff like friendship fics, failed relationships, variations on the old hurt/comfort genre…though I'm also into satire and the occasionally downright silly. I like reading slash, character pieces, and good gen/humor pieces that keep with the feel of the original shows. from The West Wing: Like any sane person, I adore CJ. Josh and Toby are great too. Pairings I like include Toby/Sam, Sam/Ainsley, Josh/Amy and Will/anyone. Josh/Sam is fun too, even if it is a cliché. That said, happy Josh/Donna drives me nuts—they're better as friends (unresolved sexual tension and all) than in a relationship like that, gah. from Sports Night: Dan and Casey are so damn adorable. So Dan/Casey is always on the table. Jeremy (Joshua Malina FTW) and Natalie are great too. This fandom is oldish and on the small side so I basically get excited when I find anything new that's witty or interesting XD from House: I like pretty much every character on House, including Foreman and Nurse Brenda (who is not evil, I say! just misunderstood!). Pairingwise, House/Cuddy, Foreman/Chase and Chase/Cameron are my favorites. I like House/Wilson but I'm getting bored of it, lol. I started to like Cameron a lot more after "Hunting." House/Cameron is growing on me maybe a little. I also usually post fics to livejournal first--I'm a little slower getting them up here. You can also find my more adult stuff there, if that's your bag ;) |
Tashaelizabeth (30) |