Hey! Welcome to my new story Stylia, I am striving for something a bit different from your normal creature fic stories and yes this one will be kinda ooc so if you don't like it sorry. Just a warning: there will also be future smuttiness (hence the M rating) and maybe cussing, but I think you already knew this. Main pairing should be Drarry but that may take a while. Enjoy :P

"Harry! Come get your pajamas on its bedtime cub," called Severus. A small five-year old boy came running upstairs. "Aw do I have to daddy? It's only 6:30," Harry said while trying to hide a yawn. "Which is exactly why it's your bedtime cub, I can see how tired you are, you need lots of rest." "But papa said I don't have to go nighty-night till 7!" Harry argued while his little fluffy ears and tail drooped. "Well that's because your papa is an idiot, now come get in bed cub I won't say it again," said Severus. "Yes, daddy," he said while Severus picked up him up by the back of his neck. "Goodnight cub," he said while kissing Harry's forehead. "G'night d'ddy," Harry slurred quickly being taken over by sleep.

Now I bet you're wondering, "what in the world is going on?," well grab a seat and let me try to explain, this could take a while. Harry is the only child of Severus and Sirius Black. They are different from normal families in many ways. They are a race different from human, and the only word coming close to explaining a semblance of what they really are would be similar to the english word "shapeshifter." Of course they are much different, but if you want a simple explanation that would be it.

The real word used for their kind is "Stylia" literally translated to "one who can change form." They have the ability to appear as a normal human, a human with extra limbs such as ears and a tail and so forth, and then there are their real forms. These forms are generally animals, and are different for each Stylia. The Black family for example are panthers, thus they are born with the ability to roam in their real form.

What makes them different from shapeshifters though, is that they are not fully able to transform into their real self, until they reach the appropriate age. This happens naturally to protect the children from being possibly harmed in animal form. The general rules of Stylia are not hard to remember. Stylia can live for thousands of years, which is why the children are often considered just little babies until they reach the age 300 when they become a teenager. Looking at them from a human perspective, they would look as if they were about 16 years of age to anyone who wasn't a Stylia. Each Stylia also has one mate. You are able to feel them and find them when and only when you become of age, this usually occurs around the age of 317 (still just a young teen). Once you find them, they must gain your parents approval to mate with you, depending on if you are the submissive, or dominant. The Stylia community is very open because most mates happen to be either two males or two females. This would obviously make it extremely hard to reproduce, which is why all submissive Stylia have the ability to reproduce and carry their dominants child during their mating season.

Now, little Harry here can't yet turn into his real form because he is much too young, he would still be considered a newborn in the Stylia community while he would appear to be a very small five-year old to humans. Just because he couldn't fully turn yet though, didn't mean he couldn't turn halfway, which is why Harry most times liked to walk around with his little panther ears and tail. Because he is still so very young, he needs to be much, much smaller than a normal human child, because the parents of the cub still need to be able to carry them around in their mouth, as if they really were in their animal form. Which is also why Severus carries Harry by the back of his neck. It is natural for any kind of feline to do so, including panthers, and causes no harm to the cub. It is just a method of calming the cub down, relaxing and soothing them. It also hinders their ability to move, so it can be quite useful when disciplining the cub.

Most parents tended to be very over protective of their offspring, and Severus and Sirius were no different. They rarely ever let Harry outside, and when they did, they made sure one of them was with him and had an eye on him every second. They didn't want their baby getting hurt, because that was exactly what he was, still just a baby.

Severus was the submissive out of the two, which is why Harry calls him "daddy" and Sirius "papa." You could say that Severus is sort of the mama bear and does not let anyone near his cub, which is why he is normally in his real form as a panther. Harry never minded this because it was just in his nature to act like and be an animal. Although he does wish he could turn all the way into his real form, because he thinks it's pretty cool when his "daddy" does it.

After Severus had tucked Harry into bed, making sure he was sound asleep he went downstairs to find his mate. He found Sirius sitting in his office reading a book. "Sirius? Did you tell Harry that he could stay up till 7 tonight?" he asked. Sirius put his book down and turned over to look at his mate. "Yes love, I figured 30 minutes wouldn't kill the little cub." "Don't be a fool, you know just as well as I do that Harry needs plenty of rest and it was obvious he was tired," Severus scolded him. Sirius stood up and walked over to Severus pulling his mate into his arms. "Sorry love I didn't realize I had been demoted to the new submissive," he joked. "Shut up padfoot you know I'm right." He flicked Sirius on the head.

"Speaking of submissives...I think we should talk about Harry. We both know that he is going to grow up to be a submissive, there's no questions about that with the way he acts. I'm nervous about him going to school in a few years. He will still be such a young little cub, I'm worried about other dominants being there. Harry is such a sweet little boy he wouldn't even know if someone was trying to flirt with him."

Time flows differently in the Stylia realm than in the wizard community. Hundreds of years could pass and it would only seem like it was a few years for wizards and humans. This is what concerns Severus. Even though Harry would be turning about 300 by the time he left for Hogwarts, he would only appear to be what humans call an eleven year old, which is apparently still very young to humans. If they knew it was such a young age to leave for school, he didn't understand why they made children go to school so early anyway.

What if a dominant panther found Harry? He would most likely try to mate with him if they went with their instincts, which were hard to ignore. He just hoped that when the time came for Harry to leave for school, he was well prepared and knew to stay away from any dominant males, especially ones that smelled good. To unmated Stylia, the smell of another potential mate can be very strong and intoxicating, sort of luring potential mates. Of course Stylia can only mate with another of the same species, so for Harry it would have to be a panther, so that limited the number of potential dominants greatly, but there could still be some out there.

Severus also knew that dominant panthers were not particularly soft. They tended to be strong, smart, aggressive, and possessive. If there were ever more than one dominant lusting after a submissive, they would have to fight, the winner claiming the submissive as his. Once a submissive is claimed, it is Stylia law that they are not to be advanced upon by any other dominant, and this is punishable by death. Of course it is almost impossible to touch a submissive after they have been mated though because the dominating male will always leave their mating mark somewhere on the submissive which prevents unwanted people from coming near them.

Being the "mama bear" Severus never wanted his precious cub to get mated. He knew what thoughts went through an unmated Stylia's mind when spotting a potential mate, and was disgusted to even think that one day someone would be having those thoughts about his child.

Sirius could see how stressed his mate had become and began trying to assuage him. "Calm down love, he isn't leaving for a very long time, everything will be fine," he said calmly while rubbing his mates back softly. "I know, I just don't want our little cub to get hurt, I'm so worried Siri." "Shh, its okay. We have a very long time before he goes to school, let's go to bed and forget about this for now."

The two men headed off together to their bedroom, letting go of these worries for now as they needn't worry until the time came for their cub to depart for his first year of school. They had 3 centuries with Harry before they should need to start worrying.

What the two had not counted on, was that time would fly past them, much too quickly to stop it from getting away from them. And it did.

There you go. A sort of short chapter for the first one. If you guys like this enough then future chapters will be longer, this was just a starter ^_^ If you do not like it that's okay too :P If you have any comments/questions ill try to answer them :) Bye for now!