Hello people of fanfiction! I am as you can tell a new writer on this website. This is my first fanfiction, so please don't hate. If you don't like the story, then simply don't read it. If you find any errors whatsoever (I'm new, so expect quite a few) feel free to notify me of them and I will do my best in order to fix them for future readers. If you have any suggestions, then please, I encourage you to notify me of them, so I may improve my story, and make it as enjoyable as possible for all readers. I will also be doing this thing that I have seen other writers incorporate into their pieces of writing. I have no clue what its called (tell me if you know), but it is were at the beginning or end of a chapter the characters are talking to the writer about what happened in that chapter. I may not be able to describe it very well but at the end of this first chapter, and then in many chapters to come you may see it. Well all feedback is greatly appreciate and encouraged, I wish to make the most of my time on this website, and I need your help to do so.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Underland Chronicles or any of the characters, they all belong to Suzanne Collins

Until next time,


Gregor and the war of the Myriapods

Chapter 1: His Life After

Gregor kissed Luxa good-bye and climbed out into the park. Then she backed down a few steps and they held each others gaze until Gregor's dad slid the rock in place, parting them forever.

4 years later. . .

Gregor shot awake in bed, suddenly aware of another being in the same room. He attempted to use echolocation to identify this being, but was met with a blank image. Weird, this has never occurred before, his echolocation was very reliable, and always returned an image to him under reasonable conditions, and this was a quiet, dark room, the conditions couldn't get any better, so why wasn't it working?

"I know your here, show yourself before someone gets hurt" said Gregor, clearly with a hint of concern in his voice.

He was blind, completely blind, he had no way of knowing were this completely silent and potentially dangerous being was.

"Oh do you?" said a voice from somewhere behind Gregor.

"I don't think you do" said the voice, somewhere to Gregor's side.

Gregor head a slight shuffle behind him, and spun around just in time to take a hit right in the face, knocking him onto the ground. In Gregor's daze, he could see a large white rat, perhaps 12 feet tall, holding the limp body of a very large, completely black bat.

Gregor attempted to scream the bats name, but no words came out. The worlds slowly became a blur, a started to melt away. Gregor started to become aware of a falling sensation. He was falling, falling down and down farther into darkness. He attempted to scream the bats name again, but all he could manage was a weak whisper. "Ares". The sensation continued to increase, he was gaining speed, and eventually he had to hit something, right?

Gregor head a vague voice in his head, He could hardly determine what it was saying.

"Don't call out to him warrior, he will not come." said the voice

"He will let you fall, fall forever into oblivion" whispered the voice, slowly getting louder.

After what seemed like an eternity, Gregor couldn't take it any more, he was on the brink of insanity, he couldn't tell how long he was falling but it seemed like days, maybe weeks. He could take it, he was going mad, the sensation of falling was to much, it became forceful, like he was being pulled down, and eventually painful. All but moments form insanity Gregor heard the voice, but it was different, he could hear it clearly, and he knew who's voice it was.

"Your light is all but gone, now die, and suffer forever in the depths of hell!" screamed the voice.

It was that voice, the voice, the one he so dearly hoped to hear once again, Just it wasn't happy and joyful like he remembered, it was mad and filled with rage and fury. It was her voice, the girl he loved, his first and only love. It hurt more then any physical pain he has ever felt, hearing her words, all her anger, rage, and hatred directed towards him. Gregor wanted nothing more, he no longer wished to live, he just hoped the ground would seal his fate.

As Gregor fell, he became draped in sadness, as he welcomed the ground now entering his sight. The ground drew closer, and closer yet. He welcomed the surface, as his body became yards away, then feet, now inches. As the body was about make contact with the ground, Gregor shot up awake in a cold sweat. Every muscle in his body was as stiff as a rock. Gregor's breathing was very rapid, going in short small breaths. He tried to calm down by taking long, deep breaths, and it helped, but only to a very small extend. His hand scrambled over the dressers top, looking for it. When he found it he just stared at it, and then held it against his chest as his breathing slowly returned to normal.

It was a picture, the picture of her. He still had it, after 4 long and painful years, the picture they took together, in the museum. Gregor never let it leave his side, he always had it within feet of himself, and he never showed it to anybody, though it was very clear to others that he cherished it deeply, though no person accept his sister Lizzie knew what the picture was of. He looked at the picture in most all of his free time. Only this picture and the music from the Ipod touch he got for his birthday 3 years ago kept him from slipping away into insanity. He remembered the times they had together, the fun and sweet times.

