It's been a goddamn while. I missed writing. And I wrote this chapter in just two days. This year was a mess. I can't wait for it to be over. Once again I am sorry for not writing this sooner. I hope you like it. Enjoy!

Merely an Attraction


Chapter 12


"Do you want to hear it?" Natsu asked me while loosening his tie. I stared at him, still perplexed by the fact that he knows my parents. He sat on my bed and patted his lap, "Take a seat, girl. It's story time." While doing that he showed me a smirk. I raised my eyebrows and took a deep breath to say something. However I didn't know what to tell him.

I just gave in and played along. So I did as he said and sat on his lap. Surprisingly, Natsu's smirk faded as soon I placed myself on his lap. Instead he looked shocked that I actually listened to him. "Are you serious?" He asked me, still not being able to believe in what just happened. I thought for a second before replying, "Yes, I am serious. I mean, how can I refuse to sit on my hot best friend's lap? And you were the one who asked me to, right?"

He just smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face in my neck. I giggled and lightly pulled back. "It tickles!" I told him, but he continued smiling. "That was a really cute reaction just now. Can you do it again?" I sighed and told him that we should get serious now. "You said that you will tell everything." Natsu didn't seem satisfied with my response. Instead he lifted me up and put me on my bed. However he didn't lose his grip on me. His arms where still wrapped around me.

"I still didn't get my reward, you know? So if you want to hear that sweet story, you have to give me the kiss, which I am actually looking so forward to." He's got a point. I hesitated for a moment. It was actually easy. I kissed so many guys in the past and I was never embarrassed by it. I didn't care if I liked the guy or not, I still kissed them. However, I feel differently about Natsu. It's not the usual "I don't care, it's just a kiss" attitude I have around people. It suddenly became a big deal to kiss a guy.

However, it doesn't mean that I will refuse to do it.

I put my hands on his arms to loosen his grip and turn towards him. Before kissing him, I asked, "Peck or French?" Natsu chuckled, "You know what? This is taking way too long." And right after the words left his mouth, he pulled me into a kiss. It went so fast, I didn't know what was happening. What I did know though is that I loved it.

Lying next to a hot person when I wake up was my wish since I first lost my virginity. Since then I expected to lay next a handsome guy every time I got wasted and couldn't remember anything. I was always disappointed and I hoped this time would be better since I remembered every damn thing. A smile appeared on my lips before I turned around. However it disappeared fast. I found myself all alone in my bed. I didn't want to lose hope so quick. I was sure that he was around here somewhere. I got up and noticed that his clothes where still there, which means he is still here.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower. He wasn't here. Wendy's at school, this leaves my all alone in this big ass apartment. I started remembering last night. Natsu kissed me, I rolled on top of him, he started undressing me and then we slept together. Okay, wow, I don't know if this is something best friends do.

What annoys me even more is the fact that this is just like a one night stand. He left before I woke up. Was it because he had to go to work? But his clothes were still in my room. What if he didn't like it? Then he would have stopped, right? Oh God, what if this was all about me getting laid? Then I would never forgive him.

I went back to my room, hoping to find a clue. His clothes were still there, the bed was still empty and his smell was all across the place. Damn.

I peeked in Wendy's room (Sorry Sis), however he wasn't there. There was no trace of him in the kitchen and in the living room either. Back to my room, I opened the window and walked towards Natsu's. Before trying to open it, I hesitated a second. What if he's there, what should I say to him?

Whatever pops first in my mind, I guess. I tried to open the window, but to my luck it was locked. I sighed. I should get ready for work and after that I should go to Yukino's.

Aquarius snapped her fingers. "Hey, Blondie, are you still there?" I was lost in thoughts. "You know, there aren't a lot of costumers today, I guess you can leave early." She said with a gentle voice. It surprised me. She was never this nice to me. I thanked her, grabbed my stuff and left the café. There was no one waiting for me in front of the café to pick me up. Was I expecting someone to? Maybe.

This will be my first time to go to Yukino's. And I was quite astonished when I saw her house. It's a really big place, not as big as the estate where I used to live but big enough to tell that she has money. I rang on the doorbell and was surprised to see Sting open it for me. "Lucy! Did you bring Natsu too?"

