Hello hello! I wrote this during Christmas break and wasn't going to upload it until I've updated my other story but excitement got the best of me. :)) Let me know what you think! ;)

I feel it. Every time he comes near. I feel it.

That nostalgic feeling. Like I've known him for so long. But he seems so far away when really, he's just across my apartment.

506. It's the number inscribed in gold across his apartment door. And I'm staring at it like it's about to fly towards me. I've been standing in this very spot for almost five minutes now.

Suddenly, the door flies open. And he's there. With his toothbrush between his teeth. Eyes squinting from the sudden brightness of the hall of the building. Hands scratching his golden hair. Then he stops. He now fixes his gaze on me. And I become frozen even more than I was. The feeling is there again. Nostalgic. I resist the urge to touch him. His face. His hair. He blinks and I clearly see the green pigment of his eyes. So clear like soft grass from the meadow.

"Can I help you?" he speaks and my thoughts melt like ice cream. I stumble to find the right words. "Have you been standing there long?" he says. I clear my throat and avert my eyes.

"Uhh, no. I was—umm, waiting for someone. I wasn't… just standing." I immediately walk away from him. But my feet weren't cooperating very well with my thoughts and I take a nose dive to the ground. I hit my chin hard on the red carpeted floor. I hear him chuckle.

"You okay there?"

I quickly get back up and dust off the dirt from my jeans. I force my head to nod then rush to my apartment door. That was the first time I ever talked to him and I've never been so embarrassed my entire life. I pace back and forth across the room thinking what to do next.

'Wait. Why do I need to do anything? He doesn't even know me. I bet he doesn't care that my chin is now throbbing and redder than my cheeks.' I think.

Right. Rushing toward the bathroom, I grab my towel and carefully dab cold water on my swelling chin. Suddenly, the doorbell rings. I set the towel down and walk toward the door.

'Could it be him? No, why would he visit me? Maybe to check if I'm alright?' my thoughts start again. I feel excitement bubbling inside me and I hastily swing the door wide open only to see my little sister with a bag of apples. The excitement died down and disappointment sat at the pit of my stomach.

"You were expecting someone else, I presume?" Suzuna says with a flat tone.

I roll my eyes and make way for her as she walks in. I glance at the apartment in front of me before deciding to shut the door completely.

"Place looks nice." She continues. Suzuna scans the room with the same bored look she's had since she was a kid. Now at 16, I'm beginning to feel worried that that's the only look she'll ever show. "Better than the last one, at least."

"Well, I made a few changes." I shrug. She continues to pace the room and I faintly notice that she's grown an inch taller. Suzuna has the same black hair as mine and the same golden eyes. The only difference would be the lack of emotion in hers. And it's probably my fault.

"How's mom?" I blurt out. She fixes her eyes on the view of the beach just across the apartment building, her back facing me.

"She's fine." Suzuna answers with the same void tone. "In fact, she told me to bring you these. Since she knows you can't cook."

"Who's with her at the hospital then?" I say with alarm in my voice.

"The nurses. They're taking good care of her." She begins to walk toward the counter and sets the apples. "Come. Let's eat."

"Will she be okay there alone?" I sit on one of the stools in front of her.

Suzuna starts to peel the apples and shape them into bunnies. Our mother had taught us how to make bunny apples when we were kids but I never seem to get them right. Of course, Suzuna was better at household chores. I only lift heavy stuff.

"I told you, she's with the nurses." I watch carefully as she pierces the small kitchen knife through the apples and gently carves ears on them. She's always been the gentle one. She always fixes the things I wreck. Always cleaning up the mess I make. Always being the mature one in the family.

I stare down at my hands. These hands that have done my family so many wrong things. It's good that I left. I couldn't bear to hurt them any more than I already have.

"She doesn't blame you, Misaki-nee." She stops peeling the apples but still she doesn't look at me. "She never has. It's been two years."

I feel the tears starting to show so I shove my face down to my folding arms resting on the counter. I suppress the sobs but the tears have already poured down. I feel Suzuna's gentle hand on my hair. Smoothing them down.

I know she's just saying that to make me feel better. I know I'm to blame for everything. I always screw up.

