Five times Ama looked after her children and one time she was unable to.


Ama walked through the encampment, nodding at her many children running around. She spots Castiel and Balthazar, running after Raphael, asking a thousand questions about where Gabriel went. Ama smiles at her oldest daughter, who sighs, heading into medical room. Anael walks out, leading the younger angels away to explain. Cas and Balth are among the youngest angels in the garrison and have never seen war before. To be honest, most of the angels have never seen war before. Only the Archangels, the oldest of her children, know what a battle is like.

The encampment is based on the Heaven of one of the first humans, who lead his tribe against another. The place is filled with tents and, in thousands of years time, many battles will be prepared in places like it. Raphael hates the place but Gabriel enjoyed it so Michael stays, honouring his lost brother.

Ama walks into Michael's tent, nodding at Zachariah and Naomi. The two elder angels are leading the secondary armies while Michael's army fights the angels that have joined Lucifer's side. Zachariah and Naomi will lead armies against reapers and children of Eve, respectively. Ama sits at the end of the table, watching the battle planning.

'Naomi, you will take your soldiers and attack from the back, cutting off the vampires' retreat. You will have to leave a few on the front lines, as a distraction, but only for a moment. Anael can look after them. Zachariah, I want you to take a subsection of angels into Hell, to release any souls you can for heaven. We could use all the power we can get. Afterwards, destroy any rogue reapers, so the others know what is coming for them if they don't surrender.'

Both angels nod, leaving the tent to follow their order. Both bow slightly to Ama as they pass her, neither smiling for a second. Ama watches them go before conjuring a drink and handing a second to Michael.

'Sometimes, I feel more like a queen than a mother.' She mutters, watching Michael continue to look over plans. 'Since your father left, my children respect me, but don't love me.'

'Some of them think you chased him off.' Michael says, not looking up.

'And others say I killed him for his kingdom.' She scoffs. 'If he was dead, you'd know. The world would collapse in on itself.

Michael smiles, taking a sip of his drink. Finally, he glances up, smiling at his mother. He is wearing the face of a descendent of Able, of the line that would produce his true vessel. It suits him. 'Beings of light don't trust the sister of Death, mother. Even if that sister created them.'

Ama chuckles, stepping closer to look down at the plans. 'You seem to have the whole war decided already.'

Michael shrugs, shoulders slumping a little. 'I know Lucifer, I know what he'll do. I do one thing, baby brother does another, I retaliate. That's how wars work, right?'

Ama's face falls. 'Most wars aren't between brothers, I must admit.'

Michael freezes, hand drifting over the plans for the final battle. This fight will be all out; angels, cherubs and seraphs against reapers, monster and Fallen. And, right in the middle, two archangels will fight it out, one sending the other toppling into the pit.

'Do I have to do it, Mother?' Michael whispers, looking up at her.

Ama raises an eyebrow. 'Don't you want to follow your father's orders?'

'No! I mean, yes but...father's not here. Why should I follow the orders of someone whose abandoned me?'

Ama places a hand on her son's shoulder, watching him carefully. He leans into the touch, letting his check rest against her knuckles.

'He's my brother, mum. I was there when he was born, I held him so tightly he almost broke. Now, Father wants me to send him to the Cage, to rot for all eternity.'

'Not all eternity.' Ama mutters, pulling Michael into a hug. 'The seals...'

'Will break, I know.' Michael mutters. His voice is muffled by her shoulder. 'But then I'll have to fight him again and that time, I'll have to kill him.'

He leans back slightly, looking her in the eye. 'If I don't obey, what will happen? What would father do to me?'

Ama smiles, placing a kiss on her son's forehead. 'Nothing, he can't touch you right now. I'll tell you a secret Michael, about your father. He's gone down to Earth and become-'

'A demon!'

The two beings turn to the tent opening, Michael jumping away from his mother to save some dignity. Uriel runs in, Castiel, Balthazar and Anael right behind him. Ama raises an eyebrow. 'A what?'

'That's what she's calling herself.' Anael says, looking back. Two seraphim are pulling a blonde girl towards their tent, bound in chains. The younger angels place her down in a chair before backing off, leaving to get on with their duties. Michael sits down opposite the blonde, tilting his head.

'What's your name, what are you doing here?'

The girl looks up, blinking. Her eyes go from light blue to pure white, her facial expression never changing. 'My name is Lilith, Lucifer sent me.'

