Hi guys, here's another chapter for you. Sorry for the long wait!



Chapter Five

The next day, Sonic called me several times. I was still mad about last night and the things he said. I turned off the phone for the second time and tried to catch a few minutes of sleep before getting ready for school. Last night, I dreamed about Knuckles. I dreamed about our kiss. It made me blush that I actually like this guy because before I used to have dreams about Sonic. I won't explain about that. I finally got up.

When I arrived at school, Sonic was waiting near the school gates. I tried to formulate plans to avoid him but I just couldn't be bothered. Sonic walked up to me when I slowly got out of the car.

"Hi, Shadow." Sonic tried to greet.

"Hi." I greeted quietly. I walked towards the school building and he awkwardly followed behind me. We didn't say anything when we walked to our class. I didn't want to see what expression Sonic wore, but I was curious.

At lunch I managed to avoid Sonic and sit outside by myself. It was quite nice eating on your own. No one was around to bother me. Sonic started calling me again though. Wow, I was getting used to actually turning off my phone.

It was now after school. I was proud of myself. I managed to get away from Sonic for the whole day. I felt free knowing that I didn't have to please him all the time and fulfil his needs. I needed to think more for myself. I headed for my car. When I thought I would get away. I was too slow. Sonic ran up to the car.

"What about me? Are you just going to let me walk home?" I shrugged, looking ahead.

"You could do with some exercise." I muttered under my breath. I let him get in the car. I drove in silence, thoroughly pissed with not getting away.

I drove as quickly as I could to drop him off. I didn't want to talk to him. Everything was too awkward and I knew he didn't see me as the friend I thought he did. I pulled by his house. I was hoping he would get out. But he didn't. He just stayed in his seat and watched me.

"Well are you getting out or what?" I mumbled, looking at my phone.

"Why are you mad at me?" Sonic asked, "You're never mad at me." I growled secretly at his statement, how dare he say that!

"That's why I am mad at you." I replied calmly, gripping my hands on the steering wheel.

"Why?" I growled and opened his car door.

"Sonic, please, can you just leave?" Sonic pushed my arm out of the way and closed the door.

"Shadow, tell me why you are upset." I crossed my arms.

"Why should I tell you?"

"I don't want you to be mad at me…I don't like it."

"You don't like it, huh?"

"No, I don't. I didn't do anything to you!" Sonic yelled slightly, sounded annoyed himself. He had nothing to be upset about. He just had to deal with it.

"What the fuck was last night then?"

"…You knew I was drunk."
"But did you care to think about what your drunk self said last night?"

"I didn't say anything abusive."

"No, Sonic it was worse." He sighed and leaned back on his seat.

"Shadow, I really don't get it. What did I say?" I wanted to say it but I couldn't. I didn't want to fight anymore. It was true, fighting between us wasn't right. I didn't know how to be angry towards him.

"It's ok, let's just forget about it, ok?" Sonic paused for a moment.

"I'm sorry for whatever I did to hurt you." Sonic said before getting out of the car. I immediately drove away. I couldn't help keeping the tears spilling from my eyes. I was such an idiot. I couldn't defend my rights, my feelings, myself against my best friend. I pulled by a park and just cried my eyes out. I felt like such a baby but I couldn't help it. I was still so in love with him. Every time I shout at him, my heart hurts. He never seems to know what makes me deeply upset. He doesn't seem to half care about how I feel.

I managed to get myself together and continued to drive again. Once I reached the house, the phone rang. I was so exhausted. I didn't want to talk to anybody. I looked at the caller ID. It was Knuckles. I wasn't sure I wanted to talk to him. He didn't do anything wrong, but I wasn't sure how I felt about him and calling him would just remind me of my uncertainty. I fought the urge to answer the phone and got out of the car. I locked myself in my bedroom and went to sleep, trying to forget what happened today.

The next morning, I didn't want to go to school. I didn't want to interact with Sonic. He just didn't seem to care about me. Funny, how I noticed this now. I knew my parents left slightly before school so if I stayed here for a few minutes I might be able to get away with it.

Few minutes later I could hear them leave. I was relieved and happy that I could miss a day off school and be away from Sonic. I actually wanted to see Knuckles. I called him.


"Hi, it's me." I croaked. I quickly cleared my throat.

"You alright? Don't sound too good."

"Yeah I'm fine. I need to talk to you about something."
"Ok, what is it?"

"I mean face to face."
"Oh…ok. I thought you were at school."
"Decided to skip it today."

"Naughty boy! I'll pick you up."

Knuckles arrived five minutes. That was quick. Was he that happy to see me? I let him in the house, since no one was home. He stepped in and looked around.

"Nice house." He complimented.

"Thanks." I mumbled. He turned to me.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I bowed my head as I sat on the sofa. Knuckles joined me.

"I had a fight with Sonic." There was a slight pause.

"Is that all? Boys fight all the time." Knuckles assured, chuckling.

