Sinful Professor
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Joined 12-24-17, id: 10147710, Profile Updated: 01-25-20
Author has written 2 stories for Big Hero 6.



I am the twisted underbelly of science. The science of smut and shipping. Of sex and debauchery. Of lust and agony. Desire and irony...

I am the Sinful Professor.


Name: Sinful Professor

Age: Legal

Gender: Fluid

Race: Near human/humanoid omnipotent being

Alignment: Theoretically dominant pansexual

Unlike others of the "Sinful" archetype, there's almost nothing I won't write about besides scat, vomit, and loli/shota under the age of 10. Everything else is fair game unless I veto it otherwise. We humans should bask, mosh, and rejoice in our sleaziness. At least as long as it isn't hurting others in a measurable and irreversible way. {{Which fanfiction is not. So HAH! Oh, and no loopholes. You do EVERYTHING in this world at your own risk. No exceptions.}}

On the topic of futa vs dick girl vs herm and others:

While others may have different opinions or 'rules' for this, my definitions are as follows.

Futa: A female baseline with both a penis and a vagina. There are a few variations, nobody can seem to decide how the penis forms, whether they have balls, where the balls are, or if they can get pregnant or can impregnate others. They can be of any size genitalia, but, unfortunately, they are typically either portrayed as large {at least 7" length by 6" girth, usually bigger} or small {at most 5" length and 4.5" girth, usually smaller}

Dick Girl: A female with a penis and balls instead of a vagina. They can get others pregnant. Any penis size is portrayed, but they're usually more realistic than futas.

Cunt Boy: A male with a vagina. Can get pregnant.

Hermaphrodite: Either a male or female with both sets of genitals. Has balls. Can both get pregnant AND impregnate others. Same rules for Dick Girls apply to their penis size.

Transgender: I almost don't want to crack this open, but, for the sake of EXPLANATION ONLY, it is someone who was born as the opposite sex to the one they feel they are, and they attempt to transition to the other by trying to look like them. Surgery can be done to assist this, such as 'making' a vagina out of a penis, or adding breast implants, or doing a breast reduction. In any case, they are still 100% genetically the sex they were born as regardless, and also don't typically have any 'oddities' like the above 4.

Intersex: Those born with the incorrect chromosomes and/or genitals for their appearance. Usually causes hormonal problems once puberty is reached. May also have other issues. Dick Girl, Cunt Boy, and Hermaphrodite are literally possible IRL because of this, so this is more for the scientific part of the topic than the porn/smut/hentai part.

Trap/Sissy/Femboy: A male character who appears very feminine and may dress/act {or be forced to dress and/or act} feminine and/or submissive as well. Can also be any of the other archetypes above.

Butch/Tomboy: The opposite of a Trap/Sissy/Femboy. A masculine looking female who may dress/act as so. Usually less ridiculed and more 'cool'. Also usually a dominant/dominatrix type. Can also be any of the other archetypes above.

Crossdresser: Literally anyone who dresses as the opposite sex and attempts to look the part regardless of how they appear naturally. {Which just barely distinguishes this from Butch/Tomboy and Trap/Sissy/Femboy. But also because people do this for fun and there are even competitions for it rather than it being an entirely smut/porn/hentai based terminology and theme.}

And... I think we covered everything on this. Moving on.

Stories in progress:


Half-baked ideas:

Kevonnie one-shot/two-shot {Steven Universe}

"""Writers, what happens to our stories when we die? The question is a little out of the blue I know. It started when I decided to make a story called 'Lost Stories', where I find, revive, and finish the unfinished, forgotten stories left behind.

I got angry, wondering why anyone would just stop a story, without warning or indication that its been stopped. Then I got a chill when I realized that some people don't finish their stories because they... die...

Then I started wondering 'what would happen to my stories if I died?' I mean, I'm a spirit of course, but even spirits pass on eventually...

So, consider this the last will and testament of the Spirit of Sinful Nature. If any of my stories go six months without an update, send a PM to ask for the rights of the story. If you don't get a reply within three months, the story is yours to take and finish in your own way.

That's my two cents on that. Here's to hoping this spirit keeps on writing for many years to come!"""

This quote is from my friend Sinful Nature, and I feel exactly the same way! Share this and post it on your profiles if you do, too!

This is a post I made on a YouTube theory about Sardonyx knowing she was a fictional character. It's also a dump for a theory I've had rattling around in my head since I was about 14 or 15, but I didn't wanna edit it into it's own thing because I'm lazy, so I'm giving you this A/N to understand the context.

But what says their universe is fictional?

Perhaps 'universe' isn't the word we should be using, though. I like to use the word "Realm" for any 'fictional' sort of universe.

I actually have several theories for this kind of stuff, too.

One basically states that the Realms are indeed fictional. Whenever someone from OUR Realm {the "Realm of Reality"} thinks something up, a Realm is formed to contain it, any deviations{Like fanfiction, edits to canon or orginal script, reboots, etc}, and any 'different action' alternate universe. {{look up the 'many worlds' theory of alternate universes. Says that every choice or decision or event has limitless different paths and alternate outcomes, and therefore an alternate universe is created/exists to play out every tiny, minute change.}} The second is similar. Realms are separated based on being 'fictional' universes, only they aren't 'fictional' universes at all, and we didn't create them. They created themselves, came out of nowhere, or [if you prefer] were formed by a god, deity, or other force for whatever purposes. The only reason WE see them as 'fictional' is because the creators have visions, thoughts, ideas, dreams, or any other kind of inclination or inspiration coming FROM these universes/Realms [or the god that made them/us/everything, if you prefer] somehow. The third theory abolishes the whole 'Realm' idea and basically takes the 'many worlds' theory to a whole other level, stating that because there are simply SO MANY possibilities for every minute change of every little teeny tiny action, that it's possible for these others RADICALLY different worlds to actually exist naturally without being as fictional as WE believe they are. Even ones that are [at the same time] both incredibly close AND radically different. {{I.E iRobot, TRON, everything from the MCU, everything from Pixar if you believe in the "Pixar Theory", etc.}} The fourth theory is basically the same as the third theory, only using 'branes' as the basis, instead of 'many worlds'. The hybrid 3-4 theory is literally that. A combination of 'branes' and 'many worlds' to get the 'it's a fictional universe' result. The fifth theory is that everything IS fictional, but it's powered by pocket-dimensions/sub-dimensions in our minds. I'm not very grounded on this one since I literally just thought it up to add it to the list and pull it out to 5 theories.

Anyone's welcome to examine, theorize, philosophize, add to, elaborate, or critique this if they want.


Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Hidden Desires
Months and Months of looking at your roommate in class and wanting to ravage her will do things to you. When Honey Lemon gets desperate she finds out she wasn't the only one with Hidden Desires. Femslash Oneshot. Rated M for a reason. Don't be reading this, kiddies.
Big Hero 6 - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,618 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 4 - Published: 1/25 - [GoGo Tomago, Honey Lemon] - Complete
BIG Surprises
Story 1:: They've been together for months and have done everything that doesn't involve stuff below the belt. After a nice dinner, some wine, and coaxing though, Honey manages to give Gogo a BIG Surprise. Story 2:: Gogo has been friends with Honey for almost 2 years. But alone with her in the lab one night, Gogo decides to make her move, giving Honey a Big Surprise.
Big Hero 6 - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,532 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 3 - Published: 1/25 - [GoGo Tomago, Honey Lemon] - Complete