Right so now to fix everything I basically ruined. Sorry guys. Also as a note, due to my job and health right now, I can only promise sporadic updates. I hate to say that, granted that's how they've been for a good year now, but it's just not possible for me to keep up at the moment.

Warnings: This is shonen ai, Yaoi, slash. Don't like, don't care.

Notes: (X) is pov change and or time jump. I'm going to try and use this as sparsely as possible. I think we'll all go mad if I don't.

Chapter, 35: The Training Plan

Harry wasn't sure if he should feel satisfied with his failure and Aderes's admittance that he did indeed need extra help, even with things that were "easy" or embarrassed that after Aderes had taken the time to go step by step over the spell that he still couldn't perform it properly. At least he'd gotten the green light to come out, that was probably more than what Ron or Neville would have ever managed and better results than what he usually got when first attempting a spell. More often than not, nothing at all happened the first fifteen minutes or so tried.

He raised an eyebrow at Aderes who was still staring at the floor where the whip had dissolved into nothing.

"I tried," he said hoping Aderes wouldn't pick up too much on the arrogance crawling into his voice. He really shouldn't be proud of having failed, but he could tell that Aderes was acknowledging the fact that Harry was not some sort of prodigy.

"You did," Aderes agreed finally.

"I'm actually surprised anything happened at all," Harry said sitting back down on the couch. "So you're a good teacher, but…" He shrugged and shoved his wand back into pocket.

"It must be your focus," Aderes said after staring at the floor a few more seconds. "You aren't seeing the spell flow properly."

"Huh?" Harry had never heard of the term "spell flow".

"It's what you see in your mind, start to finish, when you cast a spell. It's muscle memory." He took his seat back on the couch. "When you do something again and again until you can do it in your sleep. When you practice a spell a lot, you eventually know exactly what should happen first, then at each step, then the final outcome. You skipped the solidifying process and went straight into releasing it."

"Sure," Harry said. He had no idea what Aderes was talking about. It sounded like it made sense, but he was far from sure if he actually understood the concept Aderes was explaining. "It's alright. At least I know what your problem is." His arms went around Harry again. "We can work on it."

"Really?" Aderes was actually going to help him?

"Yes, really," Aderes sighed. "So what about these other problems? Were we just fighting, because I overestimated your ability to cast spells?"

"No, well, yes," Harry said his face turning red. "But not just that…"

"Then what?"

"It's my own fault," Harry said leaning into Aderes's embrace. It was such a comforting feeling. "I just can't wrap my head around why you'd be dating me, out of everyone in this school, you picked me."

"I didn't pick you," Aderes said. "You just…you stand out to me. I get anxious when you aren't close. I'm a mess when we're fighting. I hate seeing anyone else around you." He seemed to be struggling to explain himself. "I want to make everything right for you, but I know doing that won't solve your problems, but then I go and do things anyway!"

"Like Snape," Harry offered.

"Like Snape," Aderes agreed. "I knew he was underhanded and might try something weird, but I never expected him to use a senseticide. If I hadn't been so paranoid and had you make such a complex antidote, you could have lost all of your senses permanently. Madam Pomfrey is good, but if the problem isn't addressed fast and with Snape being such a master at potions," he let out a long sigh his grip around Harry tightening. "It's insane. I knew I'd have to keep you safe from dark wizards, but reporters, and school staff?"

"My first year, the Defense against the Dark Arts teacher was letting Voldemort use his body to keep him alive. Voldemort was part of my defense teacher," Harry said grinning.

Aderes paled at that.

"Quirrell right?"

"Yeah." Harry wasn't too surprised that Aderes knew that. Dumbledore had no doubt filled him in on plenty of the previous happenings at Hogwarts so Aderes would remain on guard.

"Jeez. No wonder you question my every move," he muttered. "Most people probably should," he added with a chuckle. "I often do questionable things. But we got a little sidetracked, continue."