Castiel and Balthazar stiffen, the taller angel stepping in front of the brunet. Anael and Uriel glance at each and Michael, but the archangel doesn't move. 'Why would he do that? He's not so fond of humans.'

'Good thing I'm not human then, isn't it? Not anymore at least.'

Ama's eyebrows furrow. 'What are then? Not human, nor monster, nor angel. What is a demon?'

Lilith smiles, eyes returning to normal. 'A demon is the twisted, destroyed soul of a human. Mangled and broken until no consciousness or goodness remains. Lucifer sent me to show you that all humans will become demons in the end. Demons are cruel, demons are malicious. Demons have been put in charge of hell and, just so you know, this demon has just seen all your plans.'

Lilith's head tilts back and her mouth opens, smoke pouring out. Balthazar pushes Cas backwards, Anael stepping in front of both if them. Ama jumps in front of Michael, pulling Uriel behind her as well. The smoke does nothing to any of them, simply flying out of the tent. Cas and Balthazar run after it, shouting at others to get out of the way. Michael turns to Uriel and Anael.

'Tell Raphael, Zachariah and Naomi that the plans need revision. Make sure Zachariah does not go to Hell.'

The two nod, storming out of the tent and shouting orders. Michael slumps against the table for a second before pushing all the things off the table. He yells, pulling a new set of paper out of a drawer.


'Tell the angels to get ready for battle. We destroy Lucifer's forces at dawn.'


Michael heads towards the outside, robe billowing around him. 'I'll kill the traitor and his abomination myself.'

'Michael! He's your brother!'

Michael stops at the entrance, not turning back. 'My brother is dead. Or, at least, he will be. Now, are you with me?'

Ama shudders once before nodding. 'I'm with you.'


Hell wasn't pretty, not by anyone's standards. It was not alluring, nor bright, nor appealing. But Hell is interesting, it is brutal in it's beauty and, worst of all, it is without lies. A rich, handsome murderer is just a murderer, a poor, starving thief is just a thief. The only illusions are the ones used to torture it's residents.

Ama crosses the torture rooms of Hell, heading towards the bottommost room. Dozens of men and women scream at her to help them but she walked on, unable to interfere in someone else's domain. Lilith, draped over Lucifer's throne, smiles at her as she passed, the woman's face morphing into that of a little girl. In Hell, demons look like what they want.

Ama reaches the doors to the Cage, placing a hand against them carefully. Michael has forbade- forbade? Like he could ever actually stop her- from letting Lucifer out until the correct time, so she must be careful going in. If Lucifer sees the open door, he will rush out, running from the tortures of the Cage.

She opens the door slowly, waiting for the sound of moving wings. When no sound reaches her, she steps in, closing the door behind her. Ama draws her sword, similar to her children's, waiting for something in the dark to jump her. This place was made as a punishment after all. She walks through the void, lighting a way for herself and looking for her brightest child.

'Please, don't!'

Ama turns at the shout, the voice so familiar. She waits, sword and magic still poised for attack, until the voice starts screaming again.

'Raphael! Michael! Don't!'

Ama runs towards the voice, wondering how her oldest, non-Fallen, living children could have got in with Lucifer. The voice is most definitely his and he is most definitely in pain. She thinks, for a terrible second, that Michael and Raphael have come to the Cage for no reason than to torture him, to make him pay for his exaggerated sins.

'Gabriel! Please!'

Ama's pace picks up at this shout. Gabriel is far away from Heaven and Hell and would not risk his new family to attack his once beloved brother. Something is wrong, if Lucifer is shouting at someone who can't be there.

'Father, stop! Mummy, make him stop!'

Ama finally nears her son, seeing the shadows swirling around him. They are attacking him, hurting every inch of his body and he screams with each strike. The Morningstar was not made to be surrounded by darkness.

Ama raises her arms, sunlight streaming from her skin. The shadows scowl, flying off and away from Lucifer. One, a brave wisp, tries attacking her but she swipes her sword sideway, dispersing the shadow with ease. The rest flee with a hiss, each wrapping around Lucifer once, like a threatening hug.

'It's okay, Luci. They're gone.'

She looks down, expecting to see her son smiling up at her, at least sitting up slightly. But Lucifer is still curled into a ball, eyes clamped shut and mouth rushing over a thousand whispered words. He screams every second or so, shouting out names of different angel, eyes not opening. He is dreaming.

