A/N: Been awhile since I've updated... hmmm...

This chapter can be explained at the very end.

"Dick!" Felicity giggled, voice bubbly. The aforementioned raven beamed, arms curling lovingly around the blondes waist. Felicity squealed as Dick's fingers swiftly ran up her sides, tickling the sensitive spot right under her ribs.

"Oh I'm sorry," Dick murmured huskily, nibbling on the inner shell of Felicity's ear, "Did that tickle?"

"Yes!" Felicity managed to breathe out between exasperated giggles. Her reply only made Dick eager to torment her further, nimble fingers scurrying up and down the girl's thin waist.

Finally, after a halfhearted battle, Felicity managed to wiggle her way out of Dick's grip. She rolled away from the raven, arms held up in warning as she took in deep breaths, face slightly flushed.

"S-stay away f-from me, Dick," The blonde panted, though it was obvious she didn't mean it. A small, adoring smile had settled on the girl's lips as she eyed the raven before her.

Disheveled ebony locks, glowing ocean-blue eyes, a smile that could make any girl swoon. It was hard to not love Dick Grayson, especially when he looked at her with that look. The look that screamed love and adoration, as well as an underlying layer of lust.

Dick fake pouted, blue eyes sparkling, "But I can't stay away from you, beautiful." Felicity shrieked as Dick tackled her, bed sinking slightly under their combined wake. Bouts of giggles began to escape the blonde's lips as Dick peppered the girl's cheeks with soft, feathery kisses, "You mean too much to me."

Felicity beamed up at him, brown eyes shining with love, "I know," She simply replied, rubbing his nose with her own.

The raven grinned lovingly before leaning down, pressing his lips to Felicity's own soft lips. She moaned softly, lips parting slightly and Dick took that as an opportunity to slip his tongue in her mouth. Felicity accepted it wholeheartedly, her own tongue clashing with Dick's.

"Fel," Dick groaned, grasping her waist and tugging the blonde so their bodies were flushed together, more so than they already were, "You have no idea what you do to me."

Felicity giggled and pecked the raven's nose. A heavy moaned escaped Dick's lips as Felicity bucked her hips up, rubbing against his hard crotch, "I can take a wild guess."

A half snarl, half growl echoed in Dicks' throat and Felicity was left with butterflies in her stomach and stars in her vision as he pressed a searing kiss to her lips. Felicity's arms snaked up, one resting on Dick's lower back while the other tangled in the raven's dark locks.

"I love you, Felicity."

"I love you too, Dick."

Wally awoke with a gasp, emerald orbs shooting open. The ginger clutched his chest and ran a hand through his disheveled, sweaty locks. His heart was racing, chest pounding as his mind reeled. Why the heck did he dream about that?

Actually, he knew why. It was a subconscious fear of his that he'd lose Felicity to Dick. Well, to anyone really. Wally had a hard time wrapping his mind around the fact Felicity was his sometimes. It was completely illogical, he knew that. But hey, girls never spared him much of a second glance. And now, now he was head over heels for one of his teammates, and closest friend, who just so happened to return his feelings. Wally was over the moon, but things sometimes felt almost unrealistic to him.

Mainly over the fact that Felicity had chosen him over Dick. When he first found out the two had kissed, Wally was enraged. Not only that, but his pride was wounded and he had been hurt. To this day he still had doubts about Felicity remaining his, and it typically ended in his subconscious playing out various scenarios in the forms of dreams where Felicity was no longer his.

Sometimes his dreams felt so real that it got to the point that he was almost paranoid. Especially whenever Felicity hung out with Dick. The two claimed to be close friends, but sometimes Wally had doubts. Everywhere he looked he would've sworn to see the two holding hands, or pulling apart after sharing a brief kiss.

"I love you too, Dick."

Wally growled, dragging his hands down his tired face. Beside him, the bed shifted and Wally remembered the blonde that was curled into his side.

"Wally?" Her voice asked groggily, brown orbs staring at his shaken voice.

"H-hey, Fel," His voice cracked as his mind replayed the scene where Dick moaned her name, "I'm sorry to wake you. Just go back to bed."

Felicity frowned, propping herself up. Wally marveled slightly as her messy blonde locks slipped over her shoulder. She ignored his request, seeing as it was obvious something was wrong, and instead shot him a question of her own, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, babe," Wally attempted to assure the girl, fidgeting slightly and Felicity just stared at him in disbelief.

"Something's wrong," She murmured, scooting closer. Wally flinched away and Felicity frowned once more. This wasn't like Wally. He never shied away from her when she attempted to show affection, "Baby just talk to me." She tried again.

Wally chewed his lower lip and Felicity felt a pang of hurt as he flinched away from her touch. She hesitantly pulled her hand back, changing its course and running it through her blonde locks.

Felicity sighed, hurt evident in her eyes as she stared at Wally through thick lashes, "Wally, I can't help you if you don't talk to me."