"At the risk of you storming out of here," Harry started, his eyes falling onto the window. The snow showed no signs of letting up. How could he have been so stupid to try walking through that to Hagrid's hut? "Because you're you and I'm just me—"

"Harry, that's all either of us have ever been or will be," Aderes said turning Harry's face to lock eyes with him. "Just, because I'm probably the best looking guy in school, I didn't ask for that, nor did I go out of my way to be that. I just have good genes."

"I'm serious. You're not just handsome, you're smart. There are so many people better suited for you. People smart enough to understand you when you go on about some obscure subject—"

"I have Hermione for that," Aderes said cutting him off once again.

"Aderes," he growled. "I mean it. The only reason I could think of was you were dating me to get Dumbledore's approval. Or to at least make him think you were behaving."

Aderes seemed to think about this a moment. He absently ran his hand through Harry's hair, the Gryffindor watching his every move. Harry had to know that this wasn't the case. Why was he taking so long to answer this question when he was cutting Harry off to answer all the others?

"Have I actually been behaving at all," Aderes asked curiously. "And do think about that. Do you really believe Dumbledore spared me from Azkaban for using an Unforgivable based on your words? No, it's because using an Unforgivable Curse on a jar is not illegal. It's only illegal when used on another witch or wizard, hence why Mad eye got away with using it on spiders."

"Oh…" Harry hadn't considered that.

"It's true that I stopped breaking into the restricted sections of the library every night since I started fawning over you, but I believe my innocence stops there. I've burned a famous Daily Prophet Reporter, I've been breaking curfew almost every night. I've been sneaking into your dorm room to share a bed with you more times than I can count. I found out about the first task ahead of time with you, I attacked Snape because he foolishly thought to harm you." His eyes widened slightly and he started laughing. "I do believe I was far more behaved before I started dating you."

"Yeah…it sounds like it," Harry said his face bright red. What had he done?

"And believe it or not, besides Snape's attack, though I'm sure Dumbledore has his suspicions, your precious little headmaster knows exactly what I've been up to. Why do you think I stress him out so much? I break so many rules just by being here."

"But…you said it yourself. I've stood up for you to Dumbledore and he…"

"I've still ended up with detentions," Aderes said. "Remember the tableware incident? He didn't even want us together." He cupped Harry's chin. "Supposedly I'm the bad influence, but I'm beginning to think otherwise."

"Me too…" Those brilliant red eyes… "Maybe we shouldn't be if I'm leading you down a darker path."

"Try and run from me," Aderes purred. He moved his hand from Harry's chin to behind the Gryffindor's head and kissed him deeply.

"W, wait." Harry managed to pull away.

"For what?" Aderes looked truly annoyed now.

"Promise me our relationship, all of it, it's real. You really care about me, that—"

"You realize I don't intend on taking you in here, right? I just planned on snogging you." His eyes were dancing with amusement now.

"I mean it," Harry said. "Promise me. There isn't anyone else."

"Are you jealous," Aderes asked surprised. A smirk spread across his face "You are jealous…Is that what this is about?" He laughed, Harry, scowling at him. "Okay, I promise. You're the only person I have any interest in being with."

"Good." Aderes let out a surprised yelp as Harry shoved him down onto the couch and claimed his lips.


"We should probably go."

"Probably," Harry agreed making no effort to move. He'd enjoyed the last hour or so a great deal, the two of them snogging until Aderes finally told Harry if he didn't stop he would be in trouble. Harry had almost let him, but considering all the problems, they kept running into, it seemed better to wait. Instead, Harry had climbed back into Aderes's lap and they had been watching the snow pile up. It was almost dreamlike and Harry really didn't want to leave.

"And after Draco went back to the dorm to get that book." He snickered and gave a slight shake of his head.

"Right, those stupid homework packets," Harry sighed. Couldn't they go one day without some sort of homework or studying being done? Classes had only been out for one day. It was like dealing with two Hermiones, only Aderes was more forceful.

