The Queen and the Butler



Year: 1886

It's nearing the end of fall in England as a heavy rain pours down. It was a peaceful night for most people, but not in the Honda manor. The earl and the lady were fighting, keeping the young girls who occupied the manor awake.

"Née-chan..." The younger girl started. She was in her sisters arms, and their room was illuminated by a single candle with a weak flame. The younger girl was five, and the older was ten. They sat on the elder sisters bed as the yelling and crashing went on. "Will mommy and daddy ever stop fighting?" "I don't know, Koyuki" the elder sibling said.

"Née-chan... I'm scared..." The younger one said

The elder sibling started to mutter something, something demonic. When she stopped, The little sibling looked to her sisters pale face. "Koyuki..." The girl said, hugging her little sister. "Whatever ever happens... If you die... I am sorry for the fate you will suffer" she said quietly.

"What are you talking about, Née-chan" The younger sibling asked.

As soon as she did, however, they appeared in a dark room, feathers slowly fell and the little girl looked up, there was a white haired woman with glowing red eyes. Eh we're silted, and both girls shook. Her dress was detailed like a queens, it was black and purple. Her hair was shoulder length and an excellent white. Her face was slender and pale, and she was severely tall, yet seemed like under her dress she would be very shapely.

"You have called upon a demon, you understand that no mater what you do, you will not go to heaven. You will go to hell. You can make a contact with me, or you can forget about this whole thing happening. Your choice" she said. Her voice sounded like silk, sweet and motherly. But there was that small hint of poison that scared the two girls.

"N-n-not a contract... A promise..." The elder sibling said. She moved her nightgown just enough to show a mark on her chest. It was a skull with a rose in its mouth. It was inside a spiked circle and the woman seemed shocked. "Where did you get that?" She asked.

"I was born with it" the elder sibling said. "They called me demonic, evil. So as they told me this I figured I wasn't going to heaven anyway. so... I want to make a promise with you! You keep me and my sister, mainly my sister, safe, and you can have whatever you want from me when she gets married and has a child." The elder sibling said.

The woman seemed shocked. "A... Promise eh? You would give your soul... For your sisters safety?"

"Is there anything else?" The elder sibling asked.

"Yes, actually. I'm a demon with a special capability. I can each into your mind, make your dreams real, kill you in them if I wish, and torture you. What you could do for me, is I protect you until this deadline, and every month I give you both nightmares, and I feed off of your fear. I will reinforce this though the contract you hold, for I have one just like it" the demon said. She moved her dress, showing the same mark.

"It's a deal then" the elder sibling said.

"N-née-chan... Am I going to die?" The younger sibling asked.

"No... You will be safe. I promise" the elder sibling said.

"Now... I will need cover... What will that be?" The demon asked.

"Be our butler, well... Koyukis butler, and do as she wishes. Just please keep her safe. When I really need you I will call for you... Plus... Please train me... I have strange powers... I need help taming them" the elder sibling said.

"Ah... What are these strange powers?" The demon asked.

"I can get a dark aura, and I scare everyone... And sometimes part of my body changes" the elder sibling said.m

"I will see what I can do..." The demon smiled.

The dark place disappeared, fading back into the room. The woman walked to the bed and showed her pale face once more. "My name is Kyla, tomorrow I would like to know your names" she smiled.

She took the candle and put the girls under the covers and started to sing.,it was a beautiful song and both girls fell asleep. The demon chuckled. "Good night..." She whispered, blowing out the candle.

I don't like the feeling that butler gives off. Not to mention my chest burns when I am near him. He must be a demon, thats the only logical possibility. What? The girls were kidnapped!? I suppose I should get them, but that butler from earlier is on my tail, hmph. Next chapter: Mysterious Queen, Curious Butler

Who am I? I'm Honda's most loyal servant, nothing less. ~Kyla

This is only the first chapter... the prequel though. Next chapter will be better and longer, dont worry :)

SHOUT OUT to IwuvSoul! Thats right. Without the two of us just pointlessly co-writing on Black Butler for the fun of it, Kyla, Yuki, and Koyuki wouldnt be as good as they are, thanks Soul! :D And great job with "I Dont Speak Boy" Keep it up! :D

Also a shout going to Gold Phantom, who always helps me make my characters and story less crappy! Yay to the both of you!

I'm posting ACTUAL Chappy 1 directly after this, so there is no need for goodbye :D

~Tigrissa18 :3