The Best Summer Ever

Chapter 11: Sea Glass

Kagome's POV:

It's almost 12 o'clock, and we head over to the cafeteria to eat. Each cabin gets a rectangular table big enough to fit 10 people, which every cabin has.

The food is served to each cabin by the staff(aka us) and each person has their own plate, cup, etc. The food is basically pizza. Well it actually is pizza. Yup, we ordered pizzas... Each cabin gets a pizza...

But this is the only time of day when the counselors get to hang out, so we do.

Sango, Ayame, and I decide to go walk around the camp. We didn't really get to finish the tour, and I haven't seen everything either.

Let me explain something to you; every day a different group of counselors have 'food duty', which basically means that they have to watch the kids during mealtime. Each day a different group is chosen, and they have to watch the kids during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Meaning that group of counselors doesn't get to hang out. Sango, Ayame, and I have food duty tomorrow. Today Kikyo, Kagura, and Jakotsu have food duty.

Ok, now that I've explained that, lets get to the actual plot line...

Sango whispers something to Ayame, and she replies by nodding her head.

"What?" I ask curiously.

Sango smiles a bit mischievously. "Nothing."

"Ok then... Where should we go?" I reply.

"Let's go down to the beach!" Ayame exclaims.

"Alright, why not?" I say.

"We have 45 minutes left, so we have plenty of time." Sango adds.

So we walk down to the small beach that I have been to twice before.

While we're there, I collect some more sea glass. There are green, white, blue, orange, and red pieces. Most of them are green or orange, but I've found at least one of each other color as well.

By the time 30 minutes have passed, my pockets are stuffed with sea glass(it's smooth not sharp so don't worry), I'm pretty much soaking wet from reaching into the shallow water, having to step in from time to time to reach certain pieces, and I'm actually a bit hungry...

Shorter chapters = more cliffies HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry I'm a bit crazy... But for some reason I love cliffies because they make people think. So... What do you think will happen next?