Author's Notes: Things I've changed since I'm among those who believe that sometimes in order for a crossover to work, things have to change or be glossed over. Besides, as some may already know, I tend to always make my stories AU no matter if they're in one fandom or if they're crossover. Anyway, here are my notes.
Note #1: This is my attempt at a DP/HP crossover story that takes place when Danny and friends are ten that includes Tucker being a wizard.
Note #2: This takes place during season one of Danny Phantom and book one of Harry Potter.
Note #3: Danny does have his ghost powers earlier as is explained in the introduction.
Note #4: The timeframe isn't important to the story line I'm working out so it will be glossed over.
Note #5: All the events of season one of Danny Phantom did occur, albeit differently to account for some things mentioned in this chapter and the difference in age, with the exception of the events of Teacher of the Year and Danny's uniform has the emblem that, in canon, he doesn't receive until Memory Blank.
#6: There will be changes in the HP universe that I will explain in either this chapter or the next one or throughout the story.
Note #7: This story is AU so PS/SS will not occur as it did in canon (obviously) though some things will stay the same. That's just a warning to all those who expect things to go as they did in canon because most of them won't.
Note #8: Last note, I promise. Since the prologue's short, it doesn't have a title and is more an introduction, which is why it's included with chapter 1. Things that weren't covered in the prologue will be covered throughout the story.
Here is the short prologue and the first chapter and reviews, as always, are much appreciated.
Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom or Harry Potter, I never have, I never will and I'm only saying this once so I will not repeat it in later chapters
Weird things have happened around Danny Fenton almost his entire life. His parents, Jack and Maddie Fenton, were ghost hunters and scientists; they invented weapons to hunt ghosts with and, more often than not, the weapon wouldn't work or would backfire when they attempted to use it or they would use even when there wasn't a ghost around. So it wasn't uncommon for Danny to wake up to an explosion in the lab or come home to find that his house had been sucked into a parallel dimension or enter his home with his two best friends, Sam and Tucker, and be covered in ectogoop. It was weird but it wasn't uncommon.
Then his parents finally finished building their most noteworthy accomplishment, a portal that would connect the Real World with the home of all ghosts that they refer to as the Ghost Zone. Unfortunately, when they attempted to turn the portal on last November, it didn't work, which disappointed them greatly.
Danny was ten at the time and he and his two friends were curious so they went into the lab, against the rule Danny's parents set up that no one was allowed in the lab without a parent, to check out the portal. It was Sam's idea that Danny check out what the not functioning portal looked like on the inside. He, being too curious for his own good, agreed and went inside it.
Unfortunately, while building the portal, his parents neglected to remember that they had installed an on button inside the portal. While inside it, Danny pushed that button on accident and experienced the worst pain he's ever felt in his entire life; he still wasn't sure how he survived.
All he knew was that he wasn't the only one who went through it.
Ever since they met and became friends when they were five, Danny, Sam and Tucker were always able to feel what the others were feeling. At first, it confused and scared them but, as time went on, they began to see it as something that made them unique in Sam's opinion; she was big on being as different from her overly preppy parents as possible. Anyway, it wasn't as if it hurt and Danny, Sam and Tucker didn't know where to begin to try to explain it to their parents; more likely than not, their parents wouldn't believe them.
So they kept it secret but the bond had brought them closer to the point that they were practically inseparable, much to Sam's mother's displeasure. No matter how often Mrs. Manson attempted to convince Sam to find new friends instead of "that kid who's too fascinated with technology" or "that freaky kid with the freaky parents", Sam refused. And when Mrs. Manson attempted to force Sam to break off the friendship, she was downright miserable. Mrs. Mansion, albeit very reluctantly, finally agreed to let Sam be friends with Danny and Tucker. On the other hand, while they didn't exactly understand why the three friends were so close, Tucker's parents accepted it right away.
However, it was when Danny was nearly electrocuted to death inside his parents' ghost portal that they realized just how strong their bond was. Not only did they feel each other's emotions at times but they could also feel each other's pain. It wasn't that comforting. The only good thing that they realized because of Danny's accident was that they would, somehow, know if the other was killed.
That was why, when Danny fell out of the portal, Sam and Tucker knew he was alive.
But he was changed.
He was no longer fully human; he wasn't dead but he wasn't alive either. He was somewhere in between.
"Amity Park?" Severus Snape repeated unsure if he heard his employer correctly. "As in the biggest hive of spiritual activity in the world?"
