Author has written 6 stories for Doctor Who, and Harry Potter. Name: Roisin (Pronounced Rosh-een) Age: 14 Favourite TV: Buffy, Angel, Doctor Who, LOST, Desparate Housewives Books: Eugh, I'm an avid reader, I don't know. Film: Serenity I enjoy 10Rose fanfiction, but also like a good drabble where it's very "Are they/Aren't they?" I also like Jack/Doctor(Be still my slashy heart) and Rose/Mickey is OK too. I actually kind of liked Mcikey, it annoyed me how they always made him the comic relief character. In Angel I like Wesley/Angel because they'd make such a cute couple, and in Buffy I basicaly like anything with Oz in it. Never leave me is on permanent hiatus until further notice, Blind Sight will be updated when I cna be bothered and Daddy's Girl looks like it might be my first completed chapter story! Huzzah!(Balloons and streamers) |