"Stop crying already. Makes me think you can't handle things on your own. Maybe I should move in with you here." She says. I stop sobbing and glare at her.

"Are you crazy? What about mom? You're just gonna leave her alone in the hospital?" I half yell then I realize Suzuna was just playing me.

"Just eat. Mom says I should visit you here at least once a week. You know, just to check up on you."

I nod and nibble on an apple. She made a few suggestions on the furniture and promised to help me repaint the living room and bedroom. After that, she quickly left. Suzuna stays with our aunt for the meantime until mom gets better. If she gets better.

I think of my mom and how she won't be able to see anything but white walls and white people in the hospital. I feel the guilt rising again. But it won't do any of us good if I keep moping around. I should find some work since I need to pay for mom's hospital bills and the rent. Plus, I need to go to school. It's my last year after all. I told myself not to screw up this time. I got fired from my last job at the grocery store for beating up a customer. The manager knew I was only doing the right thing but the customer vowed to press charges if I wasn't kicked out.

I sigh at the memory then grab my bag and head downtown where all the restaurants line up. I start off with a fancy one called manger avec amour. I really have no idea what that means but I go in anyway. I meet up with the manager and it turns out this is a French restaurant. The waiters and waitresses are required to speak French to customers. Unfortunately, I don't speak French so I wasn't qualified for the job.

I look around again and find a cute little maid café. It's got frills and flowers everywhere. I continue to walk. There is no way I'm working in there. I stop in front of a rusty old diner and talk with the manager. Sadly, they weren't hiring today. A lot of his cousins applied for a job at the diner and all the spots were filled. I search again but it's either, I'm not qualified or they weren't hiring.

My feet begin to ache and I start to feel dizzy from all the nodding. I sit on one of the benches on the street and take my shoes off. I flex my toes and muscles to shake off the pain. Red spots were forming on my ankles and toes, what with all the walking that I've been doing. Coincidently, that maid café I skipped a while ago was right in front of me.

I go in thinking I won't qualify for the job since they probably need a cute girl who knows how to smile and be polite. The bells ring as I open the door.

"Welcome!" a girl with dirty blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes, says. She was wearing a black maid costume that stops at her mid-thigh with a white apron around her waist. I look around and find others wearing the same outfit as hers. The girl in front of me clears her throat and ushers me to a table.

"So, what will it be Mistress? Would you like to order our special or—" I cut her off before she starts reciting the whole menu.

"No, no. I'm not a customer. I was wondering if I could talk to your manager. I'd like to apply for a job."

The girl stares at me from head to toe and gives a curt nod before going to the kitchen. I look around and see that most of the customers are men. I'm not really comfortable around the opposite sex. Well, they look harmless. Besides, if they try to do anything funny I can always kick their asses with my aikido.

After five minutes, a short girl with short dark hair appears from the kitchen. She wore the same outfit only in blue. She looks at me with seriousness and sits down on the seat opposite of mine.

I clear my throat before starting my introduction. "Hello, I'm Ayuzawa Misaki. I'm eighteen years old. I'd like to apply for a job here if you're hiring. Any job will do. I just really need one. I can clean, I can do the dishes—"

"No." she says sharply.

"I-I'm sorry?" I feel my heart in my mouth as I wait for her next sentence.

"You don't look like someone who cleans." Strike one. "Or someone who does the dishes." Strike two. "You look like someone who could wait." Strik—.

"Wait, what?" she slowly closes her eyes and when she opens them, they shine like stars. She grabs my hands and gives me a beaming smile.

"I'm Hyoudou Satsuki, the manager of this beautiful café. Now, you will be assisted by Erika and Subaru. They will guide you with the dos and don'ts of this place. Don't worry, you are in good hands." She smiles again.

"Wait a minute. I don't seem to understand. Are you hiring me?" I ask.

Her big eyes stare at mine for a moment. "Why of course!"

"But I haven't even introduced myself properly. How can you hire me that quickly? I could be an ex-convict or I could have a drug problem."

"Are you an ex-con?" she asks.


"Do you have a drug problem?"

"No." I answer again.

"Then you're hired. But not as our cook or janitor. You young lady will be a maid."

"Umm… Sorry?" I probably sound stupid right now.