Many witches and wizards in the Wizarding world knew about Amity Park, ever since the deal between the American and British Ministries of Magic was created. It was the biggest hive of spiritual activity in the world because of the many natural portals in and around the city that led into the ghost realm.
There were two types of ghosts in the world; tangible specters and intangible shades. The biggest difference is the fact that specters could be tangible or intangible at will and, sometimes, had powers. They were also significantly more powerful, they held sway in the ghost realm and they were very prominent in Amity Park because of the natural portals. Shades, on the other hand, were bound to the Real World like the ones in Hogwarts, were always intangible and were virtually powerless.
However, because of the power the specters had, the American Ministry of Magic, as paranoid as ever, refused to allow magical children born and raised in Amity Park to attend a magic school in America. Whenever a magical child was born in Amity Park, the American Ministry of Magic would alert Hogwarts since the American Ministry cooperated with the British Ministry better than with other magical ministries in other countries. But if Hogwarts refused to allow a magical child from Amity Park attend then the American Ministry would petition the other countries.
But, since Albus Dumbledore became headmaster, Severus doubted he would refuse a magical child from Amity Park, even if the child would be the first one from Amity Park to attend Hogwarts in a very long time.
Nonetheless, when Severus was asked to help his employer, trekking into the biggest hive of spiritual activity was not what he had in mind.
"Yes. I've already told the American Ministry that we would accept the students if they accepted," Albus said.
Severus's eyebrows rose. "Students?" he said. It was rare for more than one magical child to be born in Amity Park in the same year.
"Yes, three muggleborn students," Albus said. "You're the only one I can spare at the moment, Severus, and these letters have to be taken personally."
The Potions Master knew that as well. It wasn't just because the three potential students were muggleborns; it was because of where they lived. Owls refused to go anywhere near Amity Park; the deputy headmistress who was in charge of the sending out of letters at the time when the American Ministry petitioned Hogwarts to allow the first child from Amity Park to attend tried that.
"That is what I want you to do. I need one of my most trusted to take care of this, Severus, and Minerva's not back yet," Albus added.
Severus narrowed his eyes. "Why?" he asked. That statement alerted the Potions Master to the fact that there was another reason to Albus's request.
Albus was silent for a moment looking at the parchment in front of him before he looked up. "These three potential muggleborns, there's something different about them," he said finally. "The American Ministry noticed that it occurred about six years ago; they thought it was just the children's accidental magic. But when they were gathering the information they needed to send to us, they noticed this happen."
He held up the parchment and Severus took it scanning the paper in confusion. On it were the basic information needed from the three muggleborns; their names, Daniel Fenton, Samantha Manson, Tucker Foley, their birthdates and their blood status. Each student's information was separated into a section on the parchment but what was odd was there were glowing blue lines that connected the three names to each other.
"The American Ministry does things differently than we do," Albus said taking the parchment back. "And yet they were as baffled by this as I am. I feel it's very important though and that's why I need you to deliver the letters. Perhaps you can ferret out something useful to help me figure out this mystery."
Severus's lips thinned but he knew what Albus was asking of him; Albus wanted him to use his skills as a spy to see if he could figure out some useful information without revealing that he was delving into the mystery. "Very well," he said knowing there was no point in refusing; despite how it was phrased as a request, Severus knew it was actually an order.
"I suggest you give them a week or so to make a decision," Albus said, "and come back here after you finish speaking to them as I do not think it would be a good idea for a trained wizard to stay too long in Amity Park with all those specters that frequent the city."
"Very well headmaster."
"Here's a portkey that will take you to the proper place in the American Ministry of Magic in Salem, Massachusetts," Albus said holding out an empty tin and Severus took it. "You'll have to check in there and speak with the minister before you head to Amity Park. Would you like a sherbet lemon before you go?" The headmaster held out the tin of candy.
"No thank you," Severus said before he activated the portkey and disappeared from the office.
It was six-thirty in the morning and Danny was wide awake. Usually, he slept until around nine but the Box Ghost didn't care about Danny's sleeping pattern. Being one of the weakest ghosts that Danny has fought since he started ghost hunting, it didn't take Danny long to catch the Box Ghost in the Fenton Thermos.
"How do you keep getting out of the Ghost Zone?" Danny said shaking the thermos a little; he heard a muffled shout of protest from within.
