Author has written 2 stories for Naruto. hehehe...officially i am a narutard! LOL. Just got so addicted. Favourite anime/manga: Vampire Game, Naruto, peach girl , Kare Kanohis and her circumstances-and much more! I jsut can't think of them now... Favourite characters: Shikamaru, Nartuo, sasuke, Temari, Illsaide, Ishtar, Kiley, Toji, Yujiin. Favourite Naruto pairings: Naruto/Sakura, shikamaru/Temari, NO INO/SHIKA! sometimes I think some fanfic writers and lazy and they need a quick pairing...and what do you know? Shikamaru and Ino are on the same team so why not put them together! That is rather thoughtless. When in fact, Temari and Shikamaru are BOTH good strategists and have much more in common. INo/Chouji, sasuke/Naru, Sasuke/Sakura, Tenten/Neji aww so cute! Hinata/Kiba, Shino/Ino after i read a really good story called 'Just like Ramen: A Dating Story' Favourite Vampire game pairings: Illsaide/Falan hate Falan/vord, Duzell/Yujiin, Ishtar/Darres, Sharlen/lassen, Lassen/Lailis |