Hey guys this is my second Hawke story. It is a sequel to the first however new readers can jump in without feeling lost.
I would have posted sooner but I was in Las Vegas with my brother and things get a bit crazy there and I lost track of time.
This chapter is a bit heavy on dialogue but stick with it.
Happy 2014!
A good way to start the new year by posting not one but two chapters for my new story!

"The year was 9:34 Dragon. The Qunari had crash landed in Kirkwall and nearly three years later they still hadn't left. Tensions were high as their culture clashed with those of the native Kirkwallers. Things only got worse from there.

It was the year that Hawke became the official Champion of Kirkwall. Hawke, he who escaped the Fall of Ostagar, fought his way past pirate filled seas and reached Kirkwall, he who defeated the Coterie, he who would single handedly save the city, and seduced the…"



"What are you doing? It did not happen like that!"

"Come on Hawke. I always tell it with such flare."

"You mean you lie and exaggerate. Varric I didn't 'single handedly' save the city, and there were not any pirates on my way to Kirkwall. Why do you keep adding pirates? And what do you mean by 'seduced' I didn't seduce anyone."

"You gotta give yourself more credit Hawke. You were practically glowing the day the two of you finally-"

"I was not glowing! If you're gonna tell the story fine, but tell it the way it really happened."

"Sigh… alright. You win Hawke. I'll tell the story the way you want me to tell it."

Excerpt from when Garrett Hawke interrupted the Tales of Varric.

Kirkwall, the City in Chains. On the surface the city looked to be doing better that it had in years.

Crime was at an all-time low since Garrett Hawke cleaned up the streets defeating the last of the Coterie and Aveline Vallen was elected as Guard Captain.

However tensions were raising and the continued presence of the Qunari disrupted the city bringing about issues with the Chantry and attracting Opportunists.

The Viscount's Keep

"The Arishok has commanded the Viscount's presence" the Qunari said looming over the clearly terrified secretary.

The secretary rubbed her hands together nervously before saying "the Viscount is very busy. If the Arishok wishes to make an appointment…"

"No" the Qunari growled.

"Uh I'm sorry" the secretary said.

"The Arishok will not wait upon your Viscount" the Qunari said.

They were causing quite the scene as the few city guards station around the Keep glanced warily at the two of them. Thankfully Seneschal Bran appeared striding over to the arguing Qunari and secretary before they had another incident.

"What does the Arishok want?" Bran said.

"The Viscount's presence is commanded" the Qunari repeated.

"Commanded. The Arishok does not command the Viscount, sir." Bran said crossing his arms.

"I tried telling him sir but he won't listen" the secretary said speaking up in a weak voice as the Qunari turned his horned head to look down upon her.

"Sir… I'm sorry what was your name? What do I call you?" Bran said trying to lower the tension.

"I am Sten of the Beresaad" the Qunari answered.

"No, that's not right. Another of your kind was here last month and he was also called Sten." Bran said frowning.

"He was also Sten" the Qunari answered.

"I don't understand. Is that your rank or something?" Bran asked.

Bran waited for a response but received none.

The Qunari only strode forward standing nearly a foot taller than Bran as he loomed over the Seneschal. Two city guards stepped forward flanking the Seneschal as the fully armored Qunari stood before him.

"If the Viscount will not come I was commanded to call upon the one known as Hawke" the Qunari said staring down the Seneschal unblinkingly.

"… Hawke? Why Hawke? I was led to believe the Qunari despised Nobles" the Seneschal said backing away slowly.

"Send 'Hawke' to our compound. If he has not arrived within three hours I will return" the Qunari said before turning to leave.

The Keep was silent as the Qunari crossed the hall, people moved aside clearing a path for the towering armored figure, and without so much as a glance behind him he was gone.

The door slammed on his way out.

"What do we do?" a city guard asked.

"Send for Hawke" Seneschal Bran said taking a moment to wipe the sweat from his brow.

The Hanged Man

The noisy tavern was packed.

People crowded around in a circle ordering drinks and placing bets. The tables had been cleared and moved to the corners of the tavern.

Two figures stood in the cleared space as people chanted eagerly for the fight to start.

The Nobles had their melees, tournaments where Knights and Nobles alike battled, and the lower classes had theirs.

Garrett Hawke stood on one end of the makeshift ring and his opponent stood on the other.

Garrett Hawke, twenty nine years old, survivor of the Fall of Ostagar, and as many in Kirkwall called him the People's Champion. He was tall and well-built from his time in the Ferelden army, with blue eyes, a beard, and short midnight black hair that he kept swept on his left side his bangs slanting across his forehead.