"I thought you were going to actually try." His voice sounded tired and his hand returned to Harry's hair.

"I will, that doesn't mean I know what I'm doing." He moved to get up from Aderes's lap, but the Slytherin just held him in place. "What?" He turned in the embrace so he could get a better look at Aderes. The Slytherin had his eyes closed.

"I said we should get up, not that we were."

"It's probably going to take me the entire break to read through the packet let alone answer it."

"Not if you actually sit down and focus."

"That's a lot easier said than done."

"You aren't Ron." Aderes opened his eyes and frowned. "And you don't have the whole break to do the packet. You need to keep training for your second task?"

Harry felt his heart stop.


"…Harry." Aderes sat up at that, his eyes narrowing. "I know we were fighting, but surely Hermione or even Ron has been working hard with….What have you three been doing!?"

"They've been with you," Harry said removing himself from Aderes's lap in case he decided to attack. "We did work on it a little bit, but there was a lot going on so—"

"This is exactly what I'm talking about! Even with all the safeguards in place, you almost died during the first task!"

"I know!" There were times he still woke up from nightmares about the dragon getting him or worse, sometimes he awoke to what he thought was the smell of burnt flesh. During those times, he was sure he was still on the ground, blinded by the smoke, the dragon waiting to devour him. "There's just a lot and Hermione was worried about the end of the term." He'd managed to back away to the door at least and found the door handle.

"If you leave this room I will drag you back with the spell you failed to cast earlier," Aderes growled. He stood up and with a rough swipe of his wand, the objects in the room twisted back into their original forms as they slid back into their original places.

Harry dropped his hands to his side. He'd just managed to patch things up with his boyfriend and now Aderes was going to murder him. He should have known better.

Aderes walked over to him, looked up him and down, and sighed again.

"Let's go get your packet."

"I almost finished it," Harry said quietly. "I'm just not sure if it's right. I just have the essays left to do." He didn't want Aderes to think he hadn't attempted anything. He may have done the work in a state of fog, but he had done it. Whether or not it was right was a completely different matter. "Hermione usually goes over my mistakes and tells me if something is wrong or not" Or she did before you stopped her, Harry thought his eyes on the floor. He wasn't Ron, he never asked her to do his homework, just check it. Sometimes she would point him in the right direction, at the least the right book, but she refused to give him the actual answers unless the situation was dire.

Aderes's arm snaked around him as they climbed the steps.

Why do I feel so guilty? Was he really one of those stupid people who were willing to give up their lives the second their partner ignored them? There was no guarantee they would remain together; in fact, there was more reason to believe they wouldn't. Would he relinquish all of his independence and will to live with every person he dated or was he really just trying to rationalize what he already knew all too well? That eventually he would die fighting Voldemort, not because he was undertrained or foolish, or any of that, but because somewhere inside him he knew, the only way to defeat Voldemort was to die himself. If all of that proved true, he shouldn't be dating at all. He was leading Aderes down a path that would leave him hurt and alone. Right, because we'll last that long, he snorted giving his head a firm shake. He wanted their relationship to last, but the idea of them actually remaining a couple even into the fifth year seemed impossible.

"You worry me when you get that look on your face," Aderes said.

Harry looked up.


"Harry, I can only keep you so safe. Don't make it harder."


When they arrived at the Gryffindor tower, Aderes waited outside the portrait for Harry. The Gryffindor had to weave through the crowd of students inside. Fred and George's Quidditch match had ended and now they were taking bets on whether or not the Beauxbaton's students would be able to make it to dinner that night. A few others were playing Wizard's chess and a small group of fifth-year girls were huddled together and talking amongst themselves.