Ama drops to his side, shaking his shoulder frantically. 'Wake up! Lucifer, wake up!' But he does not stir, flinching away from her hand. Ama looks around, wanting desperately for her husband to turn up, for him to take away her son's pain. The angels won't listen to her, won't forgive the Morningstar no matter how much she begs. If Yahweh was here, he could stop the fighting.

She places a hand on Lucifer's forehead, trying to wake him that way. But the Cage was made by two gods so one cannot break it's magic, even if she was a creator. She cannot wake her son from the outside, she will need to dispel his dream from the inside. She places a hand on his head again, closing her own eyes and joining him in his nightmare.

At first, she thinks she has done something wrong and transported herself to Heaven's council room. The angels are all gathered, looking down at the centre. She walks down the steps, glancing at each of her children in turn, trying to understand the expression on their faces. They look...happy but in a sad, empty way. Like they have got everything they wanted but they had to lose everything they loved to get it. Ama knows the feeling, having got peace on earth, heaven and hell but losing her husband and many children to get it.

When she reaches the final few steps, she allows herself to look at the source of the screaming. Someone, she is certain she can guess who, is tied to a table, screaming at his captives to stop, shouting at every member of the Host to save him, yelling names of angels he never spoke to before. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael hold Lucifer down as he struggles while Ama and Yahweh hold him beat into him, eliciting the screaming from their sons lips.

'Get away!'

The real Ama shouts but none of them move. Gabriel's eyes twitch to meet her and he gestures his head once. A garrison of angels fly at her but she waves a hand, turning them into smoke. She continues towards the centre, dispersing all the phantoms that try to drive her fm the dream. Finally, she reaches the table and the Archangels turn, swords drawn.

'Oh, spare me.'

With a blink, her eldest have disappeared, swords clattering to the ground. She picks Michael's up, swirling it around her head once before stabbing the ghost of her husband though the chest. The man she would know as Chuck glances at her once before fading and she turns to her own double, eyes set.

'Get away from my son, you bitch.'

Ama feels a sinking feeling of pride when she stabs the other goddess, dispelling the whole dream and ejecting herself from Lucifer's mind. She looks around the Cage, waiting for something to attack before glancing down at her son. He is curled in on himself, nightmares gone. She concurs a blanket and a bed, easily lifting the Devil onto the latter. He doesn't stir once, merely grips her arm when she turns to go. She lowers herself to the floor next to him, sitting as she did when he was just a fledgling and was dreaming of Gabriel falling from a cloud.

'I cannot stay with you forever, remember.' She mutters, thinking back to the time when she last said those words. 'Your nightmares can't hurt, not really but you have to be the one to stop them. I cannot save you from every little monster beneath the bed or take to a safe place every time the night gets to dark.'

She pulls her hand from his grip, leaning forward to plant a kiss on his forehead. He doesn't move, shuffling further into his pillows as she turns to leave, heading towards the door. As she turns back, she can still see his Grace, lighting the whole room as he dreams of Heaven and brothers who love him.

Hell is not peaceful but, for now, it's ruler is.


Baldr Odinson patrols the main gate of Asgard, sword swinging at his side, spears attached to his back. They have just won a war but their injured are still at a risk and no man or woman will get past him. Especially not jumped up angels who think they have right to everything.

'Please, let me pass.' The Queen of Heaven smiles sweetly at the Light of Asgard, face all motherly and caring. But the Prince of the Aesir is not easily fooled.

'Sorry, celestial, no foreigners today.'

The Angel Mother frowns slightly. 'I am here to see Loki, I am not a foreigner.'

'You are not an Asgardian, therefore you are a foreigner. Goodbye, Madam Celestial, go back to where you came from.'

Heaven's Matriarch smiles even sweeter than before, taking a step closer towards the god. With each step, the air tingles and light flashes behind her.. 'I come from the black void before all time and space, from the great nothingness where only the four great beings could reside. Where only Life, Death, Light and Darkness were possible. So tell me, Baldr Odinson, brother of Thor, brother of Loki, Asgardian god of light and purity; how exactly am I supposed to go back where I came from?'

She is nose to nose with him now, eyes flashing with an ancient, inescapable anger. Baldr's hand shakes as he holds up the sword, hoping to stop the angel from taking another step closer.

'Brother, what are you doing?'

Baldr turns, seeing Thor walking towards him, armour glistening in the sunlight. Thor's face is, as always, bright and smiling but he walks straight past Baldr to draw the celestial into a hug.

'Lady Ama, how wonderful to see you. I trust you are here to see Loki.'