He wore a simple shirt, trousers, and a pair of leather boots. Hardly the attire one would expect from a Noble but then Hawke was no ordinary Noble.

"Varric" Garrett called glancing behind him.

The infamous Dwarf pushed his way through the crowd poking his head out and calling "Hawke?"

"Did you bet on me?" Garrett asked his eyebrow raised. "You got it!" Varric said smirking.

"Let me guess you added something special to make it interesting?" Garrett asked grinning in spite of himself.

"Bet two sovereigns you'd win, but if you can win using only one hand we get seven." Varric answered.

Garrett snapped around gaping at his 'friend'.

"You want me to fight using only one hand?" Garrett asked incredulously.

"I believe in you Hawke. I'll split it with you!" Varric said reaching out and clamping Garrett on the arm. A significant feat considering their height difference.

"Thanks a lot Varric. You're gonna owe me big time after this" Garrett sighed.

"Get em Hawke!" Isabela yelled from where she sat at the bar.

One handed… great Garrett thought turning back to face his opponent, a rather large fellow native to Darktown.

"Ready to lose rich boy" the man growled.

Rich boy? I earned my wealth Garrett thought slightly annoyed.

Just then the announcer stepped through the crowd carrying two wooden Longswords.

"Alright remember once the fight's over, it's over. Fight ends once one of you surrenders or is knocked out" the announcer said handing a wooden Longsword to Garrett and his opponent.

Stepping clear of the two of them the announcer shouted "fight!"

Garrett raised his wooden Longsword one handed as Varric nodded enthusiastically at him.

The large man whom was Garrett's opponent charged wooden blade held high.

Swerving to the left Garrett dodged the man's powerful two handed swing.

Before Garrett could attack the man snapped around slashing back him and Garrett fumbled backward barely dodging.

Can't use both hands Garrett thought in frustration as he was reduced to dancing around his opponent's wild swings.

"Come on rich boy! Fight me!" the man shouted.

Garrett raised his wooden blade daring the man to rush him and when he came charging Garrett was ready for him.

Sidestepping Garrett locked blades with the man, shifting his balance, and using his body weight to counter the strength of his opponent's two handed handed slash. It wasn't easy but Garrett managed to parry the man's slash and force him to stumbled back losing his balance for a moment.

Garrett took the chance to hit the man's sides, pressing him back. The man yelled and swung wildly with a two handed grip forcing Garrett back.

Keeping his distance this time Garrett raised his blade and waiting for his opponent to come to him. The man charged forward and Garrett dodged his opponent's slash before striking at the man's back nearly topping him over again.

The crowd sheered as Garrett went on the offensive.

Circling around the man quickly Garrett slashed and slashed his wooden blade hitting the man's side and legs forcing him to the ground.

The man fell to the floor with a groan.

Garrett stepped over the man placing the wooden blade an inch from his opponent's neck and the crowded roared "Hawke! Hawke! Hawke!"

"I surrender." the man groaned feeling the tip of Garrett's wooden Longsword at his throat.

"One handed!" Varric shouted as he collected his winnings.

Garrett laughed helping his opponent up saying "good fight."

Suddenly Garrett turned around hearing a familiar voice calling his name. Varric heard it too and fought through the crowd of people looking for her.

"Garrett! Garrett something's come up" Leandra Hawke called out trying to break through the crowd as their trusty Mabari hound Kane trailed after her.

Where are you mother? Garrett thought scanning through crowd of people whom were already clambering for another fight.

Varric found Leandra and Kane first and led them through the crowd calling "over here Hawke!"

"Mother" Garrett said in greeting as Varric dragged her past the crowd.

"Hawke if that dog poops in here you're cleaning it up!" Norah the waitress called seeing Kane standing beside Leandra. "He won't!" Garrett called back.

"Thank you Varric" Leandra said thankful for the dwarf's help before turning to her son.

"Is everything alright mother?" Garrett asked frowning. For her to come looking for him like this was unusual.

"Oh I'm fine. I have my bodyguard here" Leandra rubbing Kane's ears and he barked happily.

"Do you really have to enter these… these fights? It's not like we need the money" Leandra asked awkwardly straightening her fine silk robes fit for a Noble.

"I don't care about the money it's just having some fun is all" Garrett answered with smirk.

