Somehow this story was deleted. Maybe it was reported or something, I don't care. This is not suppose to be taken seriously it's just for fun and some laughs. If you have a problem with what is written here's a wild idea... don't read it! Otherwise enjoy! I do not own Red vs. Blue

Dear Fanfiction Authors,

Hello everybody. Private Dick Simmons here from the popular web series Red vs. Blue. So since there really is nothing to do most days here in Blood Gulch most of us have been reading some fan fictions you authors post on this site and I would just like to say that Grif and I are NOT a couple.

Hey Simmons what are you doing?

Writing a letter to those authors on Fanfiction.

Oh! Did you make it specific that we aren't a couple cause that's just gross. I like chicks, people! …Now Simmons here, I'm not so sure about.

Grif! Don't listen to him I like girls too. I just get nervous when they talk to me sometimes, or look at me… you know sometimes. But I'm totally down with the chicks.

Just shut up Simmons you're embarrassing yourself.


Privates Grif and Simmons

Please let me know what you think. Suggestions anyone?!