"It's the first time that we had one. We…" I felt tears escaping my eyes again, "We never fight." Before I knew it Knuckles grabbed me into a hug. I returned it, squeezing him as much as I could. We kept this way for a long time before we pulled away.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" He asked me. I nodded slowly, wiping the remaining tears in my eyes. God, I'm so pathetic.

"So, what's your major?" I asked Knuckles as we drove to a nearby park. He raised an eyebrow at my question. What? I wanted to know him properly.

"Science." He replied simply, "What's your favourite subject at school?" He swiftly asked back at me.

"Um, I guess I like Maths."

"Good, we're both nerds." We both chuckled, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I shrugged. I glanced at the trees passing by the window.

"I don't know. I don't want to worry about it right now."

"You need to soon though."

"I know. I know."

A few minutes later we arrived at a local park. I remember visiting this park a few times with Sonic, to play…. no, don't think about him. He hurt me. He doesn't deserve to be in my mind. Knuckles held my hand when we got out of the car. I looked around in desperation, with a big blush appearing on my cheeks. Please can no one be around here.

"Relax." He whispered in my ear. We carried on walking, still holding hands. Some people stared, whilst others ignored it. Luckily there was no one I knew really that saw us.

We sat down on a bench in a quieter part of the park. I was getting used to being around Knuckles like this. This may sound crazy but I was starting to really like him. He wasn't an asshole like Sonic was. He doesn't take me for granted. And the best of all, he is mature. He's hot too. Knuckles noticed me staring at him. I turned the second he looked at me. I felt his arm slowly wrap around my shoulder. I wanted to kiss him so badly. But I had to keep myself together. I'm not desperate.

"Be my boyfriend." Knuckles said randomly. I stared at him in shock.

"E-Excuse me?" I squeaked. My heart wouldn't stop racing. Did he seriously say that to me?

"It will help forget that idiot. Please, I like you a lot. I know you like me too." I frowned at him.

"No, I don't." I muttered.

"You're blushing." He pointed out. I turned away from him for second time, "So, will you?"

Was I really over Sonic? Was I ready to come out to everyone? I did I could be out of the closet, free. Not having to worry about how anyone feels or trying to please. I can have a life for a change, with an amazing guy. It took me a while to answer but Knuckles stayed silent waiting for an answer. I grabbed his hand and smiled at him.

"Sure." It was Knuckles now who looked shocked.

"What? Really? Do you mean that?" I nodded at him. Seconds later he pulled me into a kiss. For once I felt so happy that I could move on with life and do things I want to do for a change. Sure I still liked Sonic. But I could get over him. He's not worth my time anymore.

An hour later, my mind changed. I was frightened. Should I come out? Could I tell Sonic? What will he think of me?

"You don't have to tell anyone if you're not ready." Knuckles suggested. I nodded, "Are you sure you want to? I don't want to force you into anything…" I kissed him.

"No, honestly I want to. I like you too. I just…need some time before telling others about us." Knuckles smiled.

"I understand. I'll take you to the movies on Friday, ok?"

"Sure." I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car, "Bye, Knuckles." He grabbed my back into the car, "What's wrong?"

"You forgot my goodbye kiss." Knuckles muttered before kissing me which lasted about ten seconds. When we pulled away, Knuckles then let me go, "I'm going to really like this."

"Oh my god! Are you fucking serious?" Amy squealed in delight.

"Yes, I'm serious." Amy squeezed me into a hug.
"I'm so proud. Are you going to tell Sonic?" I frowned at his name. I wouldn't consider him much of a friend anymore. After that night, I felt a bit put off by his behaviour towards me. Even though he was drunk.

"No, he doesn't need to know at this moment in time." I answered. She looked unsure but she nodded.

"Fair enough, don't rush into things."

Just I exited her room, my phone rang. It was Sonic. I sighed before answering the phone.

"Hi." I said simply, I wasn't particularly keen on talking to him.

"Why weren't you at school today? Are you trying to avoid me again?" Sonic asked; sounding pretty pissed off.

"No." I lied.

"Shadow, this is pissing me off now. What's wrong, why are you upset with me?"
"It's nothing."

"It is something, if you can't even tell me."

"Sonic, please, can we just leave it." I pleaded.

"No, why are you upset?" I didn't answer, "Shadow! Grow up and give me an answer." I snapped right then, I wasn't having that.

"Me? Grow up? You're the one should grow the fuck up! I'll tell you what you did. You called me piss ass drunk, trying to get me to come over. When I refused, you harassed me with texts saying I can't live without you. Who do you think I am? Your little maid? Someone to comfort you when Sally's pussy isn't around? You don't seem to care that I'm your friend, all I see is you taking advantage of me so you're not alone. You should be the one growing up!" I yelled into the phone. I can't believe I let it all out.

"I don't get it."

"Of course you don't get it. I can't believe that I'm in love with someone as selfish and manipulative as you!"

"You what?" I suddenly realised what I said, I told Sonic my hidden feelings. I didn't want to hear his reaction. In shock, I just hung up the phone. I watched as I dropped it on the carpet.