There wasn't much for Garrett to do since he and Varric had returned from their expedition from the Deep Roads and he'd reclaimed the Hawke estate. He signed up for the fights just for fun and his training he'd received from the Ferelden army put him at an advantage.

"It's your life Garrett. If you don't want to be amongst the higher classes, that's fine. Just be careful." Leandra said.

She knew her son was never good at being a Noble; even now after all this time Garrett still preferred spending time with his friends in Lowtown rather than joining the Nobles and Merchants in Hightown.

"Hey Hawke are you up for another fight or not!" the announcer called out with murmurs from the crowd.

"Give me a minute!" Garrett called back.

"Sorry about that mother. What happened?" Garrett asked as Leandra smiled lightly at the announcer's annoyance about being brushed aside.

"I'm not sure why but the city guard stopped by the estate saying they needed you for some urgent business" Leandra told her son.

"Urgent business?" Garrett asked.

"They didn't say. You should go to the Viscount's Keep and see what they want. Whatever it was the city guards seemed nervous" Leandra said.

"And we had just started a winning streak" Varric sighed.

Garrett raised an eyebrow saying "what do you mean be 'we' I'm doing all the fighting."

"I'm with you in spirit" Varric laughed.

"Hawke you fighting or what!" the announcer called as the crowd of drunken tavern people called for another round.

"I'm out. Find someone else" Garrett called out to the groans of several people in the crowd.

"I'll see you when you get home and please be careful. I don't like this" Leandra called as she and her son pushed their way out of the crowd.

"Don't worry Ms. Hawke I'll make sure mister knight in shining armor over here doesn't get into too much trouble." Varric said deciding to tag along.

Garrett rolled his eyes saying "how many times do I have to tell you? I wasn't a knight I was only a soldier."

The Viscount's Keep

The city guards were waiting for Garrett the moment he entered the Keep.

Two guards had immediately escorted him upstairs while stopping Varric and telling the annoyed dwarf that he wasn't allowed in.

Like Leandra had said whatever was going on made the city guards anxious and Aveline Vallen, the new Captain of the Guard in full armor, met him upstairs.

"Aveline-" Garrett began with a warm smile only for the Captain of the Guard to interrupt "Sir Hawke, the Viscount has called upon you in a matter dealing with the Qunari."

"I can escort him from here. Dismissed" Aveline told the other two guardsmen and with a quirt nod they departed heading back to the barracks.

Once they were gone Garrett turned to Aveline saying "hello to you too. What was that about?"

"This is serious Garrett" Aveline said not meeting his eyes and gesturing for him to follow her to the Viscount's office.

"Are you embarrassed by me or something?" Garrett said crossing his arms.

"No. No of course not… it's just" Aveline stammered.

"What?" Garrett asked frowning.

"This is where I work. I need to be the Guard Captain here not Aveline and right now the Viscount is waiting for us" Aveline said giving Garrett an apologetic look.

"So you are embarrassed by me" Garrett said about to arguing when suddenly Aveline reached forward and kissed him deeply putting an end to any arguments.

"See" Aveline said pulling back with a warm smile.

Garrett chuckled saying "was that so hard."

"Seriously Garrett, the Viscount is waiting for us" Aveline said and together the two of them walked through the Keep heading for the Viscount's office.

"Sigh Garrett couldn't you have worn better clothes. You look like you live in Lowtown" Aveline said as they walked. "I did live in Lowtown once remember" Garrett said realizing that he was very under dressed for a meeting with the Viscount.

Nonetheless the two of them moved on.

Upon reaching the Viscount's office they found Seneschal Bran waiting outside and he opened the door for them gesturing them in.

Nodding at the Seneschal, Garrett and Aveline entered the Viscount's office putting aside their relationship for a moment.

Viscount Dumar was not a young man. He had been Kirkwall's ruler for decades and legend says once he even had hair. Whatever the case now the man was bald and wearing fine silk robes along with the crown that had been bestowed upon him on the day of his election.

"Hello again Viscount Dumar" Garrett said in greeting.

"Viscount" Aveline said nodding at her superior.

"Hawke, Guard Captain" Viscount Dumar said turning to each of them in turn and gesturing for them to sit before getting straight to the point.

"I'll be honest with you Hawke. I had not expected to be working with you again but it appears the Qunari have forced my hand." Viscount Dumar said.

"The Qunari? What do they want with me?" Garrett asked.

"Who can say with these Qunari. They issue commands to us even after everything we've done for them. The compound was given to them as gift and yet we have received no thanks for it" Seneschal Bran said closing the door behind them.

