Author has written 23 stories for Starsky and Hutch. Aloha Everyone, Well I finally decided to do this profile thingy after having nearly 400 hits to this empty page. Sorry guys . . . just never got around to doing this, but that's all changed now right? I guess it's better late, than never . . . Okay . . . let's see . . . what would you like to know? Well . . . I live in Hawaii (that's pretty obvious) and it's very sunny and beautiful here on the islands. Life is expensive, but good. Colorful rainbows, walks along a moonlit beach, palm trees swaying in the wind . . . the typical picture postcard things you see on TV . . . that is Hawaii, but we don't live in grass huts anymore. Sorry to disappoint you folks. grin. I live on the island of 'Oahu, which is nicknamed, "The Gathering Place." Each of Hawaii's main eight islands have their nicknames. Most of the lush, tropical scenes you see in the movies have been shot on the island of Kau'ai and that island's nickname is called "The Garden Isle". Very appropriate don't you think? The island where Pele, our volcano goddess makes her home, is called Hawaii (also the name of our state) or "The Big Island." since it is our biggest island . . . see how creative we Hawaiians are? still grinning Okay, now on to me . . . hmmm . . . let's see . . . I am an elementary school teacher, a wife to a wonderful man named Ross, and a mother of two little girls who really hate the fact that I write fan fiction. They always complain that Starsky and Hutch has stolen their mommy. I discovered fan fiction about nine months ago when I wrote my first story called, "Murder Ward Revisited," in answer to a challenge posted by my buddy Wuemsel on Elisa Valero's web page. Eli, by the way, is another very dear friend and she was the first lovely person I made contact with in this wonderful fandom. I was so scared to post the story, unsure and hesitant about its quality that I sat on it for a few weeks before my husband encouraged me to send it to Elisa. I took his advice, and the rest, as they say, is history! Ta-dah! So . . . to all of you out there who have written a piece, but is too scared to post . . . my advice to you is, "Just Go For It!" I just want to thank all of you who have taken the time to read and review the little stories I've posted. It certainly means a lot to me. Despite the dark tales that I sometimes weave, I really am an easy person to get to know and I hope that one day, I will get to know each and every one of you. Mahalo (thank you) for your sweet words of encouragement and support. Your warmth and kindness never fails to lift my spirits. Much love and aloha, Shawne til Dawn |