Author has written 9 stories for Lethal Weapon. Hello! I enjoy writing – it’s for my own fun and pleasure. I am a visual artist, not a writer. However, I think that exercising my creativity in any field can only help and I always did like to write. That being said, although I don't plan on doing it professionally, constructive criticism and reviews of any kind are always very welcome. I may only be writing for fun but I still want it to be good and enjoyable for those reading! Unfortunately, my updates can be erratic and I find that I obsessively edit myself, making it even longer before I feel a chapter is ready to go up, but if you follow a story, hang in there because if I start publishing it here, no matter the time that has passed, it will not be abandoned! I am a huge movie buff but don't have the time or desire to watch a lot of TV. In fact, I don’t even have a TV at this point. Besides, I like movies because I find since there isn't as much canon material, it is easier to create my own vision. Although it is an older universe, I stay focused on writing Lethal Weapon stories. The situations that can be discovered are endless, you can incorporate everything from goofball humor to angst, the relationship between Riggs and Murtaugh is just simply one of the best that has ever been created and I just love all the characters -- from the two detectives right down to the Murtaugh kids... I want to stay true to the original source material, so I try to write the characters of Riggs and Murtaugh the way that creator Shane Black envisioned them, which means the canon I follow comes from only LW1 and LW2, as those were the only ones Shane Black wrote. Anything beyond LW2 is fair game for my creativity. There are still laughs and sometimes the very silly story, but overall usually a bit more hard-edged. In their own different ways both men are conflicted characters -- especially Riggs, who underneath the humor and nonchalant attitude, is for a lot of reasons, an obviously very messed up guy ... When I watched the movies, I just found many stories suddenly filling my brain and I had to start getting them out and that's how I ended up here. I have massive story arcs that encompass a wide time frame -- some taking place long before the events of the first movie and going through to at least Roger’s retirement. Although some of these stories will build on one another, I do plan on writing them so that they are still able to work as stand-alone pieces. I know they have a TV show now, which I think is a testament to the original films and it's great that after all this time, they decided it would be interesting enough to create a weekly show. But again, my writings come from the movies, so if you came wandering over here from the TV show, there are some differences... a dead wife named Vicky, Riggs is a Vietnam Special Forces/CIA assassin, different time frame, etc. Enjoy! |