Ouch. I don't know why but it felt like something stung me. "No, sorry, next time maybe. Is Yukino here?" I asked him. I didn't want to talk about that Dickhead now. Sting leads me towards the living room where I found Yukino, Rogue and some other chick their age. They told me that her name is Minerva.

The funny part of this visit is that we didn't do anything related to the issue she had. Instead they poured me drinks and asked me to watch a movie with them. I didn't feel like 'working', so I agreed to whatever they said. "Lucy, I was wondering, are you and Natsu a couple?" Sting asked me, which made me choke on my drink.
Well, we are close, we did kiss and we did sleep together. However, it doesn't mean that we are officially a couple. I started laughing, "Of course not! We are just friends."

By the way they looked at me I guessed that they weren't satisfied with this answer. "Yeah, right, 'just friends', I get it." Sting said while chuckling. "Okay, I did see him naked on some occasions. And he saw me naked too." They looked at me confused. "We did share a bed on our first encounter." Just now I realized how stupid this sounded. How could I be so dumb and careless to invite a stranger in my bed? "And we did kiss a couple of times." Wow, by the way I tell it, it seems like we are lovers. "If I had the choice, I would date him." I finally said. Wait, why am I telling a bunch of kids what I feel but can't be honest with Natsu about this stuff?

"You want to date him 'cause he's hot?" Minerva asked me, not being able to believe what I just said. "It sounds cold hearted, I know. Natsu is my friend, sometimes even more than that. I do confess I am attracted to him." If he decides to never talk to me again after this or if he chooses to move on depends on him. I am good either way as long as we remain friends.

The day was spent with talking about all the relationships I had. "You see, here is the problem; being one myself, I can tell that you, Lucy, are a player." Sting told me. Rogue chuckled, "Sting, you're more like a wannabe player." They had a small argument about that. Yukino turned towards me, "To be honest, when I first met Natsu, I thought he was a player and you the played one. Please don't break his heart, Lucy."

I laughed lightly. "No, I won't. I am not a player. I am just a confused little lamb." I heard Sting laughing from the other side of the room. "Sure Lucy. You are not as innocent as you seem. And I like that. So I want to ask you if you want to become my teacher." He wanted me to teach him all my pick-up methods. "Oh boy, I can't refuse a friend's request. I am not as good as you think, but alright. I will teach you all I know." He started jumping like a little girl. I guess he is happy.

After that I decided to go home. Part of me wished to see Natsu as soon as possible, but another part of me just wanted to go home, lie on the couch, watch a movie marathon and forget all about it. Before going upstairs to my apartment, I dropped by the bar and found out that Natsu went on a goddamn business trip for a week.

He could have told me. But who cares anyway? I am not his girlfriend. I could care less if he went on a business trip or on vacation. I don't give a shit about it or him. He can do whatever he wants to or has to.

I am overreacting. I should go home and take a nap.

I have to confess, the week was rather boring without Natsu around. Actually nobody was really there; everyone was too busy or too tired to hang out. So I spend my time in front of my TV. I wasn't sure when Natsu would return, nobody knew the exact date. I missed my best friend. I wanted him to come back.

Once again I decided to watch "Mean Girls". Whenever I didn't have anything to do I watched this movie. I could quote every single line. Damn, what am I doing with my life? Eventually I decided to take a nap. Please don't wake me up until Natsu comes back.

"Get up princess, your knight in shining armor is back to help you escape boredom." An awfully familiar voice told me. Could it be? "Natsu?" I asked opening my eyes. I heard a chuckle and saw a smile on that person's face. "I heard that you've been really pathetic without me around." He's back!

"Damn, where were you dumbass?" I asked him while jumping up from the couch right in his widely opened arms. "I missed you." I said in a low voice. I don't think that he heard me. "I was on a business trip. It was a last minute call." I don't care. I am glad that he's back. Now we can be stupid again!

I hit his arm. "You could have told me, jerk! It doesn't matter, I am glad you are back." He gave a confused look. "You are so moody. Are you mad or are you happy? Or worse; are you on your period?" It made me laugh. I was definitely more than happy to have him back.