Harry noticed it all in passing and retrieved his packet, his book bag with his school supplies, and the giant stack of papers Aderes had given him so long ago. He shoved the homework packet and the stack of papers into his bag, the top of the bag no longer closing. Even if it was annoying, Aderes was right. He needed to focus more on his studies, to learn how to defend and fight better. He needed to have a chance at surviving. Aderes would no doubt find someone else and move on, but what about Harry's next partner? Or the one after that? He might stumble into the love of his life before confronting Voldemort and a growing part of him wanted to not only defeat Voldemort, but to survive the ordeal. He needed to be strong enough to protect not just himself, but those around him.

He stepped out of the tower, surprised when Aderes grabbed his hand before he'd even stepped out of the portrait hole.

"What's wrong?"

"I told you I get anxious when I don't see you," Aderes said.

Harry's face flushed and they started down the hall for the library.

Once they were in the library, Aderes sat Harry in a chair and then slid into the closest chair next to Harry. He removed Harry's homework packet from his overflowing bag and leaned back in the chair.

Is he actually…? Harry's heart began to beat fast. Was Aderes actually going to help him? If he at least just told him if something was wrong, that would be enough. Hermione gave him a quick smile before looking back down at her own packet. Ron was still wrestling with the second page. Draco was halfway through, but seemed to have decided the snow was far more interesting than his homework.

A sigh escaped Aderes's lips. He brought the chair back down onto the floor and grabbed a quill from the table. He tapped one the paper with the quill, set it back down, and flipped the page.

I guess it's bad. Of course, it was bad. His entire state of being was wrapped around Aderes right now. Anytime something was even slightly off with their relationship, his mental state shattered. I can't rely on him like this. He rummaged through his bag and removed some of the notes Aderes and Hermione had made for the second task.

"Don't bother with this," Aderes said his eyes never leaving the packet.

"Why not," Harry asked making a face. "You're the one who said I should be studying—"

"Because I realized what the scream was," he said absently. "Did you not read some of the questions before you answered?"

Harry's face burned.

"I read them...What's the creature?"

Aderes sighed again and dropped the packet down onto the table, his attention focused on Harry.

"Later." He turned to Hermione. "Hermione, you've known Harry longer, what would you say his ability level actually is?"

"In performing magic? He's about mid-third year," she said. "His actual knowledge is closer to second."

Harry wanted to hide and never be found again. How could one of his best friends say he was a horrible student?

"Alright." Aderes sounded very disappointed.

"But, his performance in defense is amazing; he can already cast a Patronus."


"I'm not a lab rat," Harry said. He was torn between embarrassment and anger.

"I'm trying to decide where to start with tutoring you," Aderes said. "I guess we'll start with the beginning of third year, do you actually have the core concepts of first and second year down?"

Harry finally looked up. Aderes was giving in? He wasn't just going to help Harry; he was going to tutor him?

"Are you sure," Harry asked. "I don't want you to think I'm using you…" Not that that had ever been his intention, not really. Maybe when he'd first met Aderes.

"Harry, I can't lose you," he said, the tiredness from before creeping back into his voice. "If that means I have to tutor you in every subject, so be it." He set the packet down on the table and gave Harry yet another look over. "We'll start with the basics. I'll compile a list of spells that every student should have mastered based on their year as well as magical concepts. From there—"

"Aderes, it took me longer to learn, but I can cast every spell the professors have taught us so far."

Aderes tilted his head slightly.

"All of them?"

"Yes. I can't make all the potions, but I can perform the spells."

"Fair enough…" He handed Harry the homework packet back. "Fix these for now. I'll find some basic potion brewing books for you to start off with. Maybe if we start with requirements before school….yes. Hermione caught on fast, because of her desire to learn. Most of the other students have had some minor teachings before Hogwarts, but you're at a disadvantage." He frowned. "Didn't you say your family refused to even acknowledge magic?"

"Yeah, I didn't even know I was a wizard until my letter arrived."

Aderes shook his head.

"I'm going to do everything I can to keep you alive." He took Harry's hand and kissed it. "So just bear with me."