'Of course.' Ama smiles, looping her arm through the thunder god's. 'Show me the way old friend?'

Thor nods, walking away with the angel and smiling towards the younger Aesir. They wait until they are out of earshot before Ama turns to Thor. 'I trust my son was not too injured defending your palace.'

Thor smiles. 'No more than the rest of us. Gabriel just takes longer to heal, due to his loss of connection to your Host.'

Ama sighs as they stop outside the medical room. 'That's why I'm here.'

The Thunder God places a hand in her shoulder as she tries to walk into the room. 'Loki's children do not know of his lineage as Baldr didn't. I will take them with me but-'

'-do not call him Gabriel or son in front of them.'

Thor nods, pushing the door opening and following Ama in. Gabriel lifts his head slightly and the children surrounding his bed follow his gaze.

'Uncle Thor!' The snake, Jörmungandr, shouts, jumping towards Thor and wrapping around his neck. Sleipnir trots over, running around the two of them and whinnying. Hela stands, picking up the wolf cub asleep across Loki's legs. She walks over with Fenrir, tilting her skeletal head.

'What is going on, Uncle? Who is this?'

Thor slowly unwraps Jörmungandr from his neck, stopping the snake from strangling him. 'This is Lady Ama, from the Judeo-Christian Heaven. She is here to help heal your father but she needs some privacy.'

Hela nods, placing a hand on Sleipnir's head and leading her brother's out of the room. Thor follows with Jörmungandr slithering over his arms. Ama waits until the door shuts to run towards her son, falling into the seat beside his bed. She starts to sob as she sees the many wounds that litter Loki's skin, the vessel's organs and Gabriel's Grace. Her son turns his head to look at her.

'Calm down, mama. People would think you missed me.'

Her sobs rack her body even more and she falls forward slightly. 'Of course I missed you. You have no idea how many times I've wanted to pull you home since you left. Don't you think for one second that anyone doesn't miss you.'

Gabriel's lips twitch and he looks up at her. 'I thought you were here to heal me.'

She nods, taking a hold of his hand. The scar instantly begin to fade, smooth skin spreading out from where she touches him. Gabriel looks down at the magic while Ama rubs away her tears with her other hand,

'I thought you'd heal my Grace first, mama.'

Ama smirks. 'If I'd healed your Grace, you'd have complained about your organs. If I healed your organs, you'd complain about you face. You are nothing if not predictable.'

'To you maybe.' Gabriel nods as Ama waves a hand over him, slowly healing his Grace piece by piece. 'But if I were truly predictable, I'd be dead by now. You don't become God of Mischief by letting people know your secrets.'

Ama raised an eyebrow slightly. 'No, you become a God of Mischief by hijacking the body of the last one.'

Gabriel shrugs, wincing at the movement. His mother places a hand on his chest, allowing the organs and bones to repair and reset. 'Didn't hijack it. He was dying, he gave permission. We're the same person now.'

Ama sits back in her seat, watching him out the corner of her eye. 'You should be fine. Have a move around, let me check.'

Gabriel nods, pushing himself out of his bed and onto the floor. He walks for a second, runs for a moment and spar with air for a minute or two. Ama watches all of this, mentally noting every lingering pain he suffers as he moves. She also notes the change in his fighting style, the Norse manoeuvres mixed in with the angelic. As he finishes his movements, the doors reopen, Thor walking through with Loki's children behind him. The thunder god pulls Gabriel into a hug with a great, booming laugh.

'Brother!' He smiles, stepping back to allow the children forward. 'I see Lady Ama has done a miracle with you.'

Gabriel grins over Hela's head. 'That is her specialty, brother.'

Watching the brother's jest with each other, Ama quietly excuses herself, walking out of the medical room and towards the gates of Asgard. She has barely walked two steps past Baldr when she hears a small yelping behind her. She turns to see the wolf cub, Fenrir bounding towards her. She bends just in time to cast him as he leaps at her chest.

'Thank you for saving my papa, Lady Ama.' Fenrir smiles, squirming in her grip. She goes to put him down but the wolf digs his claws into her dress. 'Stay Lady Ama. I'm sure papa will want you to.'

'Let Lady Ama go.'

Fenrir twists to look at Gabriel, who takes the cub from his mother. Placing his son on the ground, Gabriel pulls his mother into a quick hug, during which she heals his remaining maladies. Gabriel holds her at arm's length, smiling at her.

'You better come visit, Lady Ama. My children will want to meet.'

