Unsurprisingly, Issei had been avoiding Rias all week.
'I'm going to tell her, I just need to work up the courage.' He would say to himself.
It was the first thing he thought about in the morning and the last thing in the night. His conscious was killing him. His head filled to the brim with scenarios:
"Don't worry about it Ise! I got all my memories back and I couldn't care less! Let's get married!"
"That Cherri chick sounds quite kinky. Let's have a threesome!"
"What! You had sex with Cherri? So did I! What a coincidence!"
Needless to say, they were all quite farfetched.
Akeno was quick to hold an IULC meeting.
She quickly gathered everyone into the club room and began her announcement.
"Glad you're all here." She began." I've got some huge news for everybody. But first, Kiba, Gasper, Ami. What the hell are you three doing here?"
The whole room turned to the three blondes who just laughed.
"I dunno. Looked fun." Kiba calmly replies
"I was just following Yuuto-senpai." Gasper softly mutters.
"Wait Wait Wait!" Ami laughs. "You all like this one guy? What a pimp!"
With a chuckle, Akeno playfully rolled her eyes and got back to her announcement. "As I was saying there's been a huge development with Ise. He had sex with another woman!" She says dramatically. Her declaration met with a chorus of 'oooohhhssss' followed by chatter.
Akeno waited until it all died down before continuing. "And the culprit! Her sister!" She shouts while pointing towards Ami.
Speaking of Ami.
"WHAT! NOW WAY! CHERI!?" She roars, standing up from her seat. "That Bimbo!"
"Thats not all girls!" Akeno continues mock scared. "She's got a huge advantage. Her body, is basically an aphrodisiac to Ise's. He can't resist her!"
The whole of the room let out a huge gasp! Xenovia quickly shot her hand up.
"C-can we kill her?" The whole group nodded at the blunettes words.
"Couldn't if we tried." Akeno swiftly responded. "She's the one who captured Cao Cao"
"Darn it." The whole room seemed to mumble.
It was Irina's turn to raise her hand. "Well what are we gonna do about this?" She asks.
"All we can do is keep them away from each other. Don't make a move on Issei until Rias knows about this, okay?"
The group nodded enthusiastically at Akeno's words.
Akeno stepped aside to let Kuroka take the mic.
Clearing her throat the Queen took out her notepad and started scribbling things down.
"Now." She looked up from the pad. "Anyone want to share their progress with Ise?"
Koneko's hand shot up. "He made me a sandwich." She said stoically. Kuroka quickly scribbled on her pad before looking for hands. She found Asia's.
"Uhm." She began. A huge blush staining her face from the attention. "He promised he'd bring me to the library." She finished shyly.
"You mean like a date?" Kuroka asked. All the looks of curiosity turning to glares of hatred in mere seconds.
"Mhm." She responded gleefully.
"Wow." Said Ami. "If the demonic aura and piercing glares are anything to go by, they all love this guy!"
"Sometimes its really not healthy." Kiba adds.
"Anyone in favour of this date not happening?" Kuroka dryly exclaimed.
""""""""""""""""""Aye""""""""""""""""""""" The members all simultaneously responded.
"Then I hereby declare Asia and Ise's date null and void." She said rather happily.
"What! You can't do that" Cried Asia.
Kuroka simply responded with a smirk. "Yes I can. You know what you gotten into when you joined the IULC."
"No I didn't." Asia pleaded.
"Well then next time, don't tell us. Simple as that." Kuroka said mockingly. Asia just folded her arms and pouted cutely, mumbling to herself.
"Anyone else wanna share their progress with Ise?" Kuroka continued, almost daring someone to raise their hand.
But unfortunately for her, there was another hand.
"Ophis." Kuroka said warily.
"Ise gave me all his shirts for keep."
"Ophis, give the man his shirts back." Kuroka snarked.
It was Ophis' turn to pout. "No." She declared petulantly. Kuroka just massaged her temples back to let Akeno take over.
"Ara, ara" She said devilishly. "Oh well, meeting adjourned. But be back by 10, we'll give you a brief update on-"
"What on earth is going on here?"
Everyone froze in their tracks as a familiar voice spoke.
At the entrance, arms crossed, brow raised was the young heir to the House of Gremory, Rias.
"Rias! What are you doing here?" Akeno asked in shock. She was sure Rias didn't know about this place.
"I live here." She replied bluntly.
"...Good point...How much did you hear?"
"All of it."
"Shit...Oh well." Her mood turning in a matter of seconds. "Hate to be Ise. Meeting adjourned.' Akeno quickly dismissed the club members.
The girls all flooded out, chatters of gossip filled the room. Akeno tried to quickly make her way out but a hand firmly grasping her shoulder halted her progress.
"Akeno. Come with me, now." Rias commanded, her voice brittle. Akeno audibly gulped, getting feelings from her master she hadn't felt in a while. That commanding, refractory tone held some familiarity.
A familiarity she didn't want to be familiarized with.
"Something wrong?" Rias enquired.
"Something is very wrong."
"I don't care, let's go."
Ise sat alone on his bed. Tired, confused, and shirtless. Its had been a day of brain racking, multiple scenarios and lot of talking to himself. Just how was he gonna tell the woman he loved that there's some woman whom he had sex with, and that if they come into come into contact, it would probably happen again.