"I know you're cheating on me with Dick!"

Silence settled in the room. Felicity blinked, once, twice, three times as she attempted to process what the speedster just spat. Had she really heard him right?

"I… what?"

Wally's chest heaved, face flushed out of anger and embarrassment. He hadn't meant to lash out at her and throw the wild- and completely false- accusation in her face. He had just gotten so… so mad.

He sighed and Felicity cocked her head to the side, "I'm sorry." He breathed out quietly.

"Do you really think I'm cheating on you… with Dick?" Felicity quietly muttered. She had averted her gaze to her lap, twisting and wringing her hands.

"I- no," Wally replied, pinching the bridge of his nose. Felicity glanced up, peering at her boyfriend through a curtain of hair as she waited for the explanation.

She had half a mind to snap at him, ask him what the hell he was thinking, but one look at his deflated posture and she knew there was more to the accusation than what he was letting on. Felicity's head shifted slightly to the side as the observed the speedster. She chose to not comment anything, instead letting Wally work out his thoughts.

"I'm sorry," He whispered, voice broken. Wally sucked in a shaky breath and spared Felicity a glance. She was staring at him, that much he could tell before looking over at her, but he didn't want her staring at him. The speedster was ashamed to say the least. He never meant to snap at her and accuse her like that. Wally knew Felicity would never cheat on him like that, even if her and Dick had once shared a kiss all those months ago.

Felicity hesitated slightly as Wally's arm curled around her bare shoulder and he attempted to tug her to his chest. He paused and gave her a soft smile, attempting to be reassuring. She gave in to the embrace, the soft smile having done its job. It wasn't much, but it comforted her enough to know Wally was going to talk to her about whatever was bothering him.

"I'm sorry," He repeated again. Felicity could only nod as the speedster went on, "I know you're not cheating on me, and with Dick nonetheless. I just… get insecure sometimes about our relationship and you."

"Wally," Felicity gently murmured and he glanced down at her, "You don't need to be insecure."

Wally's chest heaved as he sighed, "I know, but I sometimes think that this, us, is just a dream. You're too good for me, Fel, and I'm afraid you're going to realize that one day and move on."

Felicity's features softened as she gazed at her boyfriend, who had turned away and focused on a distant spot on the blank wall, "Look at me, Wally," She gently commanded. When the speedster didn't respond, she silently sighed before cupping his chin and gently pulling his head, "I am not too good for you. If anything, you're too good for me. You have so much to offer, babe. Not only are you insanely smart, but you're so caring and kind and loving. Not to mention you're a total goofball," Felicity cracked a grin, which grew when a small smile graced Wally's lips, "I love you, Wally. No one else but you."

Wally's shoulders slumped in defeat as a sense of reassurance washed over him. The way Felicity spoke, not only did her words speak love, but the tone of voice she used. He could sense the utmost adoration she had for him. Not to mention, how could he ever doubt her?

"You hear me, Wally? I lo-" He quickly cut her off by pressing his lips to hers, cherishing the feeling of the intimate contact. Felicity was eager to return the kiss, happy her words seemed to have a positive effect on the boy.

"I know," Wally breathed out, voice breathless. He shook his head, fighting back the tears that pricked the corners of his eyes, "I know. I was being stupid. You mean so much to me Felicity and I just don't want to lose you."

Felicity leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek. Pulling away, she smirked softly, "I'm not going anywhere, West. I am completely and utterly yours. Nothing will change that."

"I love you, Felicity," Wally breathed, breathe ghosting over Felicity's plump lips.

A soft loving smile spread across her lips, "I love you too, Wally." The smile changed into a coy smirk as Felicity shifted, climbing into Wally's lap much to his enjoyment, "And let me show you just how much I love you." She murmured huskily and Wally couldn't help but moan as she crashed her lips to his in a searing kiss.

Wally had nothing to worry about from the beginning. It was all in his head.

A/N: My simple explanation for this is because I wanted to write a bit of Dick/OC but I didn't actually want to write out a new OC and story because I already have a fair amount of stories on my plate that I already suck at updating.

Also, for those of you that follow this story and haven't noticed yet, I'm rewriting Falcon. The story has been started and can be found on my profile. So check it out if you haven't!

Oh and if any of you have read 'When Lightning Strikes', I have a new cover photo for it that I am very excited/happy about! So go check the pic out because it is absolutely gorgeous and I love it! It's Silverbird~ Oh and a bit of sad news, I'm not sure when I'm going to come back to this story. I'm currently working on trying to get the plot I had in mind sorted out so that I can continue because I know that there are people out there who miss Clare and Silverbird!

Hope you guys liked this chapter and PLEASE send in requests with things you'd like to see! I have a small list going, but I could always use more ;P

Quick poll: How many would like to see a Wallicity smut sometime in the distant future?

