Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges
A forum made to provide challenges for HP fanfiction writers who need inspiration, a cure for writers block or just want a challenge! We're all really really nice, not to mention insane 0.0, so come on in and join the fun! :D
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She who is made of stars

Hello! My name is Rose and I have an alcohol problem a challenge for you guys.

Basically, there are ten categories, each with ten prompts. The goal is to complete as many categories as possible and eventually the whole challenge. You can use the prompts in a random order; you don't have to complete a category before starting on another or anything. It's not a competition, there is no deadline, so you can write whenever you want.


- Please interpret the prompts however you like! 'Red' could just be about the colour, but you could also write about communism. Be original!

- Anything is allowed, but please post a warning with your story if it contains things that are considered disturbing by many people – say, (cous)incest, lemons, self-harm or things like that.

- You may combine prompts, but only in separate categories. For example, writing about a rainbow does not count as completing half the colour-category, but you can combine Amortentia with Obsession if you want to. I personally think it's fun to write a separate piece for each prompt, but you could also challenge yourself and write ten stories to complete the whole thing, or something in between those.

- Drabbles, one-shots, multi-chapters and anything you can think of is allowed, but you must have more than 200 words - the more the better, of course.

- No pre-written entries, please. There is no deadline, this is no contest, so you have all the time in the world to write something new.

- You may combine this with as many other challenges as you like.

I will try to read and review everything entered. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask - I don't bite, I just playfully nibble.

7/7/2013 . Edited 7/8/2013 #1
She who is made of stars


1. Red

2. Green

3. Blue

4. Yellow

5. Purple

6. Black

7. Orange

8. Grey

9. Brown

10. Pink


1. Protego

2. Expelliarmus

3. Morsmordre

4. Obliviate

5. Lumos

6. Reducto

7. Alohomora

8. Imperio

9. Accio

10. Fiendfyre


1. Amortentia

2. Felix Felicis

3. Polyjuice Potion

4. Veritaserum

5. Draught of the Living Death

6. Murtlap Essence

7. Skele-gro

8. Wolfsbane Potion

9. Dreamless Sleeping Draught

10. Antidote to Common Poisons


1. Veela

2. Thestral

3. Giant

4. Basilisk

5. Dragon

6. Acromantula

7. House-Elf

8. Nargle

9. Dementor

10. Centaur


1. Jealousy

2. Hate

3. Obsession

4. Friendship

5. Loyalty

6. Love

7. Curiosity

8. Determination

9. Distrust

10. Confusion


1. Amethyst

2. Onyx

3. Emerald

4. Rose Quartz

5. Pyrite

6. Ruby

7. Clear Quartz

8. Garnet

9. Jasper

10. Lapis-Lazuli


1. Ministry of Magic

2. St. Mungo's

3. Hogwarts

4. A Quidditch Team

5. Dumbledore's Army

6. Azkaban

7. Wool's Orphanage

8. The Death Eaters

9. The Order of the Phoenix

10. Durmstrang or Beauxbatons


1. Wand

2. Cauldron

3. Broomstick

4. Pensieve

5. Portkey

6. Anti-Cheating Quill

7. Howler

8. Wizarding Chess Set

9. Floo Powder

10. Enchanted Picture


1. Mask

2. Necklace

3. Paintbrush

4. Stuffed Animal

5. Letter

6. Balloon

7. Dagger

8. Duct-tape

9. Candle

10. Flower


1. Smart

2. Pretty

3. Quick

4. Safe

5. Sarcastic

6. Broken

7. Automatic

8. Sweet

9. Bitter

10. Sudden

7/7/2013 . Edited 7/7/2013 #2
Ok I'm in :)
7/7/2013 #3
Runaway Renegades

I'm in :)

7/7/2013 #4
yellow 14

I shouldn't. Really, I shouldn't. But I am. I'm in

7/7/2013 #5

I'm in :)

7/8/2013 #6
Aim. Reach. Increase

I'm in!

7/9/2013 #7
Aim. Reach. Increase

Can we comply them all into one collection?

7/9/2013 #8

I'm in! c:

7/9/2013 #9

I'm in :)

7/9/2013 #10

Sounds like fun. I'm in! :)

7/9/2013 #11

In :)

7/9/2013 #12

Ministry of Magic: Revelations

Warnings: dark!fic, dark!Harry, dark!Draco, slash

7/9/2013 #13

Sounds super cool, I will definitely give this a go! Thanks for posting this challenge!


7/9/2013 #14

veritaserum: my heart calls to you

warnings: slash

7/10/2013 #15

confused: Grain Patterns

7/11/2013 #16
Ooh! I'm so in! :D
7/11/2013 #17

I'm in too. :)

Just a quick questoin; can we do something like this? Just with each segment 200 words and over for it to adhere to the word limit? (I know it's a Digimon fic but I don't have any HP examples...)

7/12/2013 #18
She who is made of stars

@ReadAndLive, yes, of course (: Sorry that it took me so long to reply, I didn't see your message there.

@reminiscent-afterthought, that's perfectly okay. You need at least 200 words per prompt, and it's fine to put them in one chapter if you want to.

7/13/2013 . Edited 7/13/2013 #19

Okay, thanks.

7/13/2013 #20

bitter: Lover

Warnings: slight slash, AU

7/13/2013 #21

Orange - The Greatest Secret

7/17/2013 #22
Aim. Reach. Increase

http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/9500240/1/Ten-Times-Te n-Equals-A-Hundred


7/17/2013 #23

Hey, here's my entry for Institution - St. Mungo's The Boy Who Suffered

7/17/2013 #24

cauldron: Potions Classes and Herbology Tutorials

Warnings: slash, au

7/17/2013 #25

Basilisk: Legacy

7/17/2013 #26
I'm in too - no due date, right?
7/17/2013 #27

I know this only adding to my enormous workload, but I'm in. :D

7/17/2013 #28
The Crownless Queen

I'm in :)

7/17/2013 #29

Definitely in!

7/17/2013 #30
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