"No, I can't, I shouldn't think about it, I'll never see any of them again, I'll never see her again, I shouldn't dwell on it, it only makes the pain worse." Thought Gregor.

Gregor looked at his alarm clock, it was 7:43 his alarm would go off at 7:45, school started at 8:15, so he had to get ready. Gregor got out of bed, he wasn't tired whatsoever, that nightmare was like 20 cups of black coffee, waking him up right away. Once he slid out of bed, he opened up his dresser, and picked out a gray shirt with black pants. He grabbed his watch and strapped it on, then threw his backpack over his shoulder. He walked out into the living room, and into the kitchen, ignoring his parents, like he did everyday.

"Good morning Gregor" said his mom, looking for any expressions on his face. He showed none but misery, and he doesn't remember showing any other expressions aside from misery for the past 4 years. He walked into the kitchen his mom trying to talk to him still.

"Gregor you can't just walk away like I don't even exist! Get back here" said Gregor's mom, a sharp tone of anger in here voice.

Gregor just completely ignored her, as far as he's concerned she isn't even there. He went over to the coffee machine and grabbed a cup of coffee, it had a small amount of cream in it. He poured it into a paper cup so that he could throw it out later at school. He walked out the door and into the crisp cool Virginia air. They had moved to his dads family farm around 3 years ago, about 2 months after Gregor left that place. Everybody in Gregor's family had argued against his mother on the matter, they didn't want to move whatsoever. Despite the arguments and fights Gregor's mom won over, they had no choice but to move. Grandma died a month before the move, otherwise they wouldn't have waited an extra month to move.

Gregor turned to his left and started up the street, heading to school. He could have taken the bus, but he liked the quiet thinking time, it was only a 15 minute walk anyway. Gregor continued walking down the street, while listening to his Ipod. About 10 minutes into the walk he took a right. And a tall kid with black hair and blue eyes stepped out of his house and walked up to Gregor. This kid was Gregor's only friend, Alex, and even then he was only a guy that he talked to from time to time, and not really much more.

"Yo Greg whats up! Hows it going dude?" shouted Alex.

Gregor gave a slight nod to show that he was fine, even though it was obvious the the entire world that he was far from fine.

As they pasted the next 2 houses a girl about Gregor's height with red hair and brown eyes stepped out and ran up to the 2 boys practically leaping at Gregor.

"Hi Alex, Hi Gregor!" said Zoey, using a flirty voice when she said Gregor's name.

"Hey Zoey" said Alex, clearly more joyful that she was there.

Zoey was one of the most popular girls in school, she was friends with everybody, and almost every boy in the school had a huge crush on her, Alex is one of them.

"So Gregor hows it going?" asked Zoey, still using her flirty voice.

"good" mumbled Gregor, in a scratchy voice. He never really talked much so the disuse of his vocal cords made his voice constantly scratchy.

"So Gregor, I was wondering, you wanna do something tomorrow, like see a movie or something?" asked Zoey, seeming very hopeful.

Gregor stayed silent for a few moments and then said "Sorry cant, I promised id take Maggy to the zoo tomorrow." responded Gregor, it was clear that even though Zoey could chose almost any boy in the school, she always liked Gregor.

"oh, well, umm, if you ever want to do something just give me a call" said Zoey, seeming very disappointed.

Gregor and his friend finally reached school, seeing that they were a few minutes early, they went to their lockers to get to class early.

As Gregor and Alex went to their locks (which were next to each other) Zoey went to hers which was in another hallway, Alex said "What the hell man? I mean what the hell? You just got asked out by the most popular girl in school and you say no?! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Sorry" Mumbled Gregor

"No man, tell me why you said no, tell me"

. . . . .

"Tell me! Tell me and I'll leave you alone! What are you gay or something?!" Yelled Alex.

Under all of Gregor's stress, and then this, he finally snapped. "You wanna know why?! You really wanna know? I left someone back in New York, I left her back there! She is the only girl I ever loved, and the only girl I ever will!" Gregor yelled at Alex, while taking out his picture of her to calm him down.

Walking up behind Gregor and Alex came Max, the school bully, always doing drugs, stealing, and beating kids up. Max looked at the picture over Gregor's shoulder and snatched it out of his hands.

"Who's the bitch? Look at her, she's so ugly? Who has purple eyes and skin that pale? She's a freak! I guess a freaks perfect for you freak." said Max, clearly trying to piss off Gregor.

Zoey walked around the corner, seeing Max, and 4 of his friends surrounding Gregor.

"Gregor!" shouted Zoey, in a very scared voice, the last person to fight Max went to the hospital for 3 months.

