![]() Author has written 8 stories for Ocean's 11, Step Up, and Life With Derek. Ahh...profile upheaval. What fun :) Anyway, I'm just gonna delete all of this crap that I had up here and you know, leave my charector pairings. Sound good? I thought so :) Charector Pairings: Life with Derek: Casey/Derek Sam/Emily Sheldon/Emily Lizzie/Edwin George/Nora Ralph/Amanda Sam/Sally No Masey though...I strongly dislike Max. Ew. -shudder- Umm...Noel and Sally are kinda cute, but no Derek/Sally or Noel/Casey. Not for me haha. Ocean's 11: Danny/Rusty Basher/OC Danny/Linus? I've never read one, but I can kinda see it happening... CSI: Nick/Greg (Yes, I'm a fan of The Love, and proud of it haha) Warrick/Cath Grissom/Cath Hodges/Wendy (they're cute in a really nerdy way lol) CSI: NY: Don/Danny Danny/Aiden Mac/Stella Mac/Lindsey Bones: Bones/Booth. Duh. I'd have to use echolocation and caveman techniques of reading body language to not get that one lol I WANT a story with this pairing REALLY REALLY bad haha: Bones/Nigel-Murray, the intern. I think they would be cute! :) NCIS: Tony/Gibbs Abby/McGee I just love Ziva in general, but I'm not much for Ziva/Tony Abby/Tony friendship Fast and Furious: This is my new favorite movie :)) Brian/Dom Brian/Mia a little I guess, just because I really like the actress who plays her Harry Potter: Because who doesn't have one of these? Harry/Hermione Blaise/Luna Blaise/Ginny Harry/Ginny Lily/James Sirius/OC Remus/Sirius Oliver/Katie Fred/Angelina George/Alicia National Treasure: NO RILEY/BEN. NO. NO. NOOOO. Ben/Abby is cute thougth Step Up: Blake/Andie :)) FAVORITE PAIRING EVER. POSSIBLY. Nora/Tyler Miles/Lucy Moose/Sophie Twilight: Bella/Jacob (Go Team Jacob! Woooo!) Bella/Jasper Emmett/Rosalie Alice/Jasper Carlisle/Esme Jacob/Leah Sam/Leah Sam/Emily 27 dresses: Jane/Kevin Tess/George Chuck: Chuck/Casey Chuck/Sarah Chuck/Jill Covert Affairs: Annie/Auggie ALL THE WAY. They're absolutely adorable White Collar: Peter/Neal Peter/Neal/Elizabeth Peter/Elizabeth Hughes/Neal (LOL) Alex Rider: Alex/Wolf Emma: Emma/Knightley Frank/Jane Pride and Prejudice: Just love-for any and all couples :) Parks and Recreation: Leslie/Ben Chris/Ann Perkins :) April/Andy April/Ron friendship :) |