"Why don't they just leave? They've been here nearly three years now." Garrett said.

"You guess. Mr. Hawke, would be as good as mine. The Qunari sit like gargoyles waiting for Maker know what and everyone around them goes mad. I granted them the space near the Docks but it was never meant to be permanent and after all this time people are afraid of them. Afraid that they are beginning to expand their influence or so the Chantry zealots say" Viscount Dumar said distastefully.

"The Chantry doesn't like the Qunari I take it" Garrett said.

"No, they don't. As if the city needed any more problems with Orsino and Meredith always at each other's throats, now the Qunari make demands, and all the while I have the Chantry claiming they're trying to convert our citizens" Viscount Dumar said.

"Convert? Convert them to what?" Garrett asked confused.

"The Qun… or at least we think that's what it's called. It's the Qunari religion as for as we can tell and apparently the Chantry doesn't like competition" Aveline answered.

"Funny. The Qunari never seemed very spiritual to me" Garrett said thinking aloud.

"Enough. Mr. Hawke the Arishok has requested you by name and I want to know why." Viscount Dumar said turning to look at Garrett.

"No idea. I had a few run ins with the Qunari during my early years here in Kirkwall and got his attention. I guess I must have impressed him but that was years ago" Garrett said.

Saemus and Ashaad Garrett thought remembering the wounded coast incident where he had saved the Viscount's son.

"It makes no sense. No matter, it seems you are meant to have influence above your station Hawke and now I ask that you speak to the Arishok, and if it is within your power to aid him then do so, for the sake of peace for Kirkwall" Viscount Dumar said.

"I'll do what I can, Viscount" Garrett said getting to his feet.

"Sir I request permission to accompany Hawke" Aveline said suddenly as she got to her feet.

Bran glanced at her confused. "I know the Qunari are wary of the city guard but we should still be present" Aveline said.

"Send another guardsman" Viscount Dumar said offhandedly.

"As Guard Captain I can represent that the city is willing to work with the Qunari. They don't trust the city guard sir, they trust Garrett. We need to show them if they work with us then we can work with them" Aveline said firmly.

Viscount Dumar gave her a curiously look saying "if you believe it could help our relations with the Qunari… then I gave you permission."

"Thank you sir" Aveline said betraying no emotion.

"Go then and we will be expecting your report Guard Captain" Seneschal Bran said opening the door for them.

With a quirt nod Garrett and Aveline walked out but as they left the Viscount looked between them with a suspicious eye.

Back downstairs they found Varric waiting for them looking annoyed at being left out but ready to join them nonetheless. "What's up?" the dwarf asked.

"Apparently the Arishok was impressed by me. Wants me to do a job" Garrett said as they departed.

The Docks

"So the Arishok doesn't like the city guards eh? Wonder why?" Varric said as he, Garrett, and Aveline headed towards the Qunari compound.

"Because we do our job" Aveline said.

"Don't take it personally. Everyone's impressed by the People's Champion" Varric said smirking at Garrett.

"I wish you would stop calling me that" Garrett muttered.

Reaching the Qunari compound they found two of the strange tall horned beings standing guard and blocking their path before they spotted Garrett.

"You are 'Hawke' you are allowed in" one of the Qunari guards said moving aside for Garrett. They almost made it inside… but the other Qunari guard stopped Varric and Aveline.

Aveline had been right behind Garrett when the Qunari guard grabbed Aveline by her chestplate stopping her in her tracks.

"Hawke was called upon. Not you" the Qunari guard said looking both at Aveline and Varric.

Aveline shoved the Qunari guard's hand off of her armor saying "I'm Captain of the Guard. Any business that involves the city involves me."

"Uh careful there Aveline. These guys don't look like pushovers" Varric said gripping the handle of his trusty crossbow, Bianca. "Neither am I" Aveline said not backing down from the Qunari guard that stood nearly a foot taller than herself and whom was fully armored.

"They're with me. Let them pass" Garret said firmly.

The Qunari guards exchanged a look before slowly moving out of Aveline and Varric's way allowing them to enter alongside Garrett.

The Qunari compound was unlike any other place in the city.

Orderly and efficient there were no decorations of any kind save for the throne that the Arishok sat upon and the strange altar in the back where several Qunari swords had been placed.

As for the Qunari themselves they were nothing like the citizens of Kirkwall. All of them had a role to fill and none of them stood idle. None of them gossiped or traded stories.

There were also a few Qunari resting in the very back of the compound and seemed to have a system worked out for who rested when and for how long.

