Her First...
Author Note: I know I have other stories to update BUT would I be Kia without procrastination? These are just one-shots that turned into a mini series on Tumblr.
Chapter 1: Her First Meeting
Under any circumstance he tried to avoid the hospital. The sterile smell, the bright lights that never failed to dry his eyes, the lingering sick people and the cold atmosphere.
But today was different, so different it would change his rather simple life.
People looked at him strangely when he didn't want to hold her, his newborn daughter. They figured he was upset that his heir was a girl. No, he was scared.
Actually during Hinata's pregnancy he was afraid to even touch her. He feared he'll hurt her, break something. He was known for it. He couldn't hurt them so he didn't want to touch her.
Hinata ruined that when she took his hand and forcefully laid it on her swollen stomach. He scowled at her saying that was rude, but at the very sound of his voice she kicked him. He tensed, eyes widened and yanked his hand away.
Hinata giggled lightly. "Did she hurt you?" After that day he couldn't keep his hand off of the only barrier separating them. He loved the quickly growing bump, he spoke to her at night even when Hinata was asleep.
When he couldn't sleep he allowed her to hear his worries, his promises and everything in between.
Then when Hinata appeared to be ready to pop…well, she did. Between rushing her to the hospital and the screaming that made him want to tear his hair out…he grew nervous.
That barrier kept her safe from his rough, sinful hands. She would get to see him now, decide if she really loved him. He hoped she did… He needed it.
"Sasuke…" Hinata whispered. He looked up at his wife. Her face regained it's color but she looked so tired. "Hold her."
Dark brows furrowed. "H-Hold her." She tried again.
Hinata closed her eyes. "You will regret it." Her hair pulled out of her face from sweat. "You won't hurt her."
"I will." He insisted.
"You haven't hurt me." She peered at him.
"I have," he looked at the floor. "I have before."
She smiled weakly brushing off the incident with his Chidori. "I'm still alive."
He leaned back in the chair. "I - can't."
"I'm r-really tired," she confessed. "P-please, Sasuke. You won't hurt her, look at her."
The stoic man stood slowly as if walking too hard would kill her. Could anyone blame him? More men have died by his hands than he can count. He clutched the bed bars and looked at the pale bundle in her arms.
"Hinata I-"
"You've been watching everything with your eyes," she lifted her up. "You'll only learn with your hands." Sasuke stiffened as Hinata placed her accordingly in his arms.
"What do…" He trailed off see Hinata fall right asleep. He watched the baby sleep in his arms. "Hikari." He muttered. Large ash onyx eyes opened up slowly before yawning. He almost grinned at her scrunched up face. "Beautiful."
She opened her mouth revealing pink gums and let out a noise that sounded like a laugh. Her tuff of navy hair was sticking up and fingers stretched out towards him. He took a seat. "I won't hurt you." He promised.
She flexed her fingers and let out another giggle. He reached over mimicking her movements. She smiled a toothless smile. He sighed and gently rest his hand against her incredibly smaller hands. "My name is Uchiha Sasuke, you may call me father," he paused at her face. "Tou-san, Da-" She wrapped her fingers around his thumb. "Or whatever you want…"
She yawned before closing her eyes, a small smile grew along his features. Hinata sighed watching him and decided they would be okay.
AN: I did this while listening to Ed Sheeran's Small Bump. I love Ed. :)