"O, okay." Harry nodded.

"Thank you."


Harry frowned, his eyes taking their time to adjust to the dim light within the room. He had to remind himself he was in one of the empty classrooms. Aderes was not far from him, his wand out, and returning the room to its original form. The fireplace was gone, a slight chill filling the air, and the footrest was once again a desk standing against the wall with all the others. The only item that remained changed was the couch Harry was lying on.

Aderes approached him and smiled when he saw that Harry was awake.

"I've decided a few things after you fell asleep," he said holding his hand out to Harry. Harry took it and the Slytherin pulled him to his feet. The couch turned back into a desk and slid across the floor back into its spot. "I have come to a rather…alarming realization."

Harry tilted his head at that. What could you possibly find alarming inside an empty classroom?

"Which is?"

"I can't lose you," he said quietly taking Harry's hand into his own, the Gryffindor blushing. "I'm going to tutor you, train you," he explained leading Harry to the door. "Everything. I'll go over every subject, whatever I need to in order to keep you alive." He closed the door when they were in the hall and led Harry towards the entrance hall. "I will not allow Voldemort or any of these useless creatures in this castle to do you any harm."

Harry had to jog to keep up. What had happened while he was asleep? Because he'd snogged him? They hadn't done anything else, but it had been a rather good snogging session. Still, Aderes hadn't seemed too interested in helping Harry with anything, but dueling and the tasks before he'd fallen asleep. What could have changed his mind?

"I don't mind, but what happened? You didn't want to teach me anything an hour ago," Harry said. He realized they were heading towards the Gryffindor tower.

"You told me half the world is out to get you, whether you believe it or not," he said giving his head a firm shake. "I will make them work for it."

Harry actually felt light at Aderes's words. Aderes actually cared about his wellbeing and had listened to what he'd had to say. Grinning he followed the Slytherin close, only slowing down when his foot caught on a step and nearly brought him down. When they arrived at the portrait, Tom gave the painting a dissatisfied look.


"Stay in your dorm. I'll see you soon."

"W, wait. What if someone's…you know."

"That's easily enough dealt with," he said with a smile. He gave Harry a quick kiss and vanished down the steps, his footsteps echoing down the hall. Harry listened to him until he couldn't hear him any longer and entered the Gryffindor common room. Inside was a mess of students from fourth year on up. In theory, the room should have had more room, but somehow it seemed to have shrunk in size and doubled in students. Harry wasn't sure how that was possible but was certain if he counted heads it would be so. He spotted Dean and Seamus near the fireplace, both of them talking with a larger group of fourth years and spotted Neville talking with Ginny. Luck seemed to be on his side. He dashed up the dorm steps three at time making sure not to trip over any this time and entered the room.

"Jeez!" Someone must have decided to open a window. The dorm room was freezing. He wrapped his arms around himself tight and moved closer to the beds. He examined every window in the room; none of them was open or showed signs of recently being opened.

The sound of a trunk opening had Harry turning. The door made a clicking noise telling Harry it had locked, and suddenly, Aderes was standing there as he always was.

"Shouldn't you at least stay in your…other form?" He wasn't entirely sure how to describe it. "Your shadow self?"

"My shadow self," Aderes asked snickering. "I suppose that's a good way to put it." He began emptying the contents of Harry's trunk onto the floor. "I want to see what books you have from your previous year."

"Hermione probably has all the assignments," Harry offered. He crossed the room and sat down on his bed. "Any idea what the room is so cold?"

"Weather charm probably weakened under the assault of the storm," Tom said absently. He pulled his wand up, his head and other hand still buried in the trunk and waved it towards the window. A yellow sheet-like light enveloped the room reminding Harry of a sunny day. There was a strong wind and the cold inside vanished.

"Th, thanks."

"It's annoying when they falter," he said shoving his wand back into his pocket. He removed the rest of Harry's books and set them down on the floor.