As Garrett and the group passed the sea of horns they couldn't help but notice that every single Qunari, literally every single one, was watching them.

The Arishok was waiting for them and as they stood below the steps to his throne he turned his head, his massive horns swinging as he did, and spoke.

"I called upon Hawke. Not the two of you" the Arishok said in his cold deep voice that commanded authority.

This was a man who had seen a thousand battles, who had led men to victory countless time, and whose very presence demanded people to listen when he spoke.

"You wanted my help and these are my… companions" Garrett replied. Somehow he didn't think the Arishok would be impressed by the word 'friends.'

The Arishok gave the smallest of nods accepting that Garrett's friends would join him.

"Why did you ask for me? We've barely spoken and if you needed something you could appeal to the city guard?" Garrett asked.

"We do not appeal to your 'city guard' nor your 'Viscount.' But you are capable however I have yet to decide if you are capable of understanding. Perhaps in time we will talk" the Arishok said.

"The first time we met I did not care to learn your name. You have changed your fortune over the years. The Qunari have not. I offer a courtesy, Hawke. Someone has stolen what they believe to be the formula for gaatlok. You will want to hunt them." The Arishok said in his deep voice.

"The gaatlok? That explosive powder that Javaris wanted so badly" Varric said saying what Garrett was thinking as they remembered the wounded coast incident with Saemus Dumar.

"Yes" was the Arishok's answer.

"When did this happen?" Aveline said stepping forward.

"Last night." The Arishok said barely even glancing at Aveline.

"You waited all this time to inform us? There's been a bomb loose in the city and you barely decided to tell us!" Aveline said her fist clenching as she poorly hid her anger.

"Arishok with all due respect you should have informed the city guard" Garrett said reaching forward and taking Aveline's hand in his.

Aveline turned back to look at him and seeing the look on his face she took a deep breathe calming down and relaxing her hand.

"I did. Your Viscount refused to meet with us and so we called you here" the Arishok said not bothering to cover up how unimpressed he was with Viscount Dumar.

Before any of them could continue the Arishok spoke saying "the stolen formula was a decoy. Saar-qamek- a poison gas, not explosives."

"You tricked them. Well I'm impressed" Varric said.

"The poison is dangerous to your kind even in small amounts. A large quantity of it would be lethal. Perhaps someone is intending to sell it." The Arishok said.

"Javaris is the most likely suspect" Garrett said to which the Arishok nodded.

"Others have asked for the gaatlok but only the dwarf chose to delude himself beyond 'no'. Is three years so long to a hateful fool? I have no way of understanding such weakness. His crime seems obvious. Further evidence could be the deaths of many. I would not wait" the Arishok added.

"We don't have much time, do we?" Aveline said crossing her arms.

"Would the dwarf be cautious? Or would he assume success and make enough to threaten one of your districts? As I said, a courtesy Hawke you will want to hunt him." the Arishok said.

"Hold on here. You're telling me the Qunari just leaving the decoy laying around for everyone to see it?" Varric asked.

"We did not make it easy. Three Qunari died defending it, enough to impart a sense of worth. Rest assured dwarf that if the real formula were at risk the Qun would demand that we protect it to the last of us" the Arishok said gesturing to every Qunari in the compound.

Every one of them willing to die for a formula? Garrett thought.

"Varric you keep an ear to the ground. Have you heard anything of Javaris selling anything big lately?" Garrett said turning to his friend.

"Hmm I've heard about a sell-off in the merchant territories. Apparently it was a real rush but I haven't kept up on the squirt" Varric said shrugging.

"We need to find more information" Aveline said.

"It's too bad, a few years ago I would have said to ask the Coterie, but they're gone now" Varric smirking at Garrett.

"Yeah I know. We defeated them" Garrett said sharing a look with Aveline.

"A pity more of your city guards are not like you Hawke. Their squabble with the Coterie was unimpressive… then you arrived and changed the playing field" the Arishok said.

Aveline had to resist the urge to glare. Little squabble… it took months to defeat the Coterie she thought.

"Panahedan, Hawke. It will be interesting to see if you die" the Arishok said.

Is this all some kind of test? Garrett thought raising an eyebrow at that.

"… Thank you for bringing this to me" Garrett said.

The three of them waited to see if the Arishok had anything else to tell them. After several moments of silence the Arishok said "be gone."

Walking back out of the Qunari compound was just as eerie as entering it had been. The Qunari watching them every step of the way until they were gone.