Putting the thermos back on his nightstand, Danny got up and stretched. After changing into a white shirt and dark-blue jeans, he picked up the thermos and left his room. He wasn't surprised to find his dad, Jack, sitting at the table when he entered the kitchen and he was only a little surprised to see that Jazz was up too. His sister was always up before he was.
"Morning Danny, hungry?" His mom, Maddie, asked looking up from the stove where she was stirring eggs.
Danny frowned. "It's not gonna attack me, is it?" he asked. Whenever his mom cooked food, there were times when it tended to attack him or Jazz. He could still remember the incident with the turkey last Thanksgiving.
Maddie chuckled. "No, Danny," she said and looked back at the stove.
Danny, relieved, sat down putting the thermos on the table. His dad had given it to him soon after Danny, when he was in his ghost form which he decided to call Phantom, had used it to capture the ghost of the Lunch Lady who was attacking Casper Elementary School. He said he wanted Danny to keep it with him every night just in case another ghost attacked.
"So, Danny-boy, did ya catch any ghosts last night?" Jack asked lifting his head from the ghost hunting invention he was working on.
Danny shook his head. He would sneak into the lab later to release the Box Ghost back into the Ghost Zone but he didn't want his dad to know about the attack. Jack looked disappointed briefly before he grinned and said, "They must be too scared of your mom and me to come near here."
"Yeah, that's it," Danny said.
About an hour later, Danny was in the living room flipping through the television channels, there was nothing good on, and Jazz was reading. Danny had already put the Box Ghost back in the Ghost Zone, having slipped in there while Jazz distracted their parents, but kept the thermos with him just in case. After Walker's ghost invasion, Danny learned that Jazz knew about his secret ever since the incident with Spectra.
The doorbell rang. Danny put the remote down before walking over to the door and opening it; he smiled when he saw his two best friends. "Hey Sam, Tucker," he said stepping aside as his two friends walked into the house.
Sam's black hair was in a ponytail; she was dressed in a black plaited skirt and black combat boots though the pink shirt she wore explained the furious look in her violet eyes. Sam and pink did not go together.
Tucker, dark-skinned with black hair dressed in a yellow shirt and green cargo pants with a red beret on his head and glasses over turquoise eyes, was snickering and winced when Sam slapped him upside the head.
"Stupid parents," Sam said. "They wouldn't let me leave the house this morning unless I wore it. At least they didn't force me to wear a dress." She shuddered before looking hopefully at Jazz who stood up.
"Yeah, you can borrow a shirt, Sam," Jazz said, she's had to do that before when Sam's parents forced her to wear something she didn't want to wear.
Sam, her gratitude surging through the links that connected the three of them, grinned. "Thanks," she said and followed Jazz as the thirteen-year-old led the way upstairs.
Five minutes later, Sam, in one of Jazz's short-sleeved black shirts, rejoined Danny and Tucker. "So what're we going to do today?" she asked.
Danny shrugged. "I dunno. Want to go to the park?" he suggested.
"Okay," Tucker said.
"Race you there," Sam said with a grin.
Tucker and Danny just looked at her like she was crazy. Sam chuckled, amusement rippling along the links.
"Danny, make sure to be back by dinner," Maddie said as she walked into the living room.
"Okay mom," Danny said before they left the house and began heading toward the park.
They were only halfway there when Danny shivered and the blue mist that alerted him to a ghost being nearby escaped his lips. He looked around just as a familiar voice sounded. "It is I, Technus, Master of Technology and all things beeping," the voice shouted.
Danny sighed before looking at his friends; he could feel both reassurance and irritation through the links. They didn't like not being able to help Danny in his fights and it wasn't as if Danny's parents were going to give three ten year olds weapons. Sam and Tucker usually smuggled them out to help Danny but, that time, they couldn't since they usually did it while Danny's parents weren't home. "We'll meet you at the park," Tucker said.
Danny nodded and disappeared into the alley; he willed forth his ghost half. A moment later, bright, blue tinged white rings of light appeared before traveling from head to toe transforming Danny into his alter ego; Danny Phantom.
Flying into the air, Danny shot toward Technus. "So, what's the big plan this time, Techy?" Danny asked folding his arms across his chest.
Technus glared at him. "My name is not Techy. It is Technus and you will not fool my plan this time, child," he shouted. "For I, Technus, have come up with a plan that shall succeed."
Danny yawned. "Yeah, like you won last time," he said. The last time they fought Danny had sucked Technus into the Fenton Weasel but then it exploded and Technus was able to create a body with the items that were contaminated.