She leans forward, kissing his cheek. He blushes slightly at the maternal affection. 'I will definite visit, how could I not? Goodbye, for now, Lord Loki.'

'Goodbye Lady Ama.'


Ama walks through the hospital, invisible to any prying eyes. She leaves flowers next to lonely patients and toys with sleeping children, running a hand over each overworked nurse or overtired parent. Every resident of the hospital relaxes as she walks through, heading towards the children's psychiatric ward. She allows herself to be visible as she nears her destination, smiling towards the two people that stand to greet her.

'Hello, Mr and Mrs Milton, I'm Nurse Shurley.'

The names is one her husband is setting course towards and will adopt in about fifteen years time. She doesn't see any problem with using it a decade or so early.

'Hello, nurse.' Richard Milton says, glancing towards his daughter's room. 'Can you tell us what's going on? Is Anna going to be okay?'

'Anna will be fine.' She smiles, placing a hand in each of their shoulders. 'But, for now, I need you to get some rest. I'll wake you if Anna need you.'

Both parents nod, their eyes glossing over. They return to their seats, slumping immediately and leaning against each other. Ama wonders how the Reverend would react if he knew he had just been commanded by God's wife. Probably throw a fit.

She walks into the room slowly, not knowing how the child will react. She pulled some stings- the kind of strings attached to the fabric of the universe- to get the Fallen angel her own room, away from prying eyes or spiteful children. The room is bright, every light turned on full and blinding to any normal human. Ama can feel the Grace that surround the room, pressing into every corner and covering every gap.

'Anna?' She says quietly, seeing the girl sat up in bed. 'Anna, my name is nurse-'

'Mom!' She shouts, bonding across the room to grab Ama around the waist. 'Don't let him hurt me, mom. I promise I'll be good. I'll go back, I'll guard heaven just don't let Dad hurt me.'

'Anna, calm down.' Ama says, bending her legs to be at eye level. 'Your father is nowhere around, he's not going to hurt you.'

Anna shakes her head, clinging to her mother tighter so Ama picks her up, carrying her to the bed and laying her down, forcing her to let go. Ama pulls the covers over the small frame, smiling down at her daughter.

'Don't make me put you to sleep.'

Anna shivers, grabbing her mother's hand. 'I heard them, mother. In my head. They were angry about the Fallen, about those who betrayed Heaven.'

'They meant the Morningstar, sweetheart, not you.'

'But what if they did!'

Ama is painfully reminded that, although Anna has her daughter's memories, the human is not actually her daughter. She is not billions of years old and the leader of a garrison. She is not fearless and four-winged, she is not a fighter. She is just a child and she can't deal with being an Angel.

Ama leans forward, holding Anna's small hand in both her own. She presses a kiss to the child's small fingers, sending a wave of calm through her. 'They would not mean you because they are not aware you Fell. Cas and Balth cried for days when they thought you died.'

'Really?' Anna says, more reminiscent of her angel self. 'Doesn't sound like something they'd do.'

'Well, no.' Ama concedes. 'Cas was more silent than usual and Balth blew a few things up but the message was clear.'

'They did the same thing when Gabriel died.' Anna whispers, falling back into her pillows. 'No one talks about Gabriel now, mom. It's like he doesn't exist.'

Ama shrugs, leaning back into her chair but not letting go of Anna's hand. 'Heaven is full of immortals and eternals. No one wants to talk about someone who broke that reputation.'

'Me?' Anna whispers, eyes beginning to droop a little as her mother holds her hand tighter.

'You, yes.' Ama smiles. 'And Gabriel, and Barachiel and Jakeel. Every angel who dies in Heaven's eyes soon goes from Heaven's eyes. No one is looking for you, no one is going to hurt you.'

Anna nods, eyes finally closing. As Ama lets go of her hand, the girl turns her head slightly. 'Mom, do you still talk about me?'

Ama smiles, kissing her daughter's forehead. 'Everyday. My brothers are getting quiet weary of hearing about Anael this and Anael that. I get to see you grow up all over again and your father gets to see you smile.'

'Father?' Anna says, beginning to stir. 'Father's here?'

'No, father is far away and unable to hurt you, even if he wanted to. But he is still prophetic and still able to watch out for you from far away. It's not Santa who gets you presents at Christmas.'

Anna smiles at that, imagine her bearded father trying to stuff himself down a chimney. He would probably just make the chimney bigger, she reckons, and that image takes her to sleep, imagining Yahweh as the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny.

