![]() Author has written 10 stories for Charmed, and Power Rangers. Hi My name is Jordan Paige Matthews(for real for my Charmed Fans). I'm 25….I started writing these stories on fan fiction at 17 History of Charmed: When I was 11 I got a glimps of Mrs. Hellfire at the end and never paid Charmed any attention. Then one night in the seventh grade I was doing my science project on colors. My mother wasn't home so I decided to do it in her room. I turned on the tv looking for something to watch but saw nothing. Then I flipped to charmed because my friend Ava said it was good. I will never forget it was the first Show of the forth season(it was on TNT, I started watching it on WB when Phoebe turned into a mummy about three or four months later). After that I was hooked. I mean I loved Angel and Buff but never gave charmed a chance. I am so happy I did because those were the best tv years of my life. I never missed one show. As much as I wanted to miss The sixth season when Piper and Leo weren't together I didn't even miss that. I love Charmed and I always will no matter what Even before I started writing I've been reading these fan-fiction stories and I've been writing them. Each year I was getting better and better. Finally something hit me and I got the courage to write. Thinking I don't care if people review just seeing my name up there makes me proud that am I an author and a Charmed Fan. I want people to see what I saw in Charmed, my ideas and if you don't like it so what. I'm happy and if you read my stories you can see from it. MY FAVORITE CHARMED SHOWS: SOMETHING WICCA THIS WAY I'VE GOT YOU UNDER MY SKIN THANK YOU FOR NOT MORPHING DEAD MAN DATING WEDDING FROM HELL THE WITCH IS BACK WICCA ENVY FEAST OF CLAY THE WENDIGO FROM FEAR TO ENTERNITY SECRETS AND GUYS IS THERE A WOOGY IN THE HOUSE THAT SEVENTIES EPISODE THE POWER OF TWO LOVE HURTS BLIND SIDED MORALITY BITES GIVE ME A SIGN(FAVORITE) MURPHY'S LUCK(FAVORITE) HOW TO MAKE QUILT OUT OF AMERICANS CHICK FLICK(FAVORITE) BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WITCH FOR THE HONEYMOON'S OVER MAGIC HOUR ONCE UPON A TIME SIGHT UNSEEN(FAVORITE) COYOTE PIPER BLINDED BY THE WHITELIGHTER(FAVORITE) BRIDE AND GLOOM(FAVORITE) JUST HARRIED(FAVORITE) PRE-WITHCED(FAVORITE) SIN-FRANCISCO(FAVORITE) LOOK WHO'S BARKING HELL HATH NO FURY SIZE MATTERS A KNIGHT TO REMEMBER(FAVORITE) MUSE TO MY EARS TRIAL BY MAGIC(FAVORITE) THE FIFTH HALLIWELL(FAVORITE) BITE ME(FAVORITE) LONG LIVE THE QUEEN(FAVORITE) WOMB RAIDER WITCH WAY NOW(FAVOIRTE) HAPPLIY EVER AFTER(FAVORITE) SIRENS SONG(FAVORITE) WITCHES IN TIGHTS A WITCH IN TIME SAM I AM HOUSE CALL(KIND OF FAVORITE) THE DAY MAGIC DIED(FAVORITE) BABY'S FIRST DEMON LUCKY CHARMED CAT HOUSE(FAVORITE) NAUGHTY NYMPHS THE COURTSHIP OF WYATT'S FATHER IT'S A BAD-BAD-BAD-BAD WORLD ONE AND TWO CALL TO MY ARMS ONCE IN A BLUE MOON(FAVORITE) THE SEVENTH YEAR WITCH(FAVORITE) FREAKY PHOEBE CHARMED FOREVER JORDEN'S PRAYLA FOR LIFE...NOW known as Royal Tenacity |