Manager nods. "Look at you! You're beautiful! I don't want to hide this beauty in the kitchen! Besides, every week we have different themes. We get to dress up! I'm sure you'll suit all the costumes we have! All you have to do is smile and be polite."

Oh great. Two things I can't do. Despite my inner complaints and objections, I smile at manager and give a bow.

"Please take care of me then."

I drag my feet up to the elevator doors and slump down to the floor as soon as I get in. I'm so tired. My knees feel like jello and I can't wait to feel the soft pillows under my aching neck. I rest my head against the wall of the elevator and close my eyes. As the doors start to close, a hand suddenly stops them. I look up and I see him. He shakes his head and drops of water land on my face. It must have rain just after I arrived. His coat was soaking wet and his shoes make a squishing sound. He notices me and I freeze up again. The doors close and he and I are alone.

"Sorry. Got caught in the rain." He smiles. I feel nostalgic again. How is he doing this? Does he even know? "You've lived here long right? Sorry, I never got the chance to introduce myself. I'm Usui Takumi." He holds his hand out for me to shake but I'm too frozen to move. "Oh wait." He wipes his hand with a dry handkerchief.

I slowly shake his hand, my eyes never leaving his. "Ayuzawa Misaki."

He withdraws his hand first leaving mine hanging for a few seconds before I pocket them in my jeans.

"So you live alone?" he asks. I nod in response. He suddenly smirks and I feel my face heat up. "You don't talk much, do you?"

"I just don't want to embarrass myself like last time." I mutter.

He suddenly chuckles. "Oh right. Speaking of that, is your chin alright?"

"Uhh, yeah."

He suddenly comes closer to me and lifts my face up. We stare at each other and for a moment, I swear he was going to kiss me. Then he smirks.

"Wha-what are you doing?" I push him away and his hand drops to his side.

His smirk widens. "I just wanted to see if you're face was okay."

"I told you, it's fine! You didn't have to do that." I exclaim. I cover my face to cool myself down.

"What? You thought I was going to do something?"

"N-no." I answer.

He smirks again. "Ayuzawa, why is your face red?"

I gasp and turn around. "It's not red!"

"Eh?" He chuckles then leans against the wall. I can sense him staring at me.

"What are you looking at?"

His smirk turns into a soft smile. "I never noticed how cute you are."

My eyes widen at his words. "What? What are you talking about?!" I half scream.

He chuckles again. "You," he pauses then he faces the door. "You remind me of someone I used to know."

I wanted to say 'so do you'. But I figured it would be awkward for the both of us if we meet somewhere and keep reminding each other of someone else.

The elevator stops at the 5th floor and the doors split to open much to my dismay. I guess our time is up. He goes out first before me and enters his apartment without so much as looking my way. I feel disappointed. I expected for us to have some kind of connection but I guess that's just me. It's probably just coincidence.

I head to my door and stuff my maid costume in the closet.

It's a cold and breezy Monday. Winter is approaching. But I'm here in a maid café wearing my stupid maid costume. My brows meet as manager brushes my hair.

"Well, don't you look pretty in cat ears?" She says. Her bright smile as usual makes me feel at ease. For a thirty-year-old, she's pretty childish.

"Umm, manager? Why is my dress shorter than the others?" I timidly pull my skirt down.

"Weeeell to be honest, we didn't have any other costumes left for you and the person who wore that was pretty small. But don't worry! We'll work on it as soon as possible! For the meantime, please bear with that." She laughs nervously. I sigh and grab a tray.

"Okay Misaki. Bow and greet the costumers. And remember, smile and be polite." Subaru says.

"Smile and be polite. Got it." She smiles and heads out.

I follow her and greet the first person I see entering the café.

"Welcome Master!" I bow down. Suddenly, I hear a small chuckle. A chuckle so familiar it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand. I slowly straighten up and right in front of me is one person I didn't want to see that day.

Usui Takumi.

I'm back! :) So there was this cute guy living in our apartment building and he looked so familiar. Anyway, I thought of writing about it because it's kinda cute. :3 Unfortunately, he moved away after a month or so. Bummerrrr. But I feel like we're destined to meet again. HAHA. I'm kidding. :3 Anyway, how was your Christmas vacation?

Don't forget to review awesome readers! xoxo