Technus scowled before launching an ectobeam at Danny who dodged out of the way launching his own attack at the technology ghost. The ectobeam caught Technus and sent him flying into a building. He sank intangibly through it before unleashing another beam at Danny who hastily swiped his hand in front of him creating a sheet of green in front of him; the beam bounced off hitting Technus again.
"Cool," Danny said with a grin though he had no idea how he created that shield.
He shot forward slamming a fist into Technus's face the instant the technology ghost attempted to attack him again. Now, he was acting on pure instinct but then, that's what usually happened when he was in a ghost fight. Thankfully, during his fights, he managed to stop himself from going too far and ended the fight by sucking the ghost into the thermos.
A mysterious ghost that shifted between the form of a baby, an adult and an elder had helped him soon after he became half-ghost; he helped Danny, such as telling him that the reason he was able to stop a fight before it got too far was because of his human half, though not often and told him that he only helped when Danny really needed it. Danny didn't know the ghost's name but, as the ghost was willing to help and had as of yet to ask for anything in return, like Plasmius, he felt he could trust that ghost.
While Technus was dazed from the punch, Danny decided to end it. He uncapped the thermos before calling, "Bye, Techy," as the beam of blue-white light engulfed the ghost of technology.
"I'll be back child," Technus shouted before he disappeared into the thermos.
Danny capped it and, with a sigh, flew off toward the park.
He wondered why his parents didn't show up though since they usually did but shrugged and decided against worrying about it.
Severus appeared within the American Ministry of Magic in an entrance hall filled with desks with a large fountain in the center. Decorative pillars lined the hall and the floor was covered in white marble. There were doors in between the pillars and lights floated in midair near the ceiling, which was glass allowing a view of the cloudless sky above.
The Potions Master walked over to the desk tucking the portkey into the pocket of his robes; if he needed it, though he doubted he would but it was better to be safe, then his wand was in a holster on his arm that he could access easily. The witch behind the counter looked up as he approached. After she greeted him, he told her that he was there under orders from Albus Dumbledore.
She nodded and, after registering his wand, told him that the American Minister would see him right away. "It's standard procedure when speaking with potential students from Amity Park," the witch said.
"And where is the Minister's office?" Severus asked.
"Take those stairs all the way to the top. It's the first door on your right," the witch said pointing.
Severus nodded curtly and walked over to the staircase.
Once he reached the Minister's office and told her why he was there, the secretary wrote something on the parchment and said, "Minister Hawthorne will see you right away."
Severus walked past the secretary and entered the office; it was done in blues and greens complete with a window magicked to resemble waves beating against a beach. Seated behind her desk was Minister Hawthorne; she was a tall woman with ringlets of blonde hair spilling over her shoulder and light brown eyes.
"You must be Professor Snape, welcome to America," she said. "I won't keep ya long but it's standard procedure to give ya the information you'll need especially on the potential students' families." She waved her wand and three files flew over to her; she opened them, scanned the contents before nodding. Murmuring another spell under her breath, she tapped another parchment before holding it out.
"The names, addresses and professions of the potential students' parents," she said as Severus took the parchment. "Also, it'd be best to tell 'em that going too long without training their magic isn't healthy and tell 'em that they don't have to go to Hogwarts. There're other options."
Severus nodded scanning the parchment. He was a little surprised to see that the professions of Daniel Fenton's parents were both ghost hunters and scientists.
"Once I know the decisions these students make, I'll transfer all of their information to Headmaster Dumbledore," the Minister added as she reached into one of her drawers before pulling out a compass. "This'll take ya to just outside Amity Park's city limits. Better to go in on foot then by portkey or apparition especially with the amount of ghosts that have been roaming the city since the invasion."
"Invasion?" Severus said; that was new. He filed it away just in case it was important.
"It's not important now," Hawthorne said. "You may leave when ya want, Professor Snape."
Snape took the compass, nodded a goodbye and, after transfiguring his attire to muggle so as to not stand out much, he left the American Ministry.
As Hawthorne said, the portkey took him to just outside Amity Park's city limits. As Severus entered the city, wishing Minerva had gone instead of him since he has never had to speak to muggleborn students before, and kept a hand on his wand in case of a threat.
