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my first story:

title of story: wolves of fate

summary: when Bella and her brothers move to the small inconsequential town of forks , everything is not what it seems .Forks filled with vampires and shapeshifters now welcomes another supernatural family - the swans. Now Bella must overcome the difficulties of life,school,love,brothers and more... but how will Bella cope with being a different species in the supernatural world? AU - rewrite of twilight, with additional themes.

pairing: Bella and Jacob

Rating: T

Additional information: The story has the same plot line as twilight e.g. Bella moves to forks, goes to high school, meets the Cullens car crash but the plot will change as the story goes on, for instance as you saw in the summary she is not ' human ' technically and she has brothers. There will also be more characters introduced in the story, for example, shapeshifters that are not Wolves. The story is still in progress and will be updated regularly if people actually read it.

3/26/2013 #781

Title of the story: Freed at last.

Summary: Claire's life is not so great. It turns out that the people around her, her family and her loved ones cannot be trusted after all. But after she ran away from home and Aunt Emily took her in, she learns about family, friendship and most of all trust! and also learns that the world is not such a cruel place. this story contains jacob/Bella pairing, mild violence and language. AU.

Pairing: Quil and Claire ( no romance but instead friendship ) Claire also falls for Jacob's son but quickly regrets it.

Rating: M for language and lime

Additional Info: This story does contain abuse and also Claire and quil don't have and a romantic relationship due to Claire being too young at the age of only 14. The story is still in progress and rating may change if needed. category: Hurt/Comfort/Friendship, Published: 1/1/2013, chapter updates once or twice a week.

3/26/2013 #782

Title of the story: Memories

Summary: Fred deals with the aftermath of Bree's death and is plagued by hallucinations that keep telling him to move on. Will he listen to them or will he stay where he is?

Pairings: Fred/Bree and Fred/Maggie

Rating: T

Additional Info: Very angsty. First Fred/Bree but then becomes Fred/Maggie. Complete.

7/2/2013 #783
Xx The Lone Wolf xX


Title: Dead of Night

Author: currsedangel

Category: Supernatural & Horror

Rating: T

Summary: Nearly a year after Edward left Bella she moves back to Phoenix with her mother. She thinks things can't possibly get any worse after losing the love of her life but she is very wrong. The world as she knew it is very different. A disease breaks out and has swept the globe causing the dead to rise and feed on the living. Will the Cullens be able to save her from the outbreak or will she be forced to fend for herself?

Link: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/9470387/1/Dead-of-Nigh t

8/10/2013 #784

Title: Memories

Pairing: Fred/Bree, Fred/Maggie

Rating: T

Status: Complete

Summary: Fred deals with the aftermath of Bree's death and is plagued by visions of Bree that keep telling him to move on. Will he listen to them or will he stay where he is?

Warnings: Angst. Also a bit dark.

Link: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/9445404/1/Memories

9/12/2013 . Edited 9/12/2013 #785

Title:: Searching

Pairing:: Embry Call/ OC hybrid imprint/ Felix Volturi

Rating:: T

Status:: In progress. Currently 22 chapters (97,518 words)

Summary:: "I wasn't like this before. Ever. I was never a clumsy person. I wasn't even that shy! But somehow Embry Call had managed to turn me into a complete and total mess." May Miller is half vampire, half human. She has just reached maturity at 8 years old, being physically 18. Soon vampires from all around the world are hunting her down. She flees her home in Europe and end up meeting the Cullens along with the wolf pack. Embry Call seems to be drawn to her and Renesmee becomes her best friend. Just when May's life seems to be getting better, more vampires arrive in forks with a secret vendetta. The two wolf packs are in dispute as Sam wishes to retire phasing and this leads Embry to once again question who his father is. Just when it couldn't get any worse, the Volturi arrive and Felix is assigned to protect May. (Embry x hybrid OC imprint x Felix)

Warnings:: Mild swearing in later chapters

Other:: I'm in it for the long haul. I expect this story to be a long one with a sequel in the future! A longer read with an average of 5,000 words per chapter once it gets flowing. Adventurous, suspenseful plot with a lot of action and drama in store. Some romance, but I am taking it slow and not rushing. Imprint story. Hybrid story. No beta, but I'd like to think that my writing doesn't need a beta (hopefully). I try to keep the chapters free of typos and grammatical mistakes.

