Warning: Alcohol, drug use; sex; stuff. Please, if this really makes you uncomfortable, I wouldn't suggest reading it.
Pairings: Skwisgaar/Toki, Skwistok, Wargelf, whatever you'd like to call it; mentions of Nathan/Abigail
Genres: General/Romance/Angst/Comfort
Summary: Terrible circumstances sometimes bring people closer in the strangest of ways. A traumatized Toki, now home after his kidnapping, finds solace in the arms of Skwisgaar. Slash. Post-Doomstar. Part 1 of 2.
I do not own Metalocalypse or anything related to it.
I would like to use this space to thank my beta-reader, Wednesday1990, for taking the time to edit and read my story. God knows it needed it.
Skwisgaar, although hungover, woke up feeling a wonderful combination of heat and satisfaction thanks to the events of the previous night. He was used to waking up with another body by his side, but Skwisgaar didn't need to open his eyes to tell this room was certainly not his own. He kept his eyes closed as he reached for the lump beside him to run a hand across the cotton sheets he was entangled in. They were distinctly different from the rich fur blankets he personally slept with. Yes, he was well aware that he wasn't in his own bedroom. After a long moment of troubled thinking, Skwisgaar jolted upwards when he finally recollected the series of events that had preceded his falling asleep.
Kissing Toki. Stripping Toki. Sucking Toki off and finally, fucking Toki Wartooth, with all the naughty action that had occurred in-between. Biting his lip, Skwisgaar looked to his left to find the man in question passed out on his stomach, his distinctive snoring slightly hindered by his pillow. Suddenly, Skwisgaar, within the confines of Toki's small, single mattress, felt utterly imprisoned and claustrophobic. 'Fucks me,' he thought as he ran a hand over the light stubble now sprouting on his chin, shaking his head as he watched a content Toki. 'Whys must I thinks with my dicks so much?!'
Toki, who had admitted long ago that Dethklok was his first experience within a real band, probably was unaware of the unwritten 'Rules of Conduct' that were in effect for music acts of all types. The words sometimes varied depending on the genre, but for the most part, the rules had the same premise.
One of those rules, a rather elementary rule, was that you must never fool around with one of your bandmates. It could royally mess things up and always held the possibility of splitting the band apart, though this usually pertained to situations where the guilty parties were a male and female. Dethklok had already experienced a similar issue, when Nathan and Pickles had broken the 'Thy shalt not fuck thy fellow bandmates' lady/love interest' clause. Now that they had finally rescued Toki, and that their first big show since his return was in the works, fucking up the band was not on Skwisgaar's list of priorities. At all.
With a deep sigh, Skwisgaar contemplated creeping out of the bed and slipping out of the other's room before Toki even began to show an inkling of stirring, to avoid the situation altogether. As of now, Toki was curled up close to him, his face now where Skwisgaar's shoulder once was. He looked serene but definitely tired from their romp from a few hours ago. Skwisgaar struggled to quell the strong sense of lust bubbling deep within him when he easily remembered how Toki had smelled, tasted, and felt... how it had felt to be buried deep within his warm, tight body, his melodious cries resounding when Skwisgaar fucked him over and over again...
He cursed himself and his slight erection, grumbling as he reached out and gently shook the other man in the bed. He grimaced as he whispered his name. "Toki." He only shook harder when he was met with resistance, Toki letting out a groan of disapproval. "Toki, gets up."
Toki let out a whine of complaint when an abrupt shake ripped him from the best night's sleep he had had in what felt like eons. His head and hand were aching from what had happened the evening before, but nothing could compare to the deep, confusing sting afflicting his backside. 'Whys de fucks—Oh, wowee...' Toki's eyes snapped open to the sight of a bare-naked Skwisgaar Skwigelf leaning over him, his eyes boring holes into him. Toki felt the color quickly drain from his face before growing bashful as he recollected the previous night, the way they had kissed and moved against one another, how Skwisgaar had turned him onto his hands and knees and screwed him senselessly, and the way Toki had dozed off in his arms...
"Uh..." Toki suddenly felt so very shy under the gaze that had taken in more the previous night than he had ever imagined it would. He reached out to pull his blankets close in a weak attempt to cover his body from Skwisgaar's aloof gaze. "Goods… Goods mornings?" Toki uttered very nervously, Skwisgaar obviously frustrated at waking up by his side.
Clearing his throat, Skwisgaar shifted awkwardly beside him, mindfully pulling the leg that rested against Toki's away as he straightened up. He nervously folded his fingers in his lap.
"Goods mornings, Toki," he responded, trying to keep his voice as keen and professional as possible, the tension between both men so heavy it was practically tangible. "I thinks… I thinks it ams a goods idea if we talks… fors a moment…" As the words left his mouth he looked around the room, anywhere but at Toki, sucking on his bottom lip thoughtfully as he raked his brain to find the right words to express his thoughts. "Abouts last nights… I thinks we needs to keeps it our littles secret, ja?"
Toki merely blinked, trying his best to hear him through the dull throb in his head and his rump, the pain making him feel all the more uncomfortable. His assaulted behind was just a painful reminder of what had transpired between the two men. "Uh… Ja, ja, I thinks… I thinks dats cans be done…" Toki was still having a hard time processing what had happened in the past couple of hours, and couldn't believe that he had actually slept with, as in had sex with, his band mate.
