Chapter 1

I sighed and rubbed my temples, overlooking the rules that Haruka had left me. No talking. No eating. No gum. No texting. No emailing. No phones in general... I couldn't help but mentally laugh at her obvious back tracking and the pointlessness of rules four and five. But nevertheless, I read on to the bottom of the page and concluded that all I had to do was make detention miserable for everyone involved. Though I would probably be the most miserable person here, considering I had to cancel my after school date with Reito-kun to do Haruka this favor.

I checked the clock once more and sighed; two minutes to four. I didn't know how many people would be coming to this detention, but by how stressed Haruka regularly looks I could guess it's a hefty amount. Or maybe I'll get lucky, no one will come and I'll be able to meet my Reito-kun after all. As I finished my thought, I could hear steps flowing down the hall. So much for that.

As the door opened, I saw a wave of blue hair flow in first. Did they get detention for dyeing their hair unnatural colors? And following that hair was a face of absolute boredom and ignorance. I've seen this girl around before. Now I see why she was given detention. She was wearing jeans and a regular jacket over the school's button down shirt for girls. I can understand the jacket because of our school's horrible choice in colors (orange and gray) but honestly, were the jeans necessary?

I straightened up and followed her closely with my eyes. Like me, she had interesting eyes. But unlike me, her eyes were bright and alive while mine were dark and shadowy. My father said because my eyes hid secrets even I didn't know about. Maybe her life is filled with adventure and love, keeping her bright at all times. She caught my eye for a moment, most likely contemplating why I was here and why Haruka wasn't. I knew she was a detention regular; in fact, she has quite the reputation among the staff and school council here as being a trouble maker.

I assumed she would pick the farthest seat from the front, in the corner in the very back row, but instead she moved to the front of room and took a seat in the middle row. Clearing my throat as quietly as possible, I smiled at her and spoke, "Welcome. Detention starts at four and ends at 6. I'm sure you're aware of the rules so let's get through this as painlessly as possible, Miss Kuga." I said, looking directly at her. She hn'd in return. I felt my eye twitch. Then the bell rang, signaling the start of the longest two hours of my life.

At first, there was much to do. I had requests from fellow council members to look over and suggestions from the student body to read. It was quite the annoyance, considering most of them were filled with 'cancel school', 'no school on Fridays', 'better cafeteria food', and my favorite: 'less talky more tits fujino'. Someone apparently didn't appreciate my speech at the beginning of the school year. Though they greatly appreciated something else.

Too bad my heart belongs to my Reito-kun. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed, letting my thoughts float to my beloved. In front of me, I heard a short laugh and looked up to see bright emerald eyes giving me an all knowing look. I felt myself blush. So, this was the Kuga that Haruka complained so much about.

Miss Kuga. In her third year, skips so much school it's a wonder she's not expelled, disrespects all authority, breaks all the rules at her leisure, and knows when I day dream about my boyfriend. Well two can play at that game. "Do you have a special person, Kuga-san? A boyfriend, perhaps?" I asked politely, smiling as I do. The small smile slowly slid off her face as her eyes suddenly grew heavy. Her head fell back and she snored, suddenly asleep, all without closing those green gems. "I see." I muttered. Anti-social; must be.

I continued with my paper work, reading over papers and reports from Yukino. She apparently thought that the students were becoming quite bored in their studies already and suggested we have a day devoted to joining clubs, like most other high schools do. But Fuuka Academy has clubs solely devoted to academic and future career excellence, not video games or silly sports. Our sports clubs were exclusive and handpicked their players from the best of the best. As dear as a friend Yukino was to me, I denied her request.


My pen twitched in my hand, ruining the word I was currently writing and drawing my attention upward. Kuga was looking right back at me with those eyes; that same look of boredom and ignorance. But her eyes were so bright, so seemingly full of passion and life, how she could muster the power to willingly make herself seem so out of it was a mystery to me. Wait, was she chewing gum?

I straightened my look and spoke to her again, "Kuga-san. I know that you know that chewing gum in detention is against the rules. I must ask you to throw it out immediately." I said, clearly and evenly. She gave me a lopsided smirk and threw her gum out. Literally threw it out the window. And in that moment I saw the mirth dancing in her eyes until it, along with the smile, vanished again into endless boredom. And so we went on.

Should I have extended her detention time for breaking the rules? Probably, but at this point, I just wanted to get out of here. Since birth I was always good at reading people. I knew how to please them. Growing up my father's daughter, I was essentially raised to be the perfect cute girl necessary to win over my father business associates. But I couldn't read this girl at all. She was obviously a delinquent, a rule breaker, and an authority hater, but she also had that bit in her that made me think she respected authority.

