A kitchen conversation for a grey Sunday afternoon...Sherlock in bold, John in Italics
Disclaimer: I don't own, we just play awhile...


John I cannot see the reason

Why you are so very cross.

Where else should I store the toes?

Really John, I'm at a loss.


Sherlock don't you understand

The fridge is not for body parts?

Molly's happy if you want to

Store them in the lab at Bart's.


That means for each experiment

I'd have shower and get dressed


Welcome to the human race, you'll

Learn to behave like the rest


John you really ask too much,

Like all those idiots we see

You want me to conform to normal?

Really John, that is not me.


I'm not asking you to change, well

Not as much as you seem to think.

I only ask a little forethought

And no more experiments in the sink.


May I put them in the bath then?

Though kneeling there will hurt my knees


If you do then how the hell can I

Get showered, if you please?


But don't you see John, if we move

Them to the bath as I suggest

There'll be no need to shower

As I won't be getting dressed!


Sherlock for a genius you

Really can be such a berk!

Of course there is a need to shower

Some of us, you see, must work!


You work for me, and that being said

I keep you busy, there's no doubt


Sherlock you are such an arse

I've had enough, I'm going out!