Author has written 6 stories for Ninjago, and Hunger Games. Just to let everyone here know, I am a Christian. My works might end up being Christian, so don't say I didn't warn anyone who might be uncomfortable for any reason. I hope you'll end up liking my reading regardless. I honestly don't know where I'd be without God in my life. I'm just a happy, introverted girl with an abnormal life and a passion for writing. I mostly write Ninjago right now, but I have ideas and hope to one day write for Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Hunger Games, and more! Favorite ninja: Honestly, I love them all. But Zane is my overall favorite. Favorite TV Shows: Lego Ninjago Star Wars Rebels Favorite Movies: Lord of the Rings Inception Star Wars Favorite Song: "I Want To Live" by Skillet Favorite Books: "Mark of the Lion" series by Francine Rivers "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine Lengle Boyfriend? No, I'm completely happy single. Siblings? One, a little sister. She also loves Ninjago. Best friends? Several! Music is awesome, and so is writing! A short message to anyone needing reassurance in their life: You have purpose and meaning to your life. You are unique. You are a beautiful masterpiece that no one can replace. All you have to do is just look at life through a different lens, and you'll begin to see how much people truly do care about you. Any questions you want to ask as to why I believe what I believe? Feel free to PM me. I love to talk to people. This form is inspired from the one I found on Foxfaceisthebest's bio. Tribute Form Name: if the name is complicated, a nickname is best Age: Gender: male or female; it's hard to determine as a writer when the character doesn't even know District: How many times name is in the reaping: take into account that its cumulative each year, and add tesserae if they took it Appearance: Personality: please be as detailed as possible, at least a paragraph. I want to make sure that I'm not writing your tribute wrong. This has happened to me and it's not fun. Background: this is an important part. Because each tribute is an orphan somehow, they each need their own story of what happened to their parents. This will also be revealed to them individually in the arena by the Capitol, so whether intriguing or sympathetic or terrible or boring, they each need a backstory. It's best that they don't remember what made them orphans, but I can play around with things if they do know. This should be the most detailed part of the form. Friends: I don't write romance well, so if love, only platonic Reaction to Quell announcement: Reaped or volunteered: Reaction/reason: Reaping outfit: Thoughts on Capitol: Thoughts on the Games: Token: optional; as orphans, I wouldn't expect many family presents or anything like that Strengths: minimum of 3; but please no complete Mary Sue/Gary Stu's; nobody's perfect, even careers have imperfections Weaknesses: minimum of 4 Fears: minimum of 3, can be random or specific Training strategy: Training score: Preferred weapon: Interview outfit: Interview persona: Suggested character arc: what do you expect your tribute to accomplish by the end of the story, what do they learn if they learn anything? This will help me with writing each character to be unique and interesting. Training strategy: Games strategy: would they risk it for a weapon from the cornucopia? Would they run or fight if they ran into a tribute? Would they hunt for opponents or wait it out? Again, specific. Allies: yes or no, can be a maybe Preferred death: Preferred placement: Why should your tribute win: I want to know your thoughts. What makes your tribute worthy of the title of Victor? Tributes for a Reborn Hope: D1 Male: D1 Female: Agamani "Ani" Vita- That one ace popsicle stick D2 Male: D2 Female: D3 Male: D3 Female: D4 Male: D4 Female: D5 Male: D5 Female: D6 Male: D6 Female: D7 Male: D7 Female: D8 Male: Chester Patton- OnceInRed D8 Female: Henrietta "Henri" Bunting- Semi Serious D9 Male: D9 Female: D10 Male: D10 Female: D11 Male: D11 Female: D12 Male: D12 Female: |