Chapter 1

Long ago in the kingdom of Arendelle, there live a king and queen. The two rulers were beloved throughout the kingdom by all their subjects. The only thing

the King and Queen loved more than their kingdom was each other but that was about to change. For on a beautiful spring morning, a light frost appeared as

the Queen discovered she was pregnant. The whole kingdom rejoiced at the news and a grand ball was held every month of the pregnancy. At the end of the

nine months the kingdom rejoiced even more, if you can believe it, as the baby was born. The night of the birth, the full moon shined brighter than ever

before. The queen after being in labor for over two hours gave her final push. "You did it, Your Highness. It's a boy." The queen turned to the midwife, the

doctor, and her husband and smiled. The kingdom had its first heir, a prince, that the King and Queen named Jack. They presented their new born son to their

people and beamed with pride. Years passed and Prince Jack grew quickly. The whole kingdom was preparing for the young prince's fourth birthday party. The

party was planned and execute without a hitch. That night, however, the King and Queen made a shocking discovery. Their beloved son had developed

strange powers of ice and snow. They were certain that Jack had been born with them and began to panic. Their young son had no idea how to control these

strange powers and had severely frightened one of the castle maids. With hearts filled with fear, they looked at each other with fear as they knew of only one place way they could go to find a way to

protect the kingdom and their only son. In the dead of night, the royals took their son and his trusted nurse maid to a clearing in the forest. After a short time, what

looked like rocks perfectly centered in a pattern in said clearing began to move. These rocks revealed themselves to be trolls. The King looked at them with a

begging look in his eyes. "Please help us. It's my son. He has developed strange powers of ice and snow and frost that we believe he was born with. He can't

control them. Is there any way to suppress them? Is there anything you can do?" The leader of the trolls stepped forward at hearing His Majesty's plight. "I

know of only one way to remedy this situation Your Majesty. His mind must be wiped of anything to do with his powers. But I am afraid there is also a terrible

price to pay for this remedy for he must also forget his heritage, you, and the kingdom of Arendelle." "What?!" Nothing could prepare the king for what he was

about to see. He turned and in that instant he almost wished he hadn't. The sight before him was one of tremendous suffering. The queen all but fell to her

knees carrying her four year old son. "That is not all Your Majesties. The kingdom must be made to forget of Prince Jack's existence as well. Only you will

remember he ever existed." The troll leader was heartbroken for the royal couple but he knew he must do it this way no matter how much he hated it. Destiny

had proclaimed his fate and he had no choice but to obey lest the whole fabric of time came undone. "You must choose a peasant family you can trust

outside of the kingdom to raise the prince as their own. I am sorry Your Majesties, there is no other way." With tears and loud cries the Queen gave her son

to her husband who, with a heavy heart and tears as well, gave his son to the troll leader. It was decided that the nurse maid would take him in to her home

deep in the woods where they both together with the nurse maid's daughter would live. The queen's heart was breaking at the thought of living life without

her precious child and her soul was shattered when the troll leader performed the spell. With a heavy heart the king held back his wife, who was kicking and

screaming hysterically, as the nurse maid left for her home caring her now son with her. The king struggled to take the queen back to the castle knowing that

by the time they returned there would be no evidence that they ever gave the kingdom a male heir. As he watched them go, the troll leader sighed a sigh of

defeat. He wished he could change and rewrite this night but sadly he was reminded he could not for he knew if he messed with fate there would be dire

consequences. "Oh little Jack," he thought, "the future that awaits you… the hardships and the pain…I only hope you will be prepared for the destiny that fate

has chosen to have dealt to you."