"I didn't know you could get in here like that," he said motioning to Aderes.

"That form is me," Aderes said looking up, his amusement clear. "It's not like I'm doing a spirit walk." He grabbed the rest of Harry's items and began placing them back into the trunk. "When's the last time you cleaned this out?"

"Good question." He stood up and joined Aderes on the floor. "Probably second year."

"No wonder you have problems in class. Nothing is organized."

"I can find stuff," Harry said. "You should see Ron's…"

"I do not want to see Weasley's," Aderes said. He placed the last of the items into the trunk, sat with his back against the bed, and gave the books a quick look over. "None of this should be particularly difficult. Have you had any problems casting spells from your previous years?"

"Not after I've practiced them a lot. I think the only subject I can't get down is Potions."

"Okay. So you probably don't need any review for defense." He picked up the three books and dropped them back into Harry's trunk. "What about Charms?"


Those books vanished into the trunk.

"Herbology I want you to keep out, it will help with potions." He placed those books to the side and scanned the rest. "These are useless." He practically threw the Divination books into the trunk. "You realize this class is absolute rubbish, right? Only those born as seers can see into the future. The most you're going to learn from this class is how to make a good cup of tea and when it might rain."

"…Would Numerology actually help me more?"

Aderes smirked.

"No. Just people who prefer numbers to stars. It's the same concept, if you aren't with seer abilities, it's a pointless subject."

"Don't tell Hermione," Harry said. He could hear a weird noise, a tapping almost coming from somewhere. His eyes fell on the window and he bolted to his feet. He opened the window fast, the school own crashing into the nearest bed, letter held tightly in its beak. Snow began pouring into the room along with the cold air. He slammed the window shut, his heart racing.

"Never a dull moment around you, is there?" Aderes got onto his knees and looked over the owl carefully before removing the letter from its beak. "Should be alright. Do you have any owl treats on you?"

Harry nodded going to his bedside table. He pulled out a handful of owl nuts and held them out to the poor owl. It hesitantly pecked at them at first before consuming the rest in a flurry.

"Who are you sending letters to in this mess?"

"No one," Harry said. He opened the letter walking back over to Aderes and sat down beside him.


I hadn't heard from you and sometimes that can make certain people restless. I know you are busy, but please try to keep me informed of what's going on. There were rumors that not everything has been going well with you and Aderes. If you have any concerns, please, let me know. It doesn't matter if it's about the tasks, Aderes, or if you simply want me to send you some sweets. Just send a reply when you can and please, after the snowstorm. Some people are so impatient.

Remus Lupin

"Why is Remus Lupin interested in you," Aderes asked. He took the letter from Harry and looked it over again.

"Because he's the one passing letters on to Sirius," Harry explained. He frowned as soon as the words left his mouth. Hadn't they agreed not to hide things? "Sirius is staying with him," he said.

"Oh." Aderes no longer seemed interested and dropped the letter into Harry's trunk with everything else he'd accumulated over the past few years. "You should probably write him back then. That godfather of yours is very impatient, as the letter says."

"You're one to talk," Harry said.

"So are you." Aderes grabbed the first Herbology book and began scanning the index. "If I work through these the next few days, and get the past assignments from Hermione, I should have a good idea of where to start."


"Dare I bother asking if you even started your packet?" He looked up from the year one Herbology book.

"I did," Harry said defensively. "I don't know if it's right…"

"I'll check that too." He held his hand out until Harry unearthed his packet in the trunk and placed it in Aderes's hand. "This should also help me get an idea of what you understand and what you need further help in." He set the homework packet on top of the books. "From there will refocus on the tasks, but I'm going to warn you, Harry. I'm doing this because I want you safe. If you waste my time, you will regret it."

Harry nodded believing every word.



Yes, I know, late, as usual. I gave up on trying to keep things going smooth. As I said, updates are sporadic due to my work and health. I apologize, but for now there's nothing I can do about it.