I can't believe it. I messed up. He knows I'm gay. He'll know Tikal isn't my girlfriend. He won't be my best friend anymore. I'll have no one. I sank to the floor. How could I be such an idiot? The phone began to ring again. I can't answer it again. How could I? What would he say to me now? I turned off the phone. I fucked up. What am I going to do?

I knew I couldn't miss another day of school. My parents would soon found out. There was no point hiding in my feelings or any shit like that. Sonic knew now and there is nothing I can do about it. Perhaps Sonic is all right with it. I got out of bed and got ready. Dreading every second. I just wanted to miss another day and run off with Knuckles. Shit, I forgot that we're dating now. This realisation made me feel so much better. I'm going out with him now, so my feelings for Sonic aren't as strong anymore. I had nothing to worry about.

I drove to school with a clearer mind. I felt ready to face him. Once I got out of the car I headed straight for the school building to find him. I went over to his locker. I saw him standing there talking to someone. Once I saw Sonic, my mind went fuzzy. I felt sick. What was I thinking? I couldn't face him. I staggered around the corner to get away from them. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. I can do this.

"Shadow?" I opened my eyes in horror to see Sonic looking at me. He looked rather shocked. "You came into school." I cleared my throat.

"Well, yeah, I do need an education." Sonic smirked at me and playfully punched my arm.

"Well, good to see you back." Sonic lightly grabbed my wrist, "I need to talk to you." He said firmly. He waited until everyone left the corridor and dragged me into the boy's toilets.

"What did you say to me last night?" He asked.

"Say what?" I asked innocently.

"You said you…you…" He blushed slightly, was he just as embarrassed as I was. That makes things even worse. I sighed.

"I said I was in love with you." I said truthfully, "I'm sorry I said that, I wanted to keep it to myself." Sonic frowned and shook his head.

"Don't apologise, you can't help yourself." He assured. I could tell he was feeling smug.

"Do you hate me?"

"Hell no. But I don't return your feelings. Now, I understand why you're being so upset with me lately." There was a slight pause, "So you're gay, huh?"

"Tikal isn't your girlfriend."

"No, I just wanted to convince you that I was straight."

"Why? You could have just told me." Sonic assured.

"I was scared of what you would have thought of me." Sonic laughed.

"Shads, you know I have nothing against gays. I don't particularly like what they do, but in the end it's your life and your choices." We looked at each other and smiled, Sonic pulled me into a hug, "From now on; please tell me if I upset you in anyway." He asked. I nodded, trying my absolute hardest not to cry from overwhelming happiness.

After school, I drove Sonic home. I missed having a normal conversation with him.

"So, when is Sally coming back?" I asked him.

"In three weeks." He sighed, leaning back in his seat, "It's going to be hard."

"You'll be fine." I assured him. I wonder what sex actually felt like? It must be good, if Sonic's having withdrawal symptoms. The first person I thought about was Knuckles. I blushed. Wow, I actually like him more than I thought.

"Are you going to come out to everyone?" Sonic asked me. That's a good question, now that Sonic knows. I thought about my parents. I don't think they would care, as long as I still get good grades. I don't give a shit what people at school think. I guess the person I worried about the most was Sonic. But he's fine with it.

"I might."

"I think you should. I'll protect you if anyone becomes an asshole towards you."

"Thanks, but I can handle myself."

"Are you sure you like me?" I gripped onto my steering wheel more tightly. I wasn't sure of my feelings for him. But I kept thinking more about Knuckles.

"I do…but I think I like someone else right now."

"It's Tikal's brother, isn't it?"

"How did you know?"

"The way he looked at you. I can just tell."

"We're dating."

"Cool." I was surprised. Sonic was actually ok with it.

"Thank you for accepting me, Sonic. It means a lot to me."

"You don't need to thank me! I'll always accept you!"

I pulled up at Sonic's house. Sonic opened the door.

"You coming in?" He offered.

"I can't. I'm going to visit…"

"Knuckles, right?" I blushed and nodded. Sonic smirked.

"Well off you go then. Thanks for the ride." He waved and walked away towards his house. I watched him walk away, smiling with relief. I was so relieved. I was relieved he accepted me. He was ok with the fact that I loved him. I smiled to myself and started the car engine again. I couldn't wait to tell Knuckles the good news. I drove off to his apartment.

"You didn't tell me you were coming today." Knuckles said with a smile on his face as I walked through his front door.

"Well we're dating now, aren't we? I have to see you often." He pulled me into his arms and kissed on the forehead. "I accidentally confessed to Sonic." He pulled away from me and frowned.

"He didn't react badly to it, did he?"

"No, he's totally fine with it. I told him I'm not that interested as I was. He knows I like you, he's fine with that too." Knuckles smiled again and I returned into his arms.

"Well that's good to know. Now you guys can stop fighting and be honest with each other."

"Hmm." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, "And now I can focus more on you."