Author has written 5 stories for Animorphs, Myst/Riven, and Harry Potter. Well...umm...first off, I'm Katrina (aka Crazy Pixi). My friend Emily and I joined ff.n back when we were in...8th grade, I think. We pretty much only wrote Animorphs fanfiction, which was always random and pretty humorous. Then my friend Alexis and I started writing other kinds of stories, (like our Riven fic) and I think there were a couple original fiction ones started, but they are lost somewhere in my room back at my parents' house. Now, I'm a junior in college majoring in sociology w/a minor in Japanese studies. I'm also engaged to one of my best friends, my sexy sailor Brandon :) We'll be getting married in fall of 2008! Emily is also a junior in college, majoring in Spanish ed. Lucky Emily is studying in SPAIN this fall! Alexis works full time, I believe as a store manager at McDonalds. I rarely remember about this place. Oops? So...there is a lack of new stories from us, ever. If you have any comments on our stories, or even ideas for new ones...let me know! I would love to start writing stuff for here again. |