Author has written 10 stories for King of Fighters, StarCraft, Devil May Cry, Sin City, Legend of Zelda, Mega Man, Speed Racer, Silent Hill, Power Rangers, and Call of Duty. Life is good, but allow me to help you enjoy it a little bit more. RenValentine is my current gallery on DeviantART (RS-Valentine being the other). My art is FAR better than my writing, believe you me. A few rules, not that I ought to have to say this...But hey, here I am, in a typing mood so say it I shall. 1. I tend to write with quite a bit of detail, in the style of my literary heroes C.S. Friedman and Stephen King. If you don't like my style, don't tell me about it...That's not constructive. 2. If I spell something like a retard, do tell...I DESPISE spelling errors AAAH! Works catches many of them but things like the 'their' and 'there' SNAFU happen. 3. I write a lot of slashiness. Don't like, don't look. I DO try to warn with ratings and summaries. If it hits you out of nowhere, I apologize but again, don't tell me. I know, I wrote it. 4. I'm a cusser, not too careful about my language...If profanity bothers you, the same applies to this as in number three. I'm very sorry. 5. Violence is paramount in many a story. I don't recall if many of mine on this site have it but they're bound to eventually...Rule three also applies here. 6. This one's not so much a rule as a request. If you add one of my stories to your favorites list, please comment. Even if it's just a 'hey, nice job', that's totally good enough for me. Everyone loves a good pat on the back once in awhile. I make it a point to check the accounts of people who've commented (hencing not a word the reason I've disabled anonymous comments) and who knows? Maybe you'll get a 'long days and pleasant nights' from me. 7. Constructive criticism in my mind is defined as a helpful comment that offers advice to me to improve an error or weakness in my writing (or tell me I spelled 'necessary' wrong). It is not to say 'ew Tassadar isn't gay for Jim Raynor!' First off, yes, he is (hahah, sorry, I'm...Err yeah...) and second, that's not a weakness or flaw, it's a preference. 8. Lastly, since eight is a kickass number (or I can't think of anything else that bugs me), I'd like you not to stop at reading this gobbledigook but go on to read a story or two of mine. Once again, not a rule so much as a request...I'm on my knees here, people!! Naw, kidding. Anywho, long days and pleasant nights... |
flowered (5) | HlfMtlAlchmst (3) | Kioni-chan (19) |