![]() Author has written 3 stories for Pirates of the Caribbean, and Doctor Who. Well hey, look at that. it's been almost a year since I was last here. I see I made a note of that date. The last time I'd posted a fanfic was 2008. My last update after that on here was 2013. And now it's just turned 2015. So if you follow me, or have since forgotten about me, yeah. I haven't done much fanfiction since that 2008 stint. I like to make my own stuff - which is why even in every fanfiction I end up doing, I toss in a character of my own. Although to be honest, I think in terms of actual fanfiction I've written, there's only been a total of 5. Rather, I've gotten my own works published. Blood for Wolves is a fractured fairytale based around the Little Red Riding Hood story. Loosely. Heh. But if you like wolves, magic, and a bit of sexy time (who doesn't love sexy time?), then there's a good chance you'll have a good time reading it. Terpsichore's Daughter utilizes the Grimm's story of The Princess in Disguise (sometimes also known as Donkey Skin). It's one of my favorite tales, so to flesh it out into something much bigger was a huge amount of fun. Advenae is for those of you that love science fiction. Action, space travel, and what happens when first contact doesn't go the way you expect it to. And now on to your regularly scheduled info-type stuffs. Check it. Hello all, welcome to my little corner of the fanfic community. I don't post often, but I've read plenty before. Almost got inspired enough to write a SakuraxItachi fanfic once. Can't say I haven't gotten my share of inspiration from this website for stories non-fanfic related. But to get to the point. The Doctor Who fanfic was just one of those things I had to write, end of story. If you like it, then thank you. If not, meh. I'm not aiming for any gold stars here. Recommended music for the Doctor Who fanfics: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. You see, I watched it and then suddenly an idea popped into my head, something that grew to 28 pages. What to do with it? Well, I figured I'd share. I can't really do much else with it. This will probably be the only thing I ever submit to this site as well, since I don't normally use up my time writing fanfics. If people don't like it, I honestly don't care because I'm just putting it out there for the enjoyment of others. Have fun, good times, and all that. The basic idea was this. After that bit in Dead Man's Chest concerning Will, Elizabeth, and Jack (very vague, I know, but this is only in case you haven't seen the movie), I got to thinking about the concept of Elizabeth and Jack as a pairing. I hoped to satisfy my curiousity via this site, and after reading a few pieces, decided that wasn't going to cut it. So then I got to thinking more. As interesting as the pairing between Elizabeth and Jack was, I just couldn't bring myself to take Elizabeth away from Will. He deserved her and I couldn't entirely see her skipping off with Jack, you know? Didn't seem right. I like Will. He's a nice guy. But the fact remained; I had to give Jack some sugar. So I came up with something else... I've decided to forgo the author's notes in the chapters and just slap some stuff in here for Pirates reference: Keep in mind I meant to write this in about 8 pages or so. Flash-bang it so to speak. Even though it ended up larger, that doesn't mean I wasn't still speeding through it. You can comment on the style and such all you like, but this isn't my normal style of writing. Most of this was on the spot as I went, so if I do a lot of showing instead of telling, that's why. I don't think it sucks, and I'm sure many of you won't think so either, but in my personal view and knowing how I work, I can do a lot better. Feel free to review, of course, and besides, there's a good chance I'll send a message back and say thanks and possibly something else that may or may not be stupid. P.S. Figuring out dialogue for Jack was a pain in the ass. I like things to be realistic and to match him was pretty dang tough. The names. Lily and James. Trust me, it wasn't until I was about halfway through this story that I realized that those are the names of Harry Potter's parents. Whoops. Haha. And lastly, I highly recommend the Pirates soundtracks to listen to while reading these. Especially Dead Man's Chest. Or you can just listen to that when not reading. It rules the universe either way. All right, enjoy! Disclaimer for Idiots Who Need A Disclaimer: Anything Pirates of the Caribbean and Doctor Who has nothing to do with me - a.k.a. not my creation. Just the characters of Lily (and even then, her last name does not apply) and Nick. Please Note: YOU AUTOMATICALLY FAIL AT LIFE IF YOU PLAGIARIZE (fanfics even more so - I mean come ON. You have to copy work that uses other work already? Geez.) |