The last thing he wanted, other than drawing the muggles' attention, was for the specters in the area to know a wizard was among them. That was why he was avoiding doing magic until he had to prove to the parents of the potential students that magic did exist. Hopefully the specters wouldn't react badly to the little show of magic he would have to do. That didn't mean he wasn't going to go in unprepared.
Severus was expecting to have to search the entire city for the three families or ask for help. He did not expect one of the families to have a sign on their house that told everyone where they lived. He gritted his teeth at the irritatingly bright sign as he walked toward the house; why anyone would announce where they lived in such a flamboyant manner, Severus did not know.
He knocked on the door and heard a shout of "GHOST!" from inside followed by another shout of, "Dad! You can't shoot everyone who knocks on our door!"
A moment later, the door opened to reveal a thirteen-year-old girl with orange hair. She looked at him with curiosity in her aqua blue eyes. "Hi," she said.
"Hello," Severus said trying hard to sound polite and not sneer; he wasn't a nice person and didn't have much patience when dealing with children so it wasn't that easy. "Are your parents' home?"
"Yeah. Mom, dad! Someone's here to see you," the girl shouted over her shoulder before looking at the Potions Master. "You can come in."
Severus nodded and made his way into the house. Standing in the living with a large, unique looking gun in his hands was a big man dressed in an orange jumpsuit with black hair; next to him was a slender woman in a blue jumpsuit with a smaller but still as unique gun in one hand and another device in the other.
"It's not a ghost Jack," she said looking from the device to her husband.
Her husband pouted. "Aww, I wanted to try this baby out," he complained.
The woman smiled a little before looking at Severus. "Hello," she said. "I'm Maddie Fenton and this is my husband Jack. You've already met our daughter Jazz. How can I help you?"
"Perhaps it would be best if we sat down. There is much I need to tell you," Severus said.
Danny, Sam and Tucker headed back to FentonWorks a little over an hour after the battle with Technus. When they entered the townhome though, they were surprised to see the newcomer. Danny's parents were sitting nearby asking questions, Danny frowned when he heard 'magic', 'muggles' and 'Europe' in the questions, while Jazz sat nearby listening with narrowed eyes. She was the first to notice him.
"Hey Danny," she said.
Their parents broke off their questions and looked up as did the newcomer. The newcomer was tall, dressed entirely in black with greasy black hair, a hooked nose and dark eyes.
"Um, what's going on?" Danny asked confused.
"You'll never get this, Danny-boy," Jack boomed. "Magic actually exists!"
The man scowled but Danny, Sam and Tucker just blinked as one; surprise and more confusion drifting to each other through the links.
"Jack," Maddie said with a sigh. "Professor Snape just got done telling us that only Danny's supposed to know."
The man, Snape's, lips twisted into a slight sneer. "I suppose I can deal with that later," he said before he looked at Danny. "This is for you, Mr. Fenton." He held out an envelope.
Danny looked at it confused before he took it.
"And do you, by chance, know where the Mansons and the Foleys live?" Snape asked looking at Danny's parents.
Sam and Tucker exchanged glances and Danny felt their surprise. "Um, Mr. Snape, what do you want with our parents?" Tucker asked.
Snape looked at him; his eyes were impassive but Danny was positive he saw surprise in the dark-haired man's eyes for a moment. "Well, I suppose I don't have to deal with you revealing magic's existence to them," he said with a brief look at Danny's parents before he pulled out two more envelopes and handed one to Sam and the other to Tucker. "It would be best if I spoke to your parents though."
Danny turned his attention back to the enveloped before he turned it around, opened it and pulled out the two papers inside. The first read:
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,
Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Mr. Fenton,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As per the law of the American Ministry of Magic because of where you live, you have been invited to attend a school of magic outside your country. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress
Danny could feel surprise ripple through the links and looked at Sam and Tucker who had just finished reading their letters. "Whoa, didn't see that coming," Tucker said looking a little dazed. Ghosts the three friends could understand but magic? That was definitely something new.
"Where is this school?" Sam asked curiously.
"It's in Scotland," Snape said.
"Professor Snape's told us all about it and everything else we needed to know, well after we accused him of playing a joke on us, and he even proved that magic does exist," Maddie said. "He said that you don't have to go but it's recommended that you do."
"Why?" Danny asked.
"Because if you go too long without training your magic, it can get out of control and cause serious harm to those around you," Snape explained impatiently lips curling in a slight sneer.
"Why can't we go to a school here in America?" Sam asked.
"It's because of where we live, Sam," Maddie said.