We were lying on my couch. We weren't hugging nor were we close. I was lying on one end and he on the other. I told him about my boring week while he told me about his stressful week. I could conclude that both of us were glad that he is home again.

Being silly and stupid with him was way better than kissing and sleeping with him. Why did we even do it? Oh yeah, I remember. I owed him a kiss. But there was something else that evening which still isn't clear to me. "Hey, do you remember when you told me that there is a story which I don't know about? Why won't you tell me now?"

Natsu smiled and looked away. "Alright, it goes like this; does my last name tell you anything?" I looked a little surprised. I shake my head. "From the beginning it is. My dad owns this huge company. The Dragneels are actually famous because of that. Furthermore, I was a rich bitch just like you in your childhood." I raised my eyebrows. This was unexpected.

"Well, my old man and your dad knew each other. They went to the same university when they were young. So I your parents visited mine quite often and the other way around as well." I did not see this coming. "The last time I saw them was when then visited us and told me about their amazing teenage daughter. They showed me a picture of that blonde beauty and said that if things go well I would meet her the next time they'd visit."

I was speechless. My dad wanted me to take over our company once so I knew a lot of his business partners. However I can't really remember ever meeting Natsu or his parents. "Natsu, I don't know your family. This is the first time I hear about all of this. Are you sure you're not confusing me with somebody else?" I asked him.

Natsu pulled out his wallet and took out a picture. It was a picture taken on my 16th birthday. Cana and Wendy were on it too. We were hugging smiling. My dad always carried this picture with him. "Why do you have this?" He gave me the picture and said, "Your dad showed it to me and forgot to put it back. I said that I would give it back the next time I saw him. But unfortunately they died that night while driving back home." Natsu looked away. He felt guilty.

"I'm sorry." He told me. I couldn't help myself but give him a tight hug. "No, it's not your fault. Thank you for everything." I didn't know. I felt stupid for not knowing him. My parents kept talking to him about me, but they didn't say anything about him.

"Why are you rotting in this town when you have a rich family?" I asked to change the subject slightly. He laughed, "My dad told me, and I quote 'Get your ass out of my propriety, you lazy idiot. Come back when you have a job, a wife and kids.'"

"Lucy, could you do a favor and come by my school next week?" Wendy asked me with that sweet puppy face of hers. "Why?" I asked her while heating up my dinner. "Remember when I told you about this guy I have a crush on who has a crush on you? He wants to meet you."
"Why should I meet him? Just ask him on a date."
"But I promised him that I could arrange a meeting with you and he was really excited about that"
I sighed. "Alright, I guess I could come on Wednesday." Wendy started screaming and running around the apartment. I laughed; it's been a while since she was so happy. But she tripped and fell on her face. "Are you okay?" I asked her worried. "I'm fine! There is nothing to worry about." She said jumping back on her feet.

"The name's Lucy Heartfilia." I told that guy in front of me while going for a handshake. To my surprise the guy pulled me into a hug. "Dude, I can't believe it." He seemed really excited. I smiled awkwardly after he pulled away. "Thanks Wendy for giving me this opportunity. I owe you one, man."

He wanted to spend more time with me, but his mom was waiting impatiently for him in her car. He looked really upset. So I promised him I would meet him again when I have time. It was enough to make him smile. "Did he call you 'Man' just now?" I asked Wendy while watching him leave. She covered her face, "I know! It's pathetic." I patted her shoulder, "Cheer up sis. Let's go eat some ice cream."

"How come you get all the hot boys? Is it because you have curves?" Wendy asked me while checking out my butt and my boobs. I shake my head, "Nah, it's because I look like an easy prey to guys. Make him fall for that sweet smile of yours and your awesome personality."

It was so easy to give advice, but I can't even deal with my love life. I slept with my hot neighbor best friend and we still didn't talk about it. It would probably become weird if we keep talking about it. I think I shouldn't mention it as well. I don't want to ruin what we have. Eventually it will come up once and we will laugh about it. Until then I will keep quiet.