Ama sighs, pulling the covers up to Anna's chin. She miles down at her daughter then looks around the room. 'If any of you are watching, you can go. If I here a word of this muttered to Michael, I will hunt down the betrayer and throw them from Heaven myself.'

The bright light of the room begins to dim and Ama feels a great surge of Grace leave the hospital. She nods to herself, knowing that threatening her children isn't the best way to go but she doesn't need to protect her most vulnerable children.

'One last thing, Anael, as a parting gift.' She smiles, placing a hand on the angel's forehead. 'You won't remember me, or your father, or Michael, or anything about Heaven. You won't remember you are an angel and you won't remember why you were scared. I would love for you to come home but a human child has no place in Heaven and you don't have a Grace right now. So, please, don't despair when you wake with less memories than before. I will leave you with your human knowledge and one fact from Heaven; your parents love you. Don't you ever forget that, Anael. Your mother and father love you very much and we are very, very proud of you.'

She plants a kiss to the girl's forehead, nodding and turning to leave. The last of the lights dims completely as Ama leaves, barely turning once to look back at her child. She passes the Miltons, stopping to kneel next to them. 'Richard? Amy? You daughter is asleep but she's feeling much better. I think it would be alright for you to see her now.'

The Miltons are out of their chairs in seconds, running into their daughter's room. Ama waits for the delighted cries of the child to pierce the air, for her to yell for her dad and run into his arm. Ama turns to leave, leaving the hospital in a flutter of wings. She doesn't return to Heaven, or to her husband, but she bunks down in the middle of a field, allowing sadness to wash over her and making herself invisible to any and all prying eyes.

She does not want anyone to see her cry.


'Alright, mama, your turn. Truth or dare?'

Ama leans back into Chuck's embrace, watching Michael with a smile. The entire Roadhouse has assembled into a circle, playing the game suggested by Adam. Previously, they have had Gabriel talking about Sleipnir's birth, Jo having to down a beer upside down, and Jesse, the new boy sat on Lucifer's lap, turning all the angels into action figures. More have said dare, so Ama knows what would make the game more interesting.


The angels all grin, huddling together to think of a good question. Adam is pulled in, Michael's arm around his neck and Jesse leans over Lucifer's shoulders to listen. Finally, they turn, nudging each other like a group of children, rather than beings eons old.

'Mama, who is your favourite child?'

The other parents in the room wince at question while the others grin, congratulating the angel on their brilliant question. Jess raises an eyebrow and Lucifer pokes Jesse's side, earning a giggle from the child and a high five from the blonde. The three angels look at their mother expectantly.

'Let me think about this.' She says, trying to think of the most diplomatic answer. 'Your father loves the archangels, so don't feel bad if I don't say you.'

Gabriel wraps an arm around Chuck's neck, pulling him downwards. Chuck pushing him off, ruffling the Trickster's hair and smiling at the older angels. They both grin back but glare mockingly at their mother.

'Anael, I love you but you have another mother, you don't need to be my favourite.'

Both Ama and her daughter smile at Amy Milton, who, along with her husband and several others decided to sit out of the game. Amy and Richard smile back, eyes bowed slightly.

'So, who is my favourite from those not here? Naomi and Zachariah got too big for themselves so not them. Uriel always thought I was an imposter so definitely not. Raphael thinks I killed my own husband and Samadriel doesn't seem to either notice me when I'm there. So I guess it's between-'

'That stupid, lying, traitorous bastard!'

'-Balthazar and Castiel.'

The Roadhouse members turns as one, looking at the blond angel who has appeared on the floor behind them. Balthazar bolts onto his feet, a hole sticking through his chest. Gabriel stands to meet the brother he used to care for.

'Hey, Balth, nice to see you.' Gabriel smiles, stepping forward to hug the younger angel. 'Here, let me heal-'

'Go away, Gabe.' Balthazar scowls, pushing past his former caretaker. He rounds on the two gods, eyes narrowed. 'Send me back.'

Gabriel wraps an arm around his shoulders, turning him around. 'Come one, Zar, you'll get used to it.'

'I said go away.' Balthazar snarls, sword falling from his sleeve. Gabriel's own sword falls in defence but the younger angel just turns back to his parents. 'Send me back. Cas-'

'-killed you?' Lucifer inputs.

'-betrayed you?' Michael says.

'-obviously doesn't give two stuffs about you?' Anna shrugs, leaning on her brothers' shoulders.