"Yes, since Amity Park's the biggest hive of spiritual activity in the world, the American Ministry of Magic refuses to allow students in Amity Park to attend American magic schools," Snape said.
"That's stupid," Sam said.
"It is because they are paranoid because of the number of specters in and around Amity Park," Snape said. "Because of that and how dangerous those specters are, it was made into a law in the American Wizarding World."
"Specters?" Danny said with a frown.
"That's what they call the ghosts we're use to dealing with, son," Jack said.
"So we have to go to Scotland?" Tucker said.
"It is strongly recommended that you do but you do not have to," Snape said.
Danny didn't know what to do; if he really was a wizard then he didn't want to accidentally hurt people because he didn't train his magic but he didn't want to leave Amity Park to fend for itself. He was sure that was the hero in him that was talking; despite public opinion, there were some out there who thought that he really was a hero and he tried to help, to show everyone that he wasn't evil.
Ever since Walker's invasion, though, that's been harder to do.
"Being a witch would be so cool," Sam said with a grin. "I want to go, though convincing my parents is gonna be hard. But I won't go unless Danny and Tucker go too."
"I think I should talk to my parents first," Tucker said.
"You can go if you want, Danny," Maddie said with a smile. "It's a wonderful opportunity and I think you could use some time away from Amity Park."
Danny gritted his teeth as a flash of irritation went through him; he didn't need time away from the city he was trying to protect. He felt Sam and Tucker place their hands on his arms sending calming ripples through the links. He calmed down before he sighed. "I don't want to leave Amity Park, mom," he said.
"You have time to think about it," Snape said standing up. "Now, I need to talk to Miss. Manson and Mr. Foley's parents. If you do not decide by the time I get back then you have a week." He left the house.
Sam and Tucker squeezed Danny's arms gently. "We'll see you later," Sam said and she and Tucker left the house after the wizard.
Danny was left still holding the letter in his hands. "I'll be in my room," he said before he started up the stairs.
"Are you gonna accept the invitation?" Jack asked.
"I need to think about it," Danny said before he disappeared onto the second floor of the house and headed toward his room.
Sitting down on his bed, he read the letter again as Snape's warning echoed in his mind.
If you go too long without training your magic, it can get out of control and cause serious harm to those around you.
"What should I do?" Danny murmured.
A soft voice whispered, "Time out," at that moment.
Danny blinked confused by the words he heard when he felt something against his chest and then, looking up, he found himself gazing into the eyes of the ghost who had helped him soon after he became half-ghost. The ghost in front of him, currently in his baby form, was dressed in a purple cloak with the hood up. There was a clock in his chest and a scepter topped with a clock in his hand; his skin was pale and glowed like the rest of his body, his eyes were crimson and a scar ran over one eye.
"Hello Danny," the ghost greeted him.
"Hello?" Danny said confused before he looked around and, to his surprise, he noticed nothing was moving not even the clock he had on his desk. It was as if time was frozen. "What's going on? Did you do this?"
The ghost gave him a gentle smile. "It is time for an introduction that I did not make the other times we spoke. I am Clockwork, Master of Time," he said. "Yes, I did this. I can control and freeze time at will. The medallion around your neck is the only reason why you can move."
Danny looked at the medallion around his neck, which must have been what he felt before he noticed the ghost; it was golden with a stylized CW etched in green on the gold. He looked back at Clockwork. "Why are you here?" he said though he had many other questions but that was the one he wanted answered first because Clockwork only showed up to help him when he felt Danny needed it.
"I am here because you wish to know what it is you should do," Clockwork said shifting into his adult form. "I came here because I know that you desire to remain in Amity Park but you fear what will happen if your magic is not controlled. You do not wish to harm anyone but you do not wish for the city to be overrun while you are gone."
Danny blinked. "How'd you know that?' he said even more confused than before for Clockwork had just voiced all of his doubts that no one else knew about.
Clockwork smiled briefly. "I know everything," he said before he grew serious and said, "Danny, I strongly suggest you accept the invitation and I strongly believe the condition you make if you do accept it will be met too. More is at play than you will ever know. Your link with Sam and Tucker already draws curious eyes and it will not be long before the wrong set of eyes begins looking. You three are in danger while you remain in Amity Park with no control over your magic and that will put others in danger as well."
"But what about Amity Park? I can't just…" Danny began. He didn't know what Clockwork meant about the condition but decided to not worry about that at the moment.