"Stay back you whore! Your little boyfriends about to get it!" shouted Max to Zoey, who was starting to cry.

"Give me the picture and nobody gets hurt" said Gregor, now practically steaming.

"Whoa! It actually talks! Now why don't you come get it?" said Max, encouraging Gregor to fight.

Max started to laugh, turning around to say something to the group of witnesses gathering.

"You see? This little wimp is to scared to fight!" said Max, telling all the students how much of a wimp Gregor was.

As Max turned around, his eyes widened as he saw a fist coming strait for him. Gregor Impaled him in the nose, breaking his nose.

"You little bitch!" screamed Max, throwing a left hook at Gregor.

Gregor swiftly slid to the right, and grabbed Max's arm, slamming it onto his knee, thus breaking it at the elbow.

The other 4 boys quickly charged Gregor when they saw what he did, Gregor jumped up kicking one in the side of the head, knocking him out. When Gregor fell to the ground, he kicked the legs out from another, and then brought his face up to meet the guys face as he fell, on impact, the kid was knocked out. The other 2 looked at each other, and both pulled out 8 inch knives. They both clumsily charged Gregor, trying to stab him anywhere possible. Gregor simply grabbed both boys wrists and twisted, breaking each boys wrist, but instead of letting them go at that, he kicked each one in the stomach knocking both out.

Zoey's Pov

It was so scary, seeing the boy you love get confronted by 5 guys, all with the intent to cause great physical pain. I was crying so much, the tears coming out of my eyes like a waterfall. I tried to look away, I didn't want to see it, but I couldn't look away, I just couldn't. When I saw Max turn around I prepared to see the worst, but it never came, Instead I saw Gregor take out 5 guys in less then 10 seconds, 2 of which were armed with 8 inch knives.

When I saw this I almost fainted, I just saw him do that?! From what I could see, he did it all for a picture of someone he loved. . .

This hurt more then seeing Gregor take down 5 guys, the fact that he has no feeling whatsoever beyond friendship for me. I felt like crying, if that's even possible considering I'm already crying.

Gregor's Pov

Gregor finished with the 5 bullies, and walked over to the picture, and picked it up, slipping it into his pocket. He knew how much trouble he would get into, but he didn't care, he couldn't stand the kids in this school, he had to get out of there, he just had to.

Gregor started to walk away, and Zoey clearly saw this, and she ran up to him.

"Gregor, are you ok, do you wanna talk about it?" asked Zoey in a very concerned tone.

"No, I don't" said Gregor.

"Well, okay, umm, were are you going?" asked Zoey

"I'm going home, see you later" said Gregor in his normal raspy voice.

"Are you sure? Are you ok?" asked Zoey, still very concerned.

"Just leave me be" said Gregor as he walked out the school doors as the bell began to ring.

Gregor knew what was going to happen, he knew how much trouble he would get into, and he even ignored the teacher yelling at him from the school.

"Gregor you get back here this instant! You don't know how much trouble you getting yourself into!" yelled the teacher after Gregor.

Gregor knew very well just how much trouble he was getting himself into, though he didn't care whatsoever, Gregor was going home, he needed to be alone, he just needed time to think.

And that's a wrap on it guys! I hope you enjoyed! Please Rate and Review, all feedback I encouraged and appreciated. I don't know when the next chapter will go up, but I will try to get it up as soon as I have time. Now for that thing I described at the beginning of this chapter.

R & R peeps!


Tytonic- *clickclickclick* and that should just about do it!


Gregor- Whoa what the crap? Were am I? Who are you?

Tytonic- I'm the writer of this story.

explains the situation to Gregor

Gregor-well I guess that explains all this, but if its true when can I go to the underland?

Tytonic- oh shut up, I don't even have to send you there if I don't want, I can do anything I want to you and you cant do a single thing about it.

Gregor- you wouldn't.

Tytonic- try me, the next chapter is with Luxa's point of view. And I can make anything I want bad or good happen to her, she's 16 right? Well the council is trying to force a husband onto her, she can only resist for so long, so I suggest you don't complain.

Gregor- don't you dare, or else

Tytonic- well considering your a rager, I'm just gonna send ya back in were you will not be aware of this conversation.

Gregor- NO don't you dare! *Swing a right hook at Tytonic*

Tytonic- *clickclickclick*well see you later Gregor!

*Gregor warps back in just before punch connects*

Tytonic- seriously, I've gotta find a way for him to control his anger. . .

Well tell me what you guys think of the character interview thing!

See you all later!