"Maker! Those horn heads are creepy" Varric said with a shudder now that were back in the Docks.

"This is ridiculous! They waited all this time to tell us. It's like watching children squabble, the Arishok who refuses to wait upon the Viscount when he knows Dumar has a city to run, he can't just drop everything on demand" Aveline said.

"Is it always like that when dealing with them?" Garrett asked.

"They make few demands but they don't respect anyone. Not the Viscount, not the city guard, not even after everything we've done for them" Aveline said.

"Well… the Arishok said they did respect Hawke" Varric pointed out.

Seeing the look on Aveline's face Garrett spoke up saying "look none of that matters right now."

"Varric can you talk to your contacts with the merchants, see if you can learn anything new?" Garrett asked. Varric nodded saying "yeah I can ask around."

"I can send a few city guards to look for Javaris" Aveline said.

"Alright we can meet up back at the Hanged Man" Varric said nodding.

"Garrett what will you do?" Aveline asked.

"I'm gonna talk to the uh 'dockers' see if Javaris tried to move his product without the city guard's attention" Garrett said.

Your old smugglers friends Aveline thought looking at Garrett with suspicious eyes before nodding. She knew about Garrett's past but understood it was a part of his life he wasn't particularly proud of.

The three friends parted ways each going to their circle of contacts within the city.

The Hanged Man

The crowded and noisy Lowtown tavern had returned to its normal state since Garrett had last been here. The tables were back where they belonged instead of shoved into the corner so people could place bets on the fights.

Norah the pretty waitress was taking orders and people were milling about as a few drunks were dancing around telling stories.

As for Garrett, he'd made a stop back home and put on his armor, a set of Reinforced Leather Armor, as well his shield and Longsword. Together he and Varric had met up with Aveline and found a table.

"I've sent the city guard to watch for Javaris and I've stationed a few patrols through the city. If this poison gas goes off I want my people there to take charge" Aveline said.

"My contacts with the merchant's guild tell me Javaris suddenly left in a rush. He'd been skipping out on his dues to the guild and pissing off a lot of people. If he was selling the decoy he must have realized it wasn't the gaatlok and tried to run for it with his money" Varric said.

"But?" Garrett said knowing there was more to the story. "But it doesn't look like he made it out of Kirkwall" Varric said.

"If he's still here the city guard will find him. It's only a matter of time" Aveline.

"So Mr. Ex Smuggler what did your old contacts say?" Varric said smirking at his friend.

Aveline didn't meet Garrett's eyes, she never liked it when that part of his life was brought up.

"They're looking into it. Hermes said he'd meet us here shortly, he's spoken to the old smugglers on my behalf" Garrett said.

"I thought the smugglers had disbanded" Aveline said frowning.

"They did… I had a hand in that remember. Athenril's gone but some of her old intelligence network is still up. The point is they can help" Garrett said.

"Might as well order drinks while we wait" Varric said signaling for Norah the waitress.

Neither Garrett nor Aveline ordered alcohol but Varric allowed himself a single cup of ale as they waited, which didn't turned out to be very long. Garrett was the first to spot the former smuggler when the man entered and waved him over.

Hermes pulled himself up a chair taking seat alongside the others saying "been a long time eh Hawke."

"About a year or so yeah" Garrett said greeting his old friend from back during his time with Athenril.

"Garrett said you could help us, can you?" Aveline said eying Hermes with suspicion.

"Yeah I've found out where Javaris is holed up" Hermes said not liking the way Aveline was looking at him.

"How?" Aveline asked.

"The smugglers may be disbanded" Hermes said sharing a look with Garrett before continuing "but their infrastructure is still there, the old hiding places."

"He using one of the old hovels?" Garrett asked. "That would explain why no one can find him and we aren't the only ones looking" Varric added.

"Best we can tell the dwarf's hiding in Smuggler's Cut. You remember Hawke that old tunnel Athenril used, empties at a cave outside the city?" Hermes said turning to look at Aveline.

Yeah Aveline's not happy that we knew about that Garrett thought giving her an apologetic look.

Turning back to Hermes, Garrett said "you're sure he's holed up there?"

Hermes nodded saying "yup he was seen down there with some hired muscle. He had to clear out some homeless people before hiding there."

"So he realized the trick the Qunari played on him and decided to hide until tensions died down, he pissed off his customers, the merchant's guild, and the Qunari." Varric said.

"We need to pay him a visit" Aveline said getting to her feet.