"Do not underestimate your parents; they will protect the city though you do not need to worry about it, Danny. It will be safe while you are gone," Clockwork interrupted.
"How do you…?"
"I know everything, Danny."
Danny bit his lip. "If you know everything then you already know my answer," he said.
"I do," Clockwork said shifting into his elder form. "But it is your choices that define your future, Danny. I am only telling you all that I am allowed and giving you information that you would not have received otherwise. The rest is up to you."
He stretched out a hand and placed it on the medallion around Danny's neck. "Keep this with you at all times, Danny," he said softly. "I do not normally allow anyone to keep my medallions but you are a special case. Only you, Sam and Tucker will be able to see it whether you are in human or ghost form."
Danny rested a hand on the medallion as the Master of Time removed his. Special case? What does he mean? He thought.
"I cannot tell you, Danny. You will know in time," Clockwork said shifting into his baby form.
"How…? Oh right, you know everything." Danny sighed. Another thought entered his mind and he asked, "What about Vlad?"
"Plasmius will, no doubt, wonder where you are but Hogwarts is a protected school; no one can bypass the wards. Ghosts who are not bound to the school can only enter if they are invited by the ghosts who are bound to the school."
"Wow, for some reason, I thought about vampires and how they can't get into a house unless they're invited in," Danny mused.
"Vampires and ghosts are similar in that aspect though it's only at Hogwarts that ghosts need to be invited in," Clockwork said.
Danny blinked startled. "Wait, vampires are real?"
"You will find that many things you thought were only fictional are real if you go to Hogwarts," Clockwork said. "I shall speak to the ghosts in Hogwarts and inform them of your arrival should you decide to go; they shall know you in both human and ghost form but they shall keep your secret."
"Uh thanks. Wait, how'll you…?"
"Members of the Ghost Council of Ancients are exceptions to the general rule."
"There's a Ghost Council of Ancients?"
Shifting into adult form, Clockwork let a small smile cross his face. "Yes. I shall explain more later, for now, I must go. Goodbye Danny. Time in."
Then, in a cyclone of blue-white light, Clockwork was gone and time began moving again.
Danny looked down and picked up the letter he hadn't realized he dropped during his talk with Clockwork. Reading it again, Danny sighed. Well, at least Clockwork didn't tell me to accept the invitation, he thought turning the letter over in his hands still a little surprised to know that the ghost Master of Time had been the one who helped him before.
Thinking back to everything he discussed with the Master of Time, Danny realized that if Amity Park really would be safe while he was gone then there really was nothing holding him back; besides, Clockwork did say that the lack of control over his magic would put others in danger.
Danny didn't want that to happen.
He sighed; he had his answer but on one condition just as Clockwork said.
Getting to his feet, Danny left his room and headed downstairs. Jazz and his parents were still there. They looked at he as he joined them. "Wow, that was quick," Jazz said.
Danny frowned until he remembered that Clockwork froze time. He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. "Yeah, I just needed to think 'bout it for a bit," he said.
"So?" Jack said.
"I'll go," Danny said. "So long as Sam and Tucker agree to go too."
Much to Danny's relief, when they came back an hour later, Sam and Tucker told Danny that their parents, after Snape explained everything, agreed to let them go.
"I'm shocked," Sam said. "I didn't think my parents would let me anywhere near anything that isn't considered 'normal' by them."
"My parents were cool with it. They understood that it's important," Tucker said.
"That's what Grandma said," Sam said. "I'm gonna miss them but it's not like we won't see them again but I was serious. I'm not going unless you two go too."
"I'm going," Tucker said.
"So am I," Danny said.
"Then I'm going too," Sam said.
Snape, who overheard, looked at them. "If you are not positive, you can have a week to think about it," he said.
"If I think about it anymore, my heads gonna explode," Danny said.
Sam and Tucker managed to control their laughter but Danny, feeling their amusement, playfully shoved them both.
"We're sure," Sam said shoving Danny back just as playfully.
"Very well," Snape said. "We can either go to Diagon Alley today or tomorrow. I suggest tomorrow because of the time difference; it is almost seven in London."
"That'll be fine," Maddie said.
"I shall be back tomorrow morning at ten to take them to Diagon Alley," Snape said and left.
"Hey, wanna spend the night? It'll be easier for Professor Snape to pick us up here rather than have to make three stops," Danny said as the thought came to him.
Tucker grinned. "Great minds think alike," he said. "I already asked my parents."
