apologies for the delay, haha, here's the next chapter, with the body swap prompt. I finally finished it. Next chapter will be a request from a reviewer, so look forward to that !
It would have been a very, very normal day for Tsubomi Kido, if she had woken up in her room. In her house. Hell, even in a house remotely close to hers.
But no. She just had to have the best luck ever and wake up in a house she had never been in before, with a mother (At least, she hoped it was the mother) yelling at her to wake up, and there was a really, really annoying alarm just by her head.
And now it was silent.
At first, she thought she had been kidnapped, as embarrassing as the childish thought was later on. But, if she were kidnapped, then why did she apparently have a new mother? And a new brother, by the looks of things. If that's who that boy was, who just poked his head into Kido's room.
"Get up, idiot." He said in the most flatline voice Kido has ever heard. Luckily, he was gone before Kido's FURIOUS BLUSH could descend upon her face and give away her discomfort. Just why the heck were these people treating her like they knew her? Maybe they were old relatives or something. That made sense. Father had lots of relatives.
Still didn't explain the weird house, though.
Regardless, Kido pushed herself off the bed and hit the floor, expecting cold floorboards but meeting a warm rug. Okay, she could get used to this.
Then Kido opened up the gigantic closet.
Yeah, she could really get used to this.
Sooner or later, Kido was dressed in the most modest clothes she could find, because for some reason or another, everything in said closet was girly. Girly and weird. It was still a very short pair of shorts, but Kido thought that maybe it wasn't too bad, and it fit her well, and somehow she doubted Seto and Kano were here to tease her. That thought was a little bit worrying.
The looks the woman and boy (brother, clearly) gave her as she came downstairs also came as a bit of a shock. They looked… well, if Kido had to describe it, she'd say they looked a little unnerved. Shocked, maybe. Was it the fact that they weren't expecting her? But, that made no sense at all, no, it couldn't be that.
"Good morning," Said the woman, eating toast. The boy, or brother, whatever, said nothing but a grunt. It was so normal that Kido felt she had no choice but to play along, for now. Kido was not used to this indifference and she felt vulnerable as she buttered herself some toast. Perhaps there was conversation, but Kido was way too tired for this crap. She just wanted to know exactly who this woman was, and why she was here, and why this house was so different to anything she'd ever seen.
All her questions were answered when she caught her reflection in the reflective screen behind the oven.
"Is everything alright?" Came the woman's voice from across the table. Kido didn't move for a long time, so distracted was she by her reflection. And she almost screamed, but she didn't. Somehow, she knew that would be a bad idea. An idea which would quite possibly lead to the worst scenario imaginable.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine," Kido replied, not missing how her voice had changed. "I- I just need to.. uh… go to the bathroom!"
Leaving behind the family, for she was so sure that's what they were now, and running back upstairs, Kido hastily opened each door until she found the bathroom.
It wasn't her. That person in the reflection wasn't her. Blonde hair, dark eyes, and god, was she short! No wonder Kido felt something off all morning! No wonder she didn't recognise the house but the others recognised her! Now, the only question remaining was who, exactly, she was.
Momo was having a really, really rough day.
First of all, she woke up in someone else's body. Surprise!
Well, before that, she'd been woken up early because these two guys thought she was sleeping in and were "worried for her health" or something. Surprise!
And then, she had to cook, and she couldn't cook, so she may or may not have made the short one throw up in a bag.
And when they asked if she was feeling okay, Momo did the only logical thing to do and ran out of the house in an effort to find her own home, with her own family, because boy was that family weird as heck.
Pardon her language.
And now she was lost. She had never, ever been to this part of town before and she was wearing a hood and long pants in this kind of heat. How bizarre and stupid of this person. Of whoever's body Momo had taken over.
Or whatever.
She really wasn't in the mood for this.
An hour later, and she was still not in the mood for this. She was so not in the mood, that she found a nearby bench, sat down, and put her face in her hands forlornly.
This was it. She was going to live the rest of her life as another person with a different name and she would never get used to this and all her hard work and grades would go out the window…
"Uh," Said her voice, her real voice, from somewhere vaguely left of her. "It appears we're both in quite the conundrum."
Momo looked up, and saw Momo. That was the most disconcerting thing that had ever happened to her. Clearly, the person who looked like Momo, the not-Momo, thought the same and was quick to divert their eyes.
"So it does." Momo shot back, and the voice was so deep and weird that she felt like giggling. The deadpan look on the not-Momo's face looked quite out of place at that.
"My name's Kido." Said the not-Momo, awkwardly shuffling. "My actual name, I mean."
"Yeah I got that from your brothers." Momo stood up and dusted herself off. "I'm Momo."
Their eyes met for the first time, and it was very strange seeing her own eyes in real life.
Kido found herself actually enjoying the rest of the day. Apart from being shorter than she was used to, and that awkward situation with who she now knew as Momo's mother, and the stares she got on the way, she really enjoyed Momo's company. But every time she glanced at Momo, she could only see herself and it was strange to say the least. She wished she could get a good look at Momo for real, in her own eyes.
The two talked, and got ice cream, and they talked about their home life a little just in case they needed to adjust. Kido learned Momo had no other relatives, and that she was a moderately well-known singer to support her family. In turn, Momo learned about Kido's daily schedule, and how to cook basic meals that Seto and Kano wouldn't be suspicious of.
They finished up late in the afternoon, but Kido still felt they had so much to talk about. Momo was the one to suggest putting the other's number in their phones.
"After all," She had said, with a bright smile on her face. "This's gotta mean something, like fate, right? So we have to have a way to talk later!"
Talking later sounded fantastic.
So Kido, in Momo's body, waved goodbye to Momo, in Kido's body, and they parted their separate ways. Kido entered Momo's house with a cheerful little hello and found her room on the first try. When it was time for dinner, Momo's mother asked her how her day was, and Kido responded in a way that felt odd, but looked just right, with lots of arm flailing.
(She was sure to mention how cool this girl she met today was. Momo could thank her later)
And then it was nearly night time, and after finishing off what looked like homework, Kido went to sleep.
It was a normal day for Momo Kisaragi as she woke up in her bed. In her own bed, in her own room.
Everything was as it should be.
With a little cheer, Momo ran downstairs, still clad in pyjamas, and made her own breakfast for a change. Shintaro, still half asleep, said nothing, but did grunt confusedly at her odd behaviour.
Momo was so ecstatic and relieved that she finished her toast, and was already changed for school before her mother got out of bed.
There was a small stack of completed homework on her desk.
"Momo…" Shintaro poked his head in the door, looking as bored as ever, but he did throw the homework a curiously pointed glance. "You did all your homework last night. And got it right. Is there anything you need to tell me?"
"Shut up, Shintaro!" Momo angrily closed the door, upset that her own brother thought so lowly of her. Well, it was true that she normally would have ignored such a large stack of homework. Thank goodness for Kido.
Momo picked up her phone where it lay on her bedside table and searched through to find the right contact.
"Uh, hello? Yeah, it's me, Momo. Looks like we're back to normal, huh? Look, I was actually thinking… I might need to hire you for tutoring some time… I-I'll even pay, honest! … So, wanna meet up after school today...?"
so that was that, kinda long, too, aha aha aha.
i really am trash aren't i