"What's all this about Hawke? Last I heard you weren't a city guard" Hermes said before glancing at Aveline and continuing "or did that change?"

"The Qunari called upon me. Something to do with them being impressed with how we took down the Coterie" Garrett answered with a sigh.

"Hehe maybe they've heard too many of Varric's tales. You live quite the life though don't you Hawke" Hermes said smiling lightly.

"This time I had nothing to do with it" Varric said with a laugh.

"Thanks for the help Hermes. I'm sure the city guard can pay you a reward for this" Garrett said as Aveline nodded adding "you're assistance has been noted."

"See you around Hawke" Hermes said deciding to have a drink after all.

Getting to his feet and patting his old friend on the shoulder Garrett headed out with Varric and Aveline.

"So what's the plan exactly?" Varric asked as the three of them left the Hanged Man.

"We drag Javaris back to the barracks, find the poison gas, and charge him with thievery and threatening the safety of the city" Aveline said firmly.

Entrance to Smuggler's Cut

Garrett led the way with Varric and Aveline following behind. He had used Smuggler's Cut just as Hermes had years ago when they had worked for Athenril.

"Okay here it is" Garrett said kneeling down and pulling the hidden hatch open revealing a secret set of stairs leading to an underground tunnel.

"… Garrett how many of these tunnels are there?" Aveline asked uncomfortably.

"No one really knows" Garrett said with a shrug.

"The city's old. People kept building over each other and now we have Darktown and the Undercity" Varric said unusually serious.

This is why the city guards don't send patrols down here. Too much ground to cover Garrett thought dropping down into the tunnel that was Smuggler's Cut.

Landing with a heavy thud Garrett called "all clear."

Aveline dropped down beside him landing a little shakily until Garrett reached out a hand and steadied her. "Thanks" Aveline said slightly flushed.

"Hey love birds watch out" Varric called resisting the urge to laugh.

Looking up Garrett and Aveline saw Varric crouched and ready to drop down with them.

"Don't call us that" Aveline scowled though Garrett couldn't help but notice that her face was little red.

"It's not every day we get to see a flying dwarf" Garrett said.

"Ha ha step aside" Varric said as Garrett and Aveline moved out of his way and he dropped down with them.

Walking through Smuggler's Cut they found it mostly empty but Garrett assured them it led to a cave where they'd probably find Javaris.

The three of them had nearly reached the exit when they came upon a bodyguard of sorts nodding off. The man was dressed in light green leather armor and when he saw them walking through the tunnel he bolted running away.

"One of Javaris's men" Aveline called as they chased after him.

"Hey guys we got company!" the bodyguard called out reaching the cave before Garrett, Aveline and Varric could.

"Shields!" Garrett said knowing Javaris's men would be ready for them.

Rushing into the cave after Javaris's bodyguard Garrett raised his shield just an arrow tore through the air embedding itself into his shield with a thud.

Aveline followed soon after, shield raised as arrow after arrow flew through the air striking her shield. Together Garrett and Aveline covered each other while Varric loaded a special bolt into his crossbow from behind their combined cover.

Varric fired his special bolt from behind the cover of Garrett and Aveline's shields and it arced through the air before exploding and sending shrapnel all over the cave.

There were cries and groans of pain as Javaris's men were forced to scatter from Varric's shrapnel raining upon all of them.

Now that the worst of it was over Garrett and Aveline went on the move rushing forward as another bodyguard made for them Greatsword held high.

Garrett used his shield to block the bodyguard's slash as Aveline stabbed the man through the chest before pushing him back.

Varric fired bolt after bolt keeping the archers at bay.

Together Aveline and Garrett made quite the team. Covering each as other as they fought Javaris's bodyguards two or even three at a time.

Garrett slammed his shield into a bodyguard before slashing the man across the chest while Aveline covered his flank.

Still no sign of Javaris Garrett thought as he fought back to back with Aveline.

"Enough!" Garrett called out.

"You lot really want to die over Javaris! Walk away!" Garrett called.

There was silence across the cave as suddenly all of Javaris's hired bodyguards hesitated. They outnumbered them but Garrett's group had proven they were much more skilled.

"No! I'll double the pay!" a voice called out frantically.

Ah there's Javaris Garrett thought seeing the dwarf step out of his hiding place in the cave.

"Folks do you really want to deal with the city guard right now" Varric called coolly.

Taking the hint Aveline spoke up saying "I'm Guard Captain Vallen. Any assassination attempts and the entire city goes on a manhunt."

