Digimon RPG: Left Behind
The Parasimon ended... but different. Gallantmon Crimson Mode's Crimson Light, caused something unexpected. He, and Sakuyamon have been dragged into the collapsing portal... the walls of the dimension broke, and the sovereigns needed to channel their power, to seal them. Now, there is no way to get back. The gaps in the dimensional walls are closed... forever...
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Omnimon sat in the meeting room, thinking.

12/21/2012 #271

Alphamon joined him.

"What we saw indeed is a reason to be worried... I just hope Gallantmon'll have more luck with his task... Omnimon, can you handle everything?"

12/21/2012 #272

"You mean watching that area? I hope I can..." Omnimon said, recalling how helpless he felt inside those dark waters...

12/21/2012 #273

"Remember that MetalSeadramon's troops are there too... I think they can handle the most alone, just take a look every now and then."

12/21/2012 #274

Omnimon nodded. "I hate to admit this... but those waters made me feel as week as a baby... that shouldn't be happening to me..." he frowned.

12/21/2012 #275

"I can assure you, that you are just feeling this way. Your power still is strong enough to take most digimon... but I'm not sure, if that what is inside this water, is even a digimon..."

12/21/2012 #276

Omnimon nodded. "I don't think it is a Digimon... but what is it than?"

12/21/2012 #277

"Maybe a creature similar to the Reaper... who caused the almost complete destruction of the southern quadrant..." Alphamon said, not refering to the D-Reaper as Great Chaos, or True Enemy...

12/21/2012 #278

"It alone almost destroyed everything... would we be ready for something possibly stronger and smarter?" Omnimon worried.

12/21/2012 #279

"I honestly don't know... but whatever is in there, it remains passive, not attacking the outside... I'm more worried about the task I assigned to Gallantmon..."

12/21/2012 #280

"Wasn't he supposed to find the X-Antibody? You don't think it has anything to do with the Dark Waters do you?" Omnimon stared.

12/21/2012 #281

"Yes, that is his task... But I don't think the Dark Waters have anything to do with the corrupted X-Digimon..."

12/21/2012 #282

"Corrupted how?" Omnimon blinked at the emphasis.

12/21/2012 #283

"Do you honestly think that every X-Antibody is evil?"

12/21/2012 #284

"No I don't... eh... neither of smaller forms does either... you know how am basically two Digimon mushed into one, so it's basically like two becoming one but both my ... 'sides' so to speak... don't think that they all are evil, just have a wrecked sense of humor..." Omnimon explained.

12/21/2012 #285

Alphamon nodded.

"I sent Gallantmon to locate the X-Rebells and the source of this corruption..."

12/21/2012 #286

"Are you sure he can handle it? He's still pretty young..." Omnimon sighed.

12/21/2012 #287

"He has more inside him then you would admit. I have respect for all of you, but if I wouldn't have decided for you to lead the Royal Knights while I'm not here, I would have declared him the leader..."

12/21/2012 #288

"Are you saying that I underappriate him or something?" Omnimon got up, hurt. He sighed and walked away to his room.

"The area will be protected don't worry..." he said, in a much more emotionless tone.

(Ouch! for Omnimon xD :D)

12/21/2012 #289

"Omnimon!" Alphamon said in a strict voice "I didn't say that. But you are judging him just after his age, and not after what he has done."

(lol xD)

12/21/2012 #290

"I'm not... I'm just worried for his safety." Omnimon said. "You shouldn't judge everything I say that harshly..." he said, now in a much colder tone as he vanished from view.

(Cold tone Omnimon = Bad xD)

12/21/2012 #291

Alphamon shook his head, sighing.

'So much changed since I left...' he thought.

12/21/2012 #292

Omnimon was now outside, thinking.

"Why do they all treat me like the monster in the group?" he wondered. "Can't I worry about the others?" he sighed as he walked around for a while.

12/21/2012 #293

Alphamon headed to his chamber, sighing again.

The joy over what he had found earlier, now darkened.

12/21/2012 #294

Omnimon waited outside, not ready to face anyone yet.

12/21/2012 #295
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