Author has written 2 stories for Sailor Moon. UPDATED: July 24, 2011 SO sorry for not posting, everyone! I've been writing but find Emerge to Reveal in such a dire need of overhaul that I can't bring myself to post anything. Too unhappy with it all the way around. That being said, it has NOT been abandoned in the least. It's being written piece by piece, as is the sequel, AND a Silver Millennium prequel. Trust me; there's a lot of it. :) Other news: I have another story in the works, as well. A warped Crystal Tokyo future fic w/ Neo-Queen Serenity and ... Major Chiba. :D I shall let you chew on that, yes? STAYED TUNED FOR UPDATES. Updated: June 4, 2009 If you really want to know... Alias: Tiger. Female. 19. Music-junkie. Writer. Daydreamer. Has a lack of a job. And a life. History lover. Obsessive love of mythology. Geeky. Unsociable but wants to sociable. Wears glasses. Brunette. Said to be a goody two-shoes. Loves reading: Fantasy, Historical Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Retellings of Fairy Tales. ...and that's about it. For now, at least. |