"… Let them have the dwarf. He still hasn't paid us all that's owed" one of the hired bodyguards called and there was a murmur of agreement.

The hired bodyguards lowered their weapons and started back into Smuggler's Cut to the dismay of Javaris.

"Wait! Come back! I'll… triple the pay! Please! They're gonna kill me!" Javaris called as his hired bodyguards left him behind.

Varric was laughing so hard he had to put his crossbow down. "Javaris you have to pay them for their loyalty" Varric called.

"We're not here to kill you… unlike everyone else" Garrett said stepping forward as Javaris met his eye.

"We just need to talk" Aveline called.

Oh please don't run Aveline thought seeing Javaris's eyes dart not back to the entrance of Smuggler's Cut but to the Wounded Coast outside the cave's opening.

"Javaris!" Garrett said cursing as the dwarf made a run for it heading for the Wounded Coast.

Dropping his sword and shield Garrett chased after Javaris and Aveline ran to kept pace and Varric aimed for Javaris's leg.

Can't get a clear shot Varric thought.

Catching up to his quarry Garrett leapt forward tackling Javaris and the two of them rolled into the sandy terrain of the Wounded Coast.

"Make me run after you" Garrett muttered getting to his feet and grabbing Javaris by the arm as Aveline appeared beside him coldly saying "don't. run."

"Of course she'd hire you. I can't buy a break on discount!" Javaris said unable to break free of Garrett's grasp.

"Not like you could afford to buy anything really" Varric said catching up to them before continuing "haven't been paying your dues."

"Yeah all the crap in my life's been piling up and now this. Fine then! Go and take my head back to that sodding elf! Then I can finally get some rest" Javaris yelled.

"Who is this 'she' you keep talking about?" Garrett asked as Aveline leaned in saying "the explosive powder you stole was a decoy, it's actually poison."

"Poison? Wait I did not steal from those blighted horn heads! Is that who you're working for now?" Javaris said looking very confused.

"The Qunari called upon Hawke. We're pretty sure it was you but you say it wasn't? Prove it" Aveline said.

"It was an elf. The Bitch got the horn heads after me for nothing! I'm telling you I was framed!" Javaris said.

Garrett and Aveline exchanged a look.

"I didn't really see him as the burglar type. Not smart enough" Varric said thinking aloud.

"Hey!" Javaris yelled indignantly. "Explain" Garrett said calmly.

"Look, I'm minding my own business and out of the blue some elf tries to kill me. Says she's got the Qunari powder and I'm her cover. I slipped her, hired some bodyguards, and ran for it. Never had time to pay my dues" Javaris said crossing his arms.

"And now you're here. Great" Javaris scowled. A rather remarkable change in attitude now that he realized they weren't planning on killing him.

"Why didn't you plead to the Arishok?" Garrett asked stroking his beard.

"Ha and tell him what? An elf with explosives wants me dead, the Qunari probably think I stole it and want me dead. Doesn't look very promising, does it?" Javaris said.

"What else can you tell us about this elf?" Aveline said accepting that Javaris probably was telling the truth.

"She wore armor, odd for an elf, so I'm guess someone gave her funds. Last my hired help said they spotted her in Lowtown and that's all I know. I just wanna get out of here but no chance of that anytime soon since you lot made my guards turn traitor" Javaris said.

"I think he's telling the truth" Varric said.

"This isn't right. What does this elf have against the Qunari?" Garrett asked crossing his arms.

"Who can tell with elves? Whoever she was I'd seen her before volunteering at the Chantry and never shutting up about that blighted Chant you humans love so much. Blighted fanatical that one" Javaris said scowling.

"Some of my friends are elves" Garrett said sternly.

"That's your problem. Not mine" Javaris said with a shrug.

"Anything else?" Garrett asked.

"That's all I know. So now what? Can I go?" Javaris said hands on his hips.

"You're free to go… this time" Aveline said coldly.

"We need to get back into the city" Garrett said turning his back on Javaris and heading back into Smuggler's Cut. Aveline followed closely behind.

"Better luck wherever you're bound, Javaris. Best go as far as you can" Varric called turn to follow his friends.

Javaris just shook his head cursing his luck and muttering "sodding bunch of… take a long breath on a short shaft you… blasted dog-lord in roaders."

There is a third party at work here. Something none of us could foresee. Whatever they're planning we need to stop it... but we've wasted so much time on Javaris Garrett thought darkly.

Kind of an abrupt ending I know. Next chapter picks up right after.
Thanks for Reading and please Review!