Prologue by Era
We fled Ba Sing Se and met up with Chief Hakoda of the Southern Water Tribes at Chameleon Bay. With Aang in a coma and Xena barely hanging onto life we captured a Fire Navy ship and set sail for the Fire Nation. Katara spends each day trying to heal Aang and Xena, but only Aang is responsive to the treatments. Toph occasionally sits with Katara during the sessions, but spends most of her time practicing her new found ability to bend metal. Sokka and I work together with his father to plan the invasion of the Fire Nation. I've found him in Xena's room a couple of times lately. He's concerned that she won't survive as we all are, but I've come to realize that for him it's more than just that.
To him Xena is family and her sacrifice for Aang brings back the pain of losing Yue all over again. I think part of him feels responsible for this. We can only hope that Xena survives.
Water, Earth, Fire, Air…