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Joined 03-26-06, id: 1015747, Profile Updated: 01-20-16
Author has written 1 story for Star Fox.

So hey - I've taken the Designs Of Doom/Chaotic Defense series down. This is not about anything dramatic, or anything like that, but because the "something big" I mentioned is coming closer and closer. I have a few reasons, and they're incredibly good ones, I think:

-I'll be sending the first installment of Architects Of The Illusion, the original series that became of the old Starfox fanfic series Designs Of Doom/Chaotic Defense, to publishers as soon as this month. I don't want them googling around, finding one of the three places I've hosted the SF series, and thinking I stole some characters (from myself.) Who wants a potential deal sullied by something as dumb as that?
-Potential contract concerns. Because some parts of Architects may end up similar to the old SF series, even if it's since moved far away from what it was, I could get in real trouble if that turned out to retroactively be a breach of contract.
-A much more practical concern, and that's that I don't want future fans finding and discussing spoilers several years before they're published.

I absolutely don't mind people knowing that Architects started out as a Starfox fanfic, because hell, that gives me a kind of authenticity that I think is a requisite to write stories like this: by-gamers, for-gamers (and many others). What I do mind is fans of Architects finding the SF fanfics online and getting spoiled for stuff several years before I publish it.

I'm not going to delete the SF versions from my harddrive, because I attach too much nostalgic value to them to really let them go forever. Hell, I even still have some of the earliest incarnations (circa early 2002) of what would be reworked and reworked and reworked until it eventually became Architects...and it's awesomely terrible in its earliest state, so I'd never get rid of that [nostalgic, heart-warming] laugh riot anyway.

I will say this about the SF version, that series of fan-novels that bricked up a massive part of my teenhood, though - it's been fun. Incredibly fun. And without Designs Of Doom/Chaotic Defense, there will have been no Architects.

So credit where it's due.

(Long-overdue update: The first two novels in the new series are out in paperback and Kindle versions, but this site has never let us put links into the profiles, so just google Architects Of The Illusion and you should be golden.)

(Also, if you email me from this site, I won't receive it; the email address tied to this account is from the dawn of time and I don't have access to it any more.)

Trapped In Time reviews
The events of Star Fox Adventures in the Saurian civil war, as told through the eyes of the adventurous blue vixen. One shot fic.
Star Fox - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,609 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 2 - Published: 4/9/2006 - Krystal - Complete