"I can call my parents and ask them," Sam said.
Maddie stood up. "I'll get the sleeping bags out for you," she said and made her way upstairs.
Sam and Tucker spent the night before at FentonWorks and they always preferred sleeping in the living room rather than Tucker sharing Danny's room and Sam sharing Jazz's as they did the first time they had a sleepover. So Danny's mom had taken to pulling out the sleeping bags almost as soon as it was announced that Sam and Tucker would be sleeping over.
"Hey, kids, wanna see my newest invention? I just finished it," Jack said with a grin when Maddie disappeared.
The three friends exchanged glances. "All right," they said; might as well see what it was so that Danny could know whether it fell under must avoid or not. He, Sam and Tucker followed Jack as he, grinning, led the way toward the lab.
Clockwork floated in front of his screens watching the timestream go by. He sensed the arrival of two of his bosses but remained silent waiting for them to speak first. Eventually, one of them did.
"You meddled," he said.
"His decision was his own," Clockwork said turning away from the screens to look at the two Observants, who were floating eyeballs in cloaks, who floated behind him.
"You influenced his choice," the second Observant said.
"I merely told him what he needed to know. I did nothing to influence his choice," Clockwork said masking his irritation with his bosses.
"You know of what shall happen," the first Observant said.
"If he makes one wrong move, it will destroy everything," the second Observant said.
"He and the child who lived share a unique connection," Clockwork said seemingly changing the subject, though it still connected with what they were talking about. He looked at one screen a little sadly for a moment; in the screen was a small boy who looked nine instead of almost eleven with a mop of black hair, brilliant green eyes hidden behind round, wire-rimmed glasses and a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead. "They both faced death and survived."
He turned to face the Observants. "And let us not forget the bond," he added.
"We did not forget the bond," the first Observant said.
"We are concerned that the connections will not be enough," the second Observant said.
"Voldemort is not the only evil that is threatening to rise," the first Observant said.
"We must prepare for his rise as well."
"Are you so sure that he will arise? With how things are different than they were in that timeline?" Clockwork asked already knowing the answer.
"We cannot be sure," the first Observant said.
"We must be prepared," the second Observant said.
"We must be prepared."
"You said that twice," Clockwork said turning back to his screens.
"You gave him one of your medallions to keep," the second Observant said.
"I did," the Master of Time said.
"Are you so sure you can trust him with it?"
"I know I can."
"And what if he does rise?"
Clockwork resisted the urge to sigh as he turned to face two of his bosses again. "If he does rise then it will not matter whether Danny has the medallion or not," he said before he turned away again. "All is as it's supposed to be."
The two Observants looked at each other. "You better be right about this, Clockwork," the first Observant said.
"I am."
"Much is at stake."
"I know but then, I know everything. Now, if that is all, would you care to observe the door?"
The two Observants shared another look but they left.
Once they were gone, Clockwork gazed at two of the screens that lay side by side; the skinny dark-haired Boy-Who-Lived cooking lunch for his aunt, uncle and cousin and the slender, dark-haired half-ghost playing Monopoly with his two best friends.
Then the scene changed; red eyes peered out of the darkness before green light illuminated the screen.
A/n what do you think?
Blaze: and that is the really long first chapter (with short introduction) of this story
Darth: I liked it but what does that last image mean?
Blaze: (laughs) like I'd say anything
Darth: drat
Blaze: just a reminder, though I did mention this at the beginning, this story takes place before Memory Blank in the Danny Phantom universe and during Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone in the Harry Potter universe
Darth: cool
Blaze: yup
Darth: uh, anything else you wanna tell us?
Blaze: uhhhhhh, I can't think of anything that I didn't already mention in my notes section at the beginning of the chapter. Other than Severus (who was included because he's my all-time favorite HP character) is like Vlad, FREAKING HARD TO KEEP IN CHARACTER!
Vlad: ha
Blaze: (pulls out flaming machete)
Vlad: (runs away)
Darth: any pairings? And will Vladdie-pie make an appearance?
Blaze: they're eleven so no, not yet. And Vladdie-pie? I like it. I don't know yet though
Vladdie-pie: THAT'S NOT MY NAME
Blaze: it is now
Darth: are you planning on doing the entire series?
Blaze: I haven't decided yet. Let's see where this story takes me first
Darth: ok
Blaze: so sorry about the long author's note though I think the chapter makes up for that. I hope you liked it and reviews, as always, are much appreciated.