'-deserves what he gets!' Balthazar finally finishes. 'He's gonna get himself killed and I wanna be the one to do it. Dad, you have to send me back!'

Ama stands, bringing the conversation to an end. Her eyes flicker to the door and Balthazar gulps, following his mother in silence. Gabriel rolls his eyes, sitting back down and grabbing Jesse from Lucifer.

Ama turns to look at Balthazar, eyebrows raised. 'Want to explain that?'

Balthazar shrugs, not looking at his mother. 'What, so angel's aren't allowed to get revenge now? C'mon mom, you're taking away all my happiness.'

Ama shakes her head. 'Sorry, son, I can't send you back, Heaven's rules. I can help Cas though, if you want.'

'Why would I want you to help that-'

'No one can hear you.' Ama says, tilting he head. 'It's just me here, Balth.'

Balthazar stops, jaw shaking slightly. His knees buckle and he slumps against the Roadhouse wall, not looking at his mother when she sits down next to him. 'He stabbed me in the back, mama. Made me think he though someone else was the spy then just...he didn't even look me in the eye.'

'Why do you want to go back?' Ama mutters, allowing the blond to lean against her shoulder. 'You're not really angry at him, so why go back if he's hurt you?'

'I betrayed him, mama. I told the Winchesters everything, I helped them try to take him down. Now, he's in trouble and...and...and I have to stop it. He's my baby brother, I'm supposed to protect him not betray him.'

Ama nods, taking in the words. She wraps her arm around his shoulders. 'You know who else is his brother? Gabriel and Lucifer and Michael and none of them are getting upset about not hurting him.'

'They didn't after him when he was little.' Balthazar says, eyes half closed.

'No?' Ama smiles, think back. 'I distinctly remember two little angels who followed the Messenger of God wherever he went. Gabriel is worried about you, not Cas. For good reason.'

She looks down at his shirt, waving her hand over it and returning it to its original state. Balthazar smiles at his repaired shirt and stands, pulling away from her embrace. 'I suppose. But, I don't know, he's still a kid.'

Ama rolls her eyes. 'He's four billion years old. Yes, that's young for an angel but he can look after himself. Sam and Dean are thirty, you don't seem to worry about them.'

'Not my brothers.' He says casually, shrugging.

'But your allies.' She points out. 'Who right now are praying for your help. They trust you, I think, so you should trust them. They will Cas out, I promise. Might take a while, but he will be happy and, one day, he'll join us, as will they.'

Balthazar nods slightly, conjuring a bottle of alcohol and downing it in one go. He ignores his mother's eye roll and steps forward. 'When he gets here, I'll hit him straight in the face-'

'-then pull him into the biggest bear hug the Roadhouse has seen. Trust me, Gabriel and Anna have said the same thing.'

Balthazar laughs, allowing his mother to direct him back into the Roadhouse. The whole place is silent as they enter but the youngest angel there just smiles, ordering a drink from Bill and Ellen at the bar. Gabriel stand, walking towards Balthazar hesitantly. He waits a few seconds, checking for response before rushing forward and pulling his brother into a hug. Ama moves past them, sitting down next to her husband.

'All good?' He mutters in Enochian.

'Bit complicated but, yes, all is good for now.'

He kisses her cheek before whistling, getting everyone's attention. He nods at his wife, who smiles, looking around the room before settling her eyes of the next victim of the game.

'Mary, truth or dare?'


'No, no, no, no, no! Chuck!'

Ama's shouts echo through the Roadhouse, calling every member to her side in a instant. Since Balthazar's death, she has turned one of the tables into a viewing mirror, allowing her to watch over her children. Now, the mirror is focused on her youngest boy and her husband's scribe.

'Yahweh!' She shouts again, eyes widening as Metatron draws the angel blade, taking Castiel's Grace. 'Elohim, Elaha, El, Jehovah!'

Chuck bursts through the crowd, rushing to his wife's side. He barely glances at the screen, having already seen and documented these events, plus their resolution. He pulls her into a hug, pressing his chin against her shoulder.

'I'm sorry.' He mutters, holding her in a way to block the screen from her eyes. 'It couldn't be stopped, they had to learn…'

'Learn what?' She cries, watching the mirror despite his attempts to stop her. 'Learn how to die, how to kill each other?'

'Learn to live.' He says, eyes downcast. He is pale and shaking and Ama is sure he is fighting off visions and prophecies to try and comfort her. The job hasn't got any easier since he moved to the Roadhouse but he tries to help out around the place, not just collapsed on the pool table all the time. 'They have to go through darkness, so they can get to the light.'