Skwisgaar felt slightly relieved, at least for now, that this appeared to be wrapping up with as little mayhem as possible. "Goods, goods… It was… you knows… funs and all, but… Ja, it's justs a little…"
"Ja..." Skwisgaar didn't have to say another word; what the two men had done was literally gay. "No, I understands." Toki doubted he was any more ready to face the consequences and be subjected to their other bandmates' reactions.
"...Goods. Whelp, I betters be goings… Guitars not ams goings to pracsticks itself ands all…" Skwisgaar slowly crawled out of the bed, careful not to disturb Toki too much as he did so. Toki could hear his bare footsteps on the stone floor as he went to fetch his clothes. "Ja, maybes you shoulds be doings dats too, you knows…" Toki frowned at Skwisgaar's advice. He had just bent over for Skwisgaar, yet Skwisgaar still had it in him to demean him and throw a snide comment his way.
"I has been pracsticksings!" Toki said defensively, Skwisgaar letting out a light 'pfft' as he slipped his usual tank top on.
"You sures abouts dat?" He watched as Toki's face turned all the redder, presumably from both embarrassment and anger. It was no secret to anyone in Mordhaus that ever since his return, Toki's playing needed serious help. "Looks, I'lls believes it whens I hears it. We gots a huge shows soons and we stills needs to be practicksings togethers." Skwisgaar slipped his pants on and zipped them up, and was met with the sight of a pouting Toki when he looked back up. He stared back with a raised eyebrow. "So you can'ts be… you knows… weirds abouts us."
"I amst nots gonna be weirds!" Toki abruptly sat up and immediately regretted it as pain shot up his ass and spine. He bit his lip to suppress a surprised and achy squeal, cringing at the mere thought of having to move today. Skwisgaar, who seemed to have taken notice, looked utterly tickled as he picked up his boots.
"We'lls see, little Toki." Skwisgaar turned to leave and reached for the doorknob, looking back at his still naked rhythm guitarist. He studied his tousled hair, the faint welts his lips had left across Toki's neck, and those large, baby blue eyes that stared back at him as if expecting him to say more. He swiftly turned away when a wave of hunger for his fellow band member washed over him, wanting to restrain the temptation of staying behind. "We'lls see."
Skwisgaar opened the door and, after a quick inspection of the hallway, closed it behind him to leave Toki by himself. Toki looked at the now slightly indented spot beside him, a somewhat crushed Deddybear the only remaining hint that someone had shared his bed that night. Toki told himself that he was fine with what had happened. He didn't wish that Skwisgaar was still wrapped around him and breathing against his neck.
What he did know, however, was that, despite the lingering soreness from their sexual encounter, he felt happy. Maybe things would be different between Skwisgaar and him from now on, but he already felt lighter and even a little unafraid. He knew someone had cared about him, maybe even a little more than just caring about a bandmate. Maybe it wasn't love, but it was friendship, and one that had a fleeting sliver of intimacy.
Toki scooped Deddybear up and dug his nose into him, taking a deep inhale and grinning a little to himself. Deddybear now smelled a bit like Skwisgaar, and that in itself made Toki shiver with positive thoughts. With that, he turned back onto his stomach, assuring himself that it was perfectly fine to purposefully lay closer to where Skwisgaar once did. He sighed joyfully when he realized that his pillow now smelt like him, too.
The bad thoughts about what had happened with Magnus seemed miles away, at least for now. Toki closed his eyes and after a few deep breaths of Skwisgaar's scent, passed back out, remembering the way his lead guitarist had lulled him to sleep by playing invisible frets across his skin.
So, this is it, other than chapter 2 enduring a little grammatical editing in a few days. I know this ending is very short and abrupt (kind of way too short for my usual taste), but as I have mentioned before, this is a part I of II. Part II will consist of approximately 8-10 chapters, give or take, and will take in much more emotional depth for our favorite Scandys. There will be more of Nathan, Pickles and Murderface (don't rule any other faces out, either) and it will get pretty angsty and full of love and heartbreak... Of course sex too, plenty of sex. I'll try not to get any hopes up.
So, I hope you enjoyed this fic. Again, I appreciate all the love and support I received from everyone who even showed an inkling of interest in this fic. For my tumblr crew, thank you so very much for the likes, the follows, and the comments. You guys are awesome and make my day with all the great posts. For my fanfiction loves, thank you soooo much for the comments, they really are the driving force for me to continue my work.
Thank you Wednesday1990, for editing my fic. Thanks for putting up with all the mistakes, haha.
Sushirisu, love, I really need to thank you. This isn't even a fandom you're into but you took the time to read my fanfic and edit it for me, too. You may just say you're in it for the sex scenes, but don't lie to me, you're getting into the show a little. (; Nightmates for life, haha.
a-seraph-in-purgatory, or BrutalWarElf, thanks for all your help. You've really made me feel at home in the fandom, I appreciate our conversations. Stay golden, girl. Also, your fanfics are the shit.
anarchyandnoise, or SassyOcean, catch up and read my fic, haha. I'll know if you've read it. Thanks for the awesome conversations too. Seriously, is your blog mine? You're like the long lost me, you're too cool. If you haven't read her fics, check them out, too.
To everyone else, thank you! I love each and every one of you. School has started recently and I work full time, so except the sequel in a month or so. Thanks again everyone, keep your eyes peeled!