She was quiet, she didn't try to annoy me, and her gum chewing was something to tick me off, not something to get away with. I'm sure if she wanted to get away with it, she could. Maybe she sensed my unease being here and has decided to make it easier for the both of us by entertaining herself. Eh, most likely not, considering she's following a fly with her eyes as it seems to fly in infinity eights.

I blink and breathe deeply, gathering my thoughts as I get back to work. The school treasurer thinks that we need to put more money into the school's infrastructure and build a new library. A new library was a good idea… though she failed to mention the fixing or replacement of old books, as well as the inclusion of new, highly popular books that had the possibility of getting trouble children, like Kuga here, to actually read something. Good intentions, bad proposal. Denied.

'less talky more tits fujino'

I crumbled up the paper in front of me and threw it in the trashcan next to the desk in annoyance. I swear I'm putting up a camera in front of the suggestion box to be able to see who's putting all those in there. The paper I threw, however, did not like my intended fate for it and bounced out of the trash, slowly rolling forward until it hit Kuga's bag on the floor. I watched her lean down, pick it up, unfolded it, and carefully read it.

That playful lopsided smile appeared on her face again, as did the mirth in her eyes. Without moving a muscle, her eyes darting to the side and met mine. For the first time I saw how full of life her eyes truly could be. And then... they slowly drifted down...

I gulped and blushed, sitting the papers in front of me straight up. How dare she look at my chest so obviously! No wonder she didn't answer my question about a boyfriend, she probably had a girlfriend! Her eyes slowly dragged their way up to mine, and just like that, she crumbled the paper back up and threw it in the trash next to me. Her eyes didn't leave mine for a second and yet the paper ball went in and stayed there. Then, she eyes lost their mirth and drifted back to the window, leaving me blushing and utterly confused. And she hasn't even said a word to me yet!

Why was she trying so hard to appear so bored? It was obvious that she found some pleasure in being here, whether it be from messing with me or not. And for that matter! - "Miss Kuga, may I ask you why you seem to take such great pleasure in messing with me?" I asked coolly. She raised her brows and her eyes looked even deader than before. "You wouldn't happen to have crush on me, would you?" I asked, trying to get her attention, trying to make her speak.

But instead, she gave off that lopsided grin and put her elbow on the table in front of her, raising her hand. Second by second, she put one finger down, slowly counting down. I raised my brows, but as her hand made a fist, there was a knock at the door. I blinked and looked between her hand and the door. Did she hear the footsteps while I was talking? Was she even paying attention while I was talking? Wipe that stupid grin off your face!

Another knock resounded off the dead silent walls of the room. I perked back up and swallowed nervously, "Come in." I said evenly, putting on my mental and physical facade of the Student Council President. In came Reito to my rescue! He strode in with a cup of frozen yogurt in his hand and a wonderful smile on his handsome face.

He smiled at me and came around the desk, kissing my cheek quickly and handing me the cup, "I know you couldn't come out but I brought you some yogurt to keep you preoccupied. Pretty dead in here, isn't it?" he asked, looking around the room. His eyes fell on Kuga's, who was already watching him with great care, "Hi." He said, giving off that smile that made every girl in the school swoon.

Her eyes slowly scrolled to the right and went to the window. Reito rolled his eyes and looked back at me, his smile returning, "Well, you've only got an hour left in this hell hole, think you can handle it or shall I stay with you and keep you company?" He asked, moving to the front of the table again and leaning over it, obscuring my view of Kuga.

I smiled back at him and ate a spoonful of my favorite yogurt, "I think I can manage on my own. You can go home and take care of Mikoto-chan. God knows she's already eaten half the kitchen." I said, glancing at the clock. It was 5:10. Had it really been an hour? There was no way it took that long for me to read two papers. Or... had I spent all my time studying Kuga?

"Ah, she can handle herself for a couple hours." he said, smirking at me in a way that made me blush at what was on his mind. I knew that smile. His grin widened as he leaned down further and winked at me, "Why don't you come on a walk with me? I'm sure Miss Anti-social can handle herself for half an hour." he said, all without looking back at her.

I couldn't see her either, but I knew she was staring. Her eyes were burning through Reito's back, even if he didn't know it. I could feel them. Not because she was looking at me, but because she was looking through him. I wondered how full of life her eyes must look at this very instant and felt myself shiver slightly. Reito apparently noticed because his grin only widened, "So, that's a yes?" he muttered.

