Author has written 2 stories for Death Note, and One Piece.
..: tofuGal
Rawr. And rawr to you again.
Meh? A Korean-mix gal, currently residing in sunneh Singapore. A small, insignificant dot on the map. But it bites =D
Life? I'm a dedicated NPCC provost of Bowen Secondary. It's my last year there..
Kat-chan is your lazy writer. A better manga-ka hellbent on waiting for Hellsing OVA to release here(the listings here are baaaaaaaaaad. Period). Because I have almost minimal originality and almost negative standard in engaging writing..
I've signed up in to look for a collaboration. Yeah. Me draw, you write.
If you're ever interested, know that I do have some experience and standard in cartooning(manga-styled), though my pin-ups and random doodling don't portray much power.. mmkay? And there's always preferences. It's either you want me or not. Don't ask me to try out this, change to that kinda style.. etc. Unless I'm in a good mood and eating bananas. XD
Some art examples..? click in
Ok. What about your requirements for a collab?
Genres -- Preferbly, more onto the adventurous+dramatic theme. Comical relief might be included in some areas, if there ever is a requirement. Prefers darker themes.. using older characters. That means no 'Matt is a 15 yr old vampire who dressed in goth clothing and hated school'. -.-ll Spare me.
I like fantasy. Otherwise, what are graphic novels for? Ordinary life? BAH! Gimme the extra-ordinary!
I like blood. Yes! Fight scenes! Stories might not have to include that, but.. me like. Yeah.
I like Roleplaying. Okay, it's getting off track, but I mean, if you gotta block, roleplay in some specific genre. You'll find yourself overflowing with ideas and writing will proceed as swiftly as a honed fangirl.
Kat-chan -- Prefers older, more ellaborate storylines. Does not really enjoy kids adventures(eg. Cardcaptor Sakura/Zoids).
Prefers something that has good plots. (Think Death Note/FullMetal Alchemist)
Prefers doing stories with adults as protoganists.. (Think Saiyuki Reload/Hellsing)
Doesn't mind straight, not-too bending ones.. (Think Hellsing/Saiyuki Reload/Devil May Cry 3/Chrno Crusade)
Prefers something that isn't high-schoolish. (Think.. um.. Magikster Negi Magi? Or Chobits.)
Is alright with romance to some level. ( .. no hentai. XP )
Mmkay! Enough! I'm off to read & review! Critics away!
Working on completing..
One Piece Fanfiction
One More Assignment It started as a simple job: Deliver some documents then head home. Tashigi didn't bet on it to go hellishly wrong.. How much would Smoker sacrifice in order to save his ensign?
Instead of being killed, Tashigi experiences a much worse outcome- This alone might break her confidence in defending herself, let alone others. So, she is rumoured to be alive with three other marines.. But the Marine HQ don't place much importance in this. Smoker is deliberately off the case to rescue them, but boots their orders anyway!
He forfeits his duty, his rank and his pride in order to save his Ensign. A story of staying alive. A story of Justice.
Not-so-current project. And no. It might not come out a doujinshi after all.
Death Note Fanfiction
Note of Life - Death Gods and Death Note exist to take life from the World. So too exists the Note of Life..
Light Yagami continues his two roles masterfully as L and kira, killing opposers and sinners with his Death Note, alongside Misa Amane and her shinigami eyes. Because he is on the top of the police force, any extra/strange deaths are swiftly detected. But he is blinded to several cases where the near-dying are suddenly alive and kicking..
Rogan Graves is the holder of the Note of Life- contrary to killing people like the Death Note, it raises people from the dead! It seems that he too has the intellect to match Light, and the westerner is out to battle for the seat of Messiah..
Who will end up as Justice?
So.. If its worth anything to you, do pop in a messege with crits, or comments, or.. anything! I'd even love a smack for trying..
I'll be working hard to finish them.