Link:: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/8773421/1/Searching

9/14/2013 #786
Merida Jane

Title: Becoming Renesmee

Link: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/9064817/1/Becoming-Ren esmee

Summary: Rejected by the cold arms of her hating father Edward, young Renesmee reaches her breaking point and runs away to avoid further blame for Bella's death. They meet again years later, but this time she is the loving and kind-hearted Carlie Masen. Can she keep her identity a secret while proving worthy of her father's love, or will she expose it trying to save her family?

Rating: T

Pairing: Renesmee/Edward

Status: In progress

Other: Edward cannot read her mind and no Jacob and Renesmee imprinting.

9/29/2013 #787
A. M. Brossart

Link: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/9481960/1/The-Undying

Title: The Undying

Author: andimarie

Summary: When you're the Volturi's secretary, your greatest challenge is staying alive. After accepting the position, Dahlia decides that she will do whatever it takes to survive. But the longer she stays, the deeper she sinks. Once you're in, there's no getting out.

Genre: Drama

Rating: M (for violence, language, and some sexual content, but nothing too extreme)

Status: In Progress

Notes: Although their new secretary is a central character, this story is about the entire coven, focusing on the power struggles that exist both inside and outside of the coven. In this story, which takes place roughly 20 years after the Twilight series ended, Aro has entered into an alliance with the mayor of Volterra, which brings both new opportunities and new conflicts.

10/15/2013 #788
Title:: Related to a Vampire ---- Pairing:: Jacob/oc ---- Rating:: Teen for some details of medical nature. ----- Status:: complete!!! ----- Summary:: A fatal disease has sent Candis running to Forks. Hiding behind so many things, her new cousin sees right through her. Will a new love be the way to finally heal her or will fate take a turn for the worse? ------ Warnings:: Only warning is if you're sensitive to cancer situations or blood. Be cautioned ------ Other:: I originally wrote this story years and years ago I've re written it since then. ----- Link:: fanfiction.net/s/8730401/1/Related-to-a-Vampire
11/6/2013 #789
Merida Jane

Title: Becoming Renesmee

Pairing: Edward/Renesmee

Author: meridajane

Rating: T

Status: In Progress

Category: Twilight

Other: Not your typical Renesmee

Summary: Rejected by the cold arms of her hating father Edward, young Renesmee reaches her breaking point and runs away to avoid further blame for Bella's death. Their paths cross again years later, but this time she is the loving and kind-hearted Carlie Masen. Can she keep her identity a secret while proving worthy of her father's love or will she expose it trying to save her family?

Warning: Some scenes might make you cry from what I've heard.

Link: /s/9064817/1/Becoming-Renesmee

4/15/2014 #790
hello! i heard there was a spot on this forum to post lost stories. I read this story like last year. It was Edward/Bella pairing and I can't remember the rating. Edward was a teachers assistant and Bella was his student. I think it was literature or something because they always talked about Shakespeare and his books and sonnets. I can't remember if there was a sequel though. if anyone knows what story I'm talking about, or the author, please let me know? thank you so much!!
7/1/2014 #791

Please can you guys check out my Twilight fanfic! Please!

Title:: I'm not Sick, I'm Okay

Pairing:: Bella/Edward

Rating:: T

Status:: Not yet.

Summary:: "I'm not sick. I don't belong here. I'm okay. I am NOT crazy." 18 year old Bella has spent her entire life surrounded by these voices. After a serious meltdown, her parents decide to send her to an insane asylum against her will where she makes an unlikely friendship. But the real question is, is she really hearing these voices or is it something more... supernatural?

Warnings:: Not sure yet.

Link:: /s/10621562/1/I-m-not-Sick-I-m-Okay

8/18/2014 #792
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