Kami, I can feel her eyes like the sun. I looked back up at him and shoveled a large spoonful of yogurt into my mouth to try and quell the heat. I shook my head as I swallowed, "I'm sorry, Reito-kun, but this young lady is quite the delinquent. She had the audacity to try and chew gum right in front of me."

Reito faked a gasp and turned around, looking at her with playful eyes, "Oh my, a gum chewer. Those are the worst. No wonder she's in detention." he said playfully. His tone was playful, as were his actions, but I picked up a slight bit of smite in his voice. He was actually trying to get ill-feelings across. I didn't even know her first name and yet he already had something against her?

She didn't say a word. No smile, no nothing. It was as if a wall had fallen before her, shielding her from everything that was Reito Kanzaki. He scoffed at her and turned back to me, "Someone doesn't know how to take a joke." he said. Quite loudly, at that. As if he wanted someone in the next room to hear. He looked back down at me and smiled ever so slightly though, "So, is that still a no for that walk, Shizuru? I'd love to spend a little alone time with you." he said.

I shook my head again as I finished my yogurt, "I've made it this far, allow me to have the satisfaction of making it through an entire detention with Miss Kuga here." I said, catching her eye before she disappeared behind Reito again. She looked angry. Did she want me to leave?

Oh wait, of course she did, she's in detention. Reito nodded and took my empty cup, throwing it away for me. He said his goodbyes and gave me a quick kiss before departing, giving Kuga a sideways glare as he passed her desk. Reito never did like delinquents, but maybe since its only one instead of the groups he was used to, his feelings towards Kuga in that moment were concentrated.

At any rate, we were both alone in this room again, my eyes looking at the papers but my mind concentrated on her, and her entire being concentrated on the confused fly trying and failing at escaping through the open window. Honestly, it was open...

I rubbed my temples slowly and went back to work.

'less talky more tits fujino'

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." I muttered. Then regretted. Again, without even looking up, I could feel her eyes burning towards me. I'd been trying so hard to put on the façade of the perfect president and yet I let this little boob joke get through to me and ruin everything. Now this little delinquent was going to tell all of her delinquent friends that I'm not as perfect as I seem and I'm going to lose the foothold of power and confidence I've worked so hard to instill during my time here.

The insanity of her eyes burned brighter and hotter until I heard her desk shift. I dared not look up until she snatched the paper out of my hand. I looked up and watched, actually shocked that she would get up and take the paper right out of my hand. She read the sentence over quickly, looked down at me, and gave me that damn lopsided grin again. Her eyes were so happy, so full of life. She loved this. She loved that something so simple was getting to me. How dare she find such pleasure in my pain!

Another knock came to the door. Her bored and ignorant expression returned as she handed me the paper back and silently took her seat again. I crumpled the paper up and threw it in the trash, this time making sure it stayed there. "Come in." I said, expecting Reito to come back in.

Instead, it was Yukino. The council's faithful assistant come to brighten my day, "Hello, Fujino-san." she said, bowing her head quickly and smiling at me. I'd known her since our first year and yet she was still so formal. She's too shy for her own good.

I smiled back at her, "Hello Yukino-san. Something you need?" I asked, keeping my eyes trained on her. There was no way Kuga was going to steal my attention this time.

She shook her head and instead said, "No, simply sending a message along. Kanzaki-san wanted me to tell you that he would like to see you at Lost this Friday night. And that he apologizes for not being able to pick you up." she said, fidgeting where she stood. She was channeling his sorriness through herself and it was adorable.

I nodded at her and smiled, trying to put her at ease, "Thank you Yukino, I'll be sure to call him tonight to further explain the details. I also think it's about time you go home, Yukino-san, you work yourself to hard here. And no buts – go home." I all but commanded, knowing that she stayed later daily to finish the work that the other council members didn't. They abused her assistant title, and she was too quiet to object.

She smiled gratefully and nodded, "Thank you, Fujino-san." she said. I responded by pointing to the door. She nodded again and turned, walking forward, but stopped and stared at the delinquent in the room.

Kuga looked up at her and let her eyes become filled with mirth. I expected her to give off that lopsided grin again, but instead, she smiled. She gave off a genuine smile that made me second guess all that I'd thought of her thus far, "Hey Yukino, haven't seen you in a while. Too busy with the dogs?" she asked.

She... spoke? To Yukino? With no honorific?

Yukino smiled back fully and blushed a bit, "No, of course not Natsuki-chan. Just busy with school and everything. I saw you before school started remember? At Lost?" Yukino asked.