"Fuck it." He blurted. "No matter how I say it, the result is probably gonna be the same." He said pessimistically. Just as he stood up, his door was abruptly opened. To buxom beauties stepped in.
Ise's body froze up at the sight of Rias. He starred cautiously into her eyes while she stared emotionlessly into his.
After a few moments she sighed. Her slender hands reaching her voluptuous hips.
"Do you know what being cheated on does to a woman's pride? Especially one as prideful as me?" A small smile found its way to her lips. "What is it Ise am I not pretty enough?"
Rias enjoyed the sight of Issei fervently denying that notion.
"Is it my breast? Are they too big? Hell you're the Harem King! Are they too small?"
"What! How could you even say that? Rias' boobs are the embodiment of perfection. T-The epitome of excellence. The personification of exquisiteness. The very thought that their not up to scratch is bewildering." Issei rallied, spewing out words he didn't know he knew.
Rias could hardly contain her enjoyment at this point.
"Then tell me. What is it that I don't have that Cheri does."
"A-A Dragon body working as an aphrodisiac."
"So every time you see this woman you want to fuck her? I thought you felt that way about me."
"Of course I do! Do you know how much self restraint it takes to stop me from staring at your breast."
"You're staring at them now."
"Exactly! I don't have that much self restraint!"
Rias let out a small giggle. She didn't know Issei could be this... Adorable.
Stepping over to where Issei was sitting, Rias plonked herself beside him and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Akeno told me everything." She started. "Its not your fault so don't worry. All we have to do is keep that Cherri bitch away from you and we'll be fine."
Ise gave a small smile before draping his arm over her. "Thank you." He muttered. "You don't know how much this has been killing me. Thanks."
Akeno happily watched on as the two shared their moment. Before she could leave them to their privacy, Rias shot up. Her smile being both bright and sinister.
"Don't go anywhere Akeno. I haven't given you and Issei your punishment!"
"Punishment? Oh my." Akeno chirped rather happily.
Rias spread her arms and two magic circles emerged from her hands. "1000 Spankings!" She shouted gleefully.
A look of pure shock and horror adorned Issei's face. On the contrary Akeno looked quite excited. Something Issei took note of.
"D-do you like this Akeno?"
"A master must discipline their servant at all times to mold them into their liking. Your lucky Rias didn't beat the lechery out of you."
Ise had to concede her point.
"Don't worry Ise." Purred Rias. "This won't be as bad as last time. Now prostrate yourself!"
Before Ise could do what he was told, something Rias had said caught his attention.
"Last time? What do you mean last time?" He said. Hope creeping Into his voice.
Rias caught on to his train of thought. Come to think of it, she did remember administering this To Ise and Koneko a while ago.
"I'm a little fuzzy on it, but I recall Ise, Koneko and some blonde haired guy doing something wrong. Me giving Ise 1000 spankings. Him crying. And Koneko getting off Scot free. Am I right?"
Ise shrugged of the niggling pain in his butt after remembering Rias' recollection. 'That actually happened! And she knows that happened!'
Rias was caught by surprise at the sudden hug she was given by Ise.
"Why are you so happy?" Rias asked, her tone itself gaining elation. "
"You remembered something! And it involves me!" He replied overjoyed. "For the first time since you've been diagnosed with amnesia, I actually feel, hopeful!"
"Aww!" Akeno cooed, finding the scene to adorable not to join in. "Rias is getting better." She says joining the hug.
Almost suddenly a chorus of claps and cheers were heard from outside of the room. The trio broke the hug and looked towards the door, there moods turning. Rias marched towards the door, opening it swiftly. The whole of the IULC including Ami, Kiba and Gasper were there showing the satisfaction at the piece of news.
"Were you guys eavesdropping?" She asked fiercely.
Rias was completely ignored as the young Devils all swamped her with hugs. 'Awws' and coos of congratulations filled the hall.
Rias' anger dissipated instantly as she returned the hugs. She didn't know she was this..loved. And she loved being this loved. With the previous actions of Issei and the current ones of her fellow Devils. Rias had a feeling that even if her memories didn't come back, she would still love it here.
"This is lovely isn't, Ise." Akeno said blissfully as she watched the scene in front of them. Ise just softly nodded his head in response.
"You know how there's a huge possibility of Rias getting her memory back?" Ise started.
"Yup." Akeno replied.
"It Really changes the complexion of this household now."
"Really? In what way?"
Akeno quickly found out as Ise grabbed her by the hips, pulled her towards him with enough force to make her give out a little squeak, and crashed his lips into hers. Their tongues clashing in a battle of wills and their bodies holding eachother close. Really close. Couldn't get any closer if they tried. Very passionate.
Eventually Ise stopped the kiss, leaving Akeno bemused and turned on.
"What was that fo-?"
"Shh." He hushed. A finger placed on her lips, silencing her. "Harem King."
And with that he left the room and strolled down the corridor. Satisfied, fulfilled, and still very much shirtless.
I've written a new story called Paradox Existence. Its a lot less light hearted than this one but not OTT dark. I'd much appreciate if you gave that a go, see if you like it ;)