Nikita: The Days After Division
Nikita, Michael, Alex, Owen and Birkhoff have successfully taken down Division in this RP. Amanda is locked behind bars for good and Percy is dead, along with the black boxes. Although one threat is gone, another remains and has gained power: Gogol.
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Newfi Girl

Here is where you can create any new characters that you'd like to involve in the story. Since this RP is a little twist on things, many characters are accepted. Since Nikita is commonly known as the best assassin and Michael was her trainer, no one needs to be better than the two. Since it is Gogol that we are dealing with now though, there can be VERY close matches. There won't be any easy wins in this RP. Birkhoff still needs to be the best Tech. 'Nerd', but according to Owen, the Gogol Tech. people could give Birkhoff a run for his money, so they can be close to having all of Birkhoff's skills.

OC relationships with Canon characters are allowed, but need to be accepted by the people who are playing the Canon characters. I will tell you that I'm a Mikita shipper through and through, but I'm willing to play around and have different love interests for Nikita. No relationship is perfect, so Nikita and Michael are sure to have their tiffs.


Full Name:




Eye Tint(s):

Skin Tone:

Hair Color(s):


Body Type:

Racial Ethnicity (Bulgarian, Caucasian, African American, Russian, etc.):

If you have a relation to Gogol, what is it?:

If you have a relation to any of the Canon characters, what is it?:

Common Clothing:

Anything Else?:

12/20/2011 . Edited 12/20/2011 #1

was thinking we can just remove what I had of her on the water, things were to fast passed. We can just bring her in where we think we will need her.

Full Name: Jillian Marie Thomas

Nickname(s):Jill, Thomas, Tommy

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Eye Tint(s): Green

Skin Tone: Pale

Hair Color(s): Brunette

Height: 5'3"

Body Type: "boyish" average chest size, flatter rear-end, thin middle

Racial Ethnicity (Bulgarian, Caucasian, African American, Russian, etc.): Caucasian

If you have a relation to Gogol, what is it?: Former Division Agent whose loyalties lay with Amanda. She had gotten in a ruff spot with Gogal and now is contained in one of the prison-esque cells among Alex and Niki.

If you have a relation to any of the Canon characters, what is it?: Hopefully romantic relationship with Owen, he seems so lonely and it would defiantly loosen him up.

Common Clothing: (Face claim and outfit styles)


Anything Else?: Nothing I can think of.

8/19/2013 #2
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