Wait, Kuga's first name was Natsuki? Wait, Yukino called someone by her first name? How well do they know each other? How long have- my thoughts were cut off by Kuga's blazing emerald eyes catching mine for a moment. She leaned up towards Yukino and started speaking in hushed whispers. So hushed that even in the tiny five feet between us I could hear what she was saying.

I saw Yukino glance over her shoulder at me and nod, her face reddening. Why was her face reddening? Wait.. wait I can't process this fast! Natsuki's lopsided grin returned as she glanced at me again and again, her mouth forming smiles and laughs as they passed on words about me I couldn't understand. And all the while, Yukino laughed and giggled and blushed and nodded. The only part of their extremely intimate conversation that I was able to hear was about halfway through when Yukino asked Kuga if someone 'had told anyone about that night.'

Whatever that meant, Kuga shook her head and whispered more, with a triumphant smirk on her face. Then their conversation took more of a Kuga saying random things I wish I knew and Yukino blushing. A lot. I could have sworn she was about to start sweating she so red. And then Kuga nodded and ended the conversation with that lopsided grin of hers. She then stood and hugged Yukino, an action I'd never seen someone be so direct with when dealing with the mousy girl. Mid hug, she looked towards me and whispered something to Yukino again.

My small friend erupted in giggles and a strong scarlet blush. Who was this Yukino? This Yukino was free and playful and much more open. With one of the school's more infamous delinquent nonetheless! Without another goodbye to me, Yukino quickly left the room, patting her red cheeks and Kuga once again took her seat and fixed her eyes on the fly by the window.

But her eyes were still filled with mirth and joy. They were dancing, bright and honest about their encounter with Yukino. I couldn't stand it, how did this trouble child get Yukino to be so freely open with her? I straightened up and smiled at her, even though she wasn't looking my way, "So, are you a childhood friend of Yukino's? You two seemed extremely close." I asked.

I got no response. I tried again, "I've known her since we started high school together, but I don't think I've ever seen her so open with anyone. And I consider myself a close friend of hers."

Again, nothing. And so I gave up and sat there, slightly glaring at the mysterious girl who I couldn't figure out and who found a fly repeatedly hitting itself against a window more interesting than me. I ignored the work in front of me; I could finish it at home. I completely forgot about calling Reito, which I indeed forgot to do that night. My full attention was on the girl in front of me. And who the hell she is.

Five minutes later, the bell rang again, signaling the end of detention. Again, Kuga did the opposite of what I expected of her. Instead of grabbing her bag and running out the door as I saw in my mind, she slowly stood, retied one of her shoes, fixed her jacket, put her bag over her shoulder comfortably and then headed for the door. As she was leaving the room, she stopped and looked back at me over her shoulder, her eyes bright and alive with mirth again.

And for the first time that day, she spoke to me, "Thanks for watching over me, ... Uh..."

I blinked. She... did she not... she didn't know my name? Wait, what? My father was the most powerful man in town and I'm the student council president! How did she... "Fujino. Shizuru Fujino." I said, completely at a lost. This was a first for me. Everyone knew me. Everyone. That's just how its always been to me.

She nodded and gave that smirk. That fucking lopsided grin that made it seem like she knew something that I didn't, and then she uttered the most repulsive words I had ever heard in my life, "I am a friend of Yukino's, by the way. But don't worry, we're not super close or sisters or anything, I just fucked her over the summer." And with that, she winked at me and left the room, her eyes leaving a glaring impression on me.

I blinked as her words processed in my mind. She fucked her. Kuga. Yukino. Sex. Kuga had sex with Yukino. Over the summer. I shook my head and tried to dispel the words; the entire memory. But it played back in my head like a broken record, repeating and repeating until I was sure I would never forget it. They had sex. But that's impossible! I know Yukino! She's quiet and reserved, only speaks when spoken to unless by her closest friends. And she would never, never do this and that with someone so... so... terrible!

Kuga was nothing but trouble and she had spoiled my innocent Yukino. There no way Yukino would willingly give herself to that monster! Kuga had to have done something! Drugged her, forced her, something!


Me: I have probably re-read this 10 times by now. I think I could rewrite this whole chapter if something happened to the files, which at one point, I had to do because my brother is A SACK OF SHIIIIIIIT

Natsuki: Good to know Shizuru's an attention whore

Shizuru: I am not

Me: She's just used to being beloved... Which is not something I do with her often...

Natsuki: You love making her squirm

Me: As do you, Kuga, as do you

Shizuru: Going to let the readers know what they're in store for with this story?

Me: ...Lets see... sex, violence, gangs, clubs, alcohol, humor and love. This'll get about as dark as it can, coming from the perspectives of teenagers who're trying desperately to ignore that darkness. We'll see.