'What pretentious rubbish!' John Winchester says, stepping out of the crowd. 'What kind of father are you?'

'Oh, you can't lecture me on fatherhood, Winchester.' Chuck steps towards him, eyes flashing.

'Why not? Because I struggled to care for my boys? At least I tried, didn't just abandon them like you did!'

'Hey!' Gabriel says, rising from his seat. 'Don't talk to my dad like that, mud monkey.'

'Don't you talk to mine.' Adam stands out of principle.

'Oh, grow up kid, he never cared about you.'

'Oi!' Michael stands, stepping in front of his former vessel. 'Watch your mouth!'

The shouting gets louder and louder, every single person screaming at each other. Samandriel and Balthazar are shouting at Jo and Ash, Lucifer is protecting Jesse from Victor and Pamela's yells and Meg is snarling at Benny and Madison. Only Ama remains watching the mirror, seeing the meteors hit the ground.

'Stop it! All of you!' She says, standing up and hitting the table. The room quiets, turning to watch her. 'My children are dying. They are Falling from my reach and I cannot help them. Please, I need you.'

The Roadhouse still before dispersing, returning and leaving the angels alone with their parents. Meg and Jesse stay for a second but Lucifer waves them off, smiling gently. Chuck steps forward, taking his wife's hands.

'I'll go to Death. Make sure all the angel's get sent upwards. I'll set up a new heaven for them.'

'They won't come here?' Samandriel says.

'No.' Michael says, looking around the humans trying to give them privacy. 'We have to many people here, they'll have to go somewhere else.'

Chuck nods. 'Lucifer, Michael, come with me. You were in charge of Hell and Heaven for millennia, I could use your help.'

The oldest angels nod, standing up to leave with their father. All three stop to embrace Ama before leaving, after which she turns to the remaining angels.

'Anna, Alfie, go check on the walls of Heaven. We need to make sure Metatron doesn't get to the human souls. Fortify the walls, protect the humans.'

Both children smile at their mother, kissing her cheeks as they leave. Balthazar and Gabriel sit down next to their mother, watching Castiel through the mirror. Time has skipped considerably and the boy is homeless, scrounging for food and money.

'Mama, let me do something. There's a thousand ways I could have survived, let me go help Cas.' Gabriel mutters, eyes fixed on the mirror.

'No, Gabriel. You have to stay in Heaven, I'm sorry.'

'Then what?' Balthazar says, eyes widening. 'We're just going to watch him suffer?'

Ama shrugs, tears beginning to well in her eyes. 'Like your father said. To know joy, he has to go through pain.'

'And to paraphrase John Winchester, that's so philosophical I think I threw up in my mouth.' Balthazar mutters, turning to stare at his mother, blocking her view.

'It's not right, mama.' Gabriel adds, turning as well. 'He needs our help.'

'Yes, he does.' Ama says, her voice managing not to shake. 'But we can't give it to him. I'm afraid he is on his own for now.'

'Why?' Both of them implore at once. 'I don't underst-'

A scream from across the room cuts them off. All three turn to see Meg pointing at the mirror, face frozen. They look in time to see the Reaper take the sword from Castiel's chest and watch the younger angel slump in his chair.

Gabriel and Balthazar freeze, watching Castiel's unmoving form. As they watch, waiting for him to stir, lights begin to blow out around them, a great wind sweeping through the Roadhouse. The hunters and monsters hide beneath tables, having seen the wrath of angels several times before. Ama just stares unblinking at the screen. Her son is not an angel anymore, not going to join her. A human who has done what Castiel has done will go straight Hell.

She takes her children's hands to stop them watching the screen. She knows what Dean will do and doesn't want them seeing the angel possessing Sam. They look down at their mother, at her tear streaked face.

'Go get Metatron. I don't care if it takes you a hundred years, break down the gates and bring me the little cockroach.'

'Why?' Gabriel mutters in Enochian. 'It won't do anything.'

Balthazar frowns. 'What are you going to do?'

'I'm going to do what people normally do to cockroaches. Squash them.'

The two nod, disappearing in a blink. The Roadhouse residents walk out from their spots, none going near the Queen of Heaven. The parents know to give her time and the children know to do like their parents.

Ama just sits, watching her son being kicked out of the bunker, thrown back onto the streets. She just sits, watching her son on his own, tears streaming silently down her face.

She cries because there is nothing she can do.