Author's Notes: I apologize for the wait. I've tried to aim for consistent updates for Saturday, but it would seem that my reconstructive jaw surgery interfered with that schedule just a bit. I have also been working on writing the next chapters. I will say this, the upcoming chapter that I'm am working on editing, chapter 4 is by for the longest, over 15,000 words. I look forward to posting that chapter, soon, by Saturday barring delay.

I hope that you are enjoying this story as much as I am in writing it. Also, in this chapter we find out the fate of the other dwarves, and how Kili managed to escape Moria.

Please remember to review!

Three: Storytellers and Toymakers

Several months have come and gone and indeed the dwarf, Kili Underhill has become one with Bag End, and Bilbo is no longer in a state of loneliness, and has grown to care little of propriety as he has gotten to know the dwarf, as they have come to be good friends. Kili flirts with him, but they still remain friends, and nothing more, and thankfully Bilbo's recollection of his drunken confession of attraction for the dwarf is only very dimly recollected and thought to be a dream on his part.

The dwarf is a cheerful lad, young among his kind having only seen three and eighty years. He is clever and witty, and in the past several months he's taken to creating his own smithy just at the bottom of the hill containing Bag End. He's grown popular with the townsfolk, willing to accept his skill if not his kind among them, for he's quite good with metal work, both the kind required with making horse shoes, bridle bits, and useful things, sharpening axes, making ax heads, and with the finer things such as crafting jewelry.

The dwarf has become most popular among the children of Hobbiton, however, for he always has the need to be doing something, whether being productive or causing mischief and has taken to making toys, sometimes mechanical wonders, clockwork gadgetry, wooden figures and puzzle boxes, and even lively little music boxes that tinkle their tune from the turn of a key.

Bilbo has grown rather close with the dwarf, watching the joy in those dark eyes as he charms the children of the town with his toys and makes himself useful to others with his metal working skills, but Bilbo has also seen the dwarf in throws of melancholy, usually at night, when the dwarf writhes and tosses in his sleep, calling out the names of the people he's lost, clawing at the bed linens.

It is in the wee morning hours that Bilbo has been awoken and several times crept to the door of his former bedroom to see Kili in such a state and then suddenly bolting up, reaching for the strange blade kept leaning against the wall, his dark eyes glazed, tears running down his cheeks. The dwarf tries to contain his grief, bringing his hand up to his mouth and biting down on it to hold back his sobs, but Bilbo knows all about this, and he aches for the pain he knows his dwarf… Kili must feel.

While the dwarf is in the throws of nightmares he cries out names, Bifur, Bofur, Mr. Dwalin, Balin, but when the dreams are at their worst the names he cries out with the most anguish are Thorin and Fili.

It is nearing the point of a year since Kili's arrival on Bilbo's doorstep, and while their friendship has grown, so too has the power and horror of the young dwarf's nightmares. From the guestroom he's taken as his own, so close to the room he'd given Kili he can hear the beginning of the violence of the nightmares take hold on the dwarf.

He can hear the anguish in the young dwarf's thrashing, and then the most gut wrenching cry escapes the dwarf as he screams out the name Fili! Bilbo can't take it anymore. He gets to his feet, slips silently from his room to Kili's and watching from the door is no longer enough. He finds himself at the bed, making sure that the sword is out of reach lest he come to see the bad end of it, and then he's grasping the thrashing dwarf by the shoulders, straddling him and doing his best to ease the dwarf fighting his past.

It seems an eternity as he works to wake the dwarf, calling his name and forcibly holding down his shoulders. It's a wonder he hasn't been thrown off of Kili, but eventually the dwarf eases from the throws of his nightmare, his eyes pop open and his breathing, while labored, is evening out.

His dark eyes look around the room in alarm before they settle on Bilbo. Bilbo is staring down at him, something strange in the hobbit's eyes, sympathy and tenderness.

"You were dreaming. It was but a dream and you are here, home, at Bag End. It's all right. You needn't worry about what happened before. You're safe and home," Bilbo says, and while the hobbit trembles, his words are strong, his tone firm.

Kili takes in a shaky breath, brings a hand up to his face to find that he's been crying, and he draws his hand down over his scruff, which hasn't grown a bit since that morning he first awoke in Bag End.

"By Mahal's hammer, what did you think you were doing Bilbo, waking me up like this? I could have… You could have been hurt," Kili asks as he shifts beneath the hobbit, raising himself up on his elbows, and that is when the hobbit seems to realize his current position atop the dwarf.

Bilbo takes in a shaky breath, and sighs. "I can't stand to hear you in so much pain at night, and not doing anything. I know you've lost a lot, and I wanted to spare you it. You hardly gain any rest from sleep anymore and you work so hard in your waking hours, taking to bed later and later. It will come to affect your health if you keep it up. What is a bruise or a sore bum from being tossed to the floor when compared to bringing you comfort?"

"A sore bum?" Kili says, teasing in wake of the horrors slipping from his mind, and latching onto the first thing he can think of to bring a blush to the hobbit's cheeks.

Even in the dark of the early hours of the morn, with dawn a fair stretch off he can see the hobbit's cheeks darken, but he also notices that the hobbit has yet to get off of him, and heat begins to pool in his belly at their current precarious predicament, and he rather likes the idea of the hobbit on top of him, not that the position would remain in the throws of passion.

"You Mr. Boggins," he says, knowing how the name annoys Bilbo, "are a wonder. You would come to the comfort of a battle weary dwarf with little will to live, provide him food, home, and good company, and yet ask nothing in return. When I offer to repay you with the money from my labor you refuse."

"We are now equals in this household. It does not matter the cost of your stay. You are not a lodger, you have become as much a part of Bag End as any Baggins," Bilbo defends, and breaks their gaze to stare at the bedding, and he begins to pull back, to move, but Kili is quicker, scooting the pair of them up the bed and sitting up, grasping Bilbo's arms, and the hobbit finds himself firmly seated in the dwarf's lap, his legs on either side of the dwarf's hips.

"As underserving as I am, I am thankful for it, and much appreciative of the care and company. Is it that you really do fancy me, Mr. Bilbo Baggins?" Kili asks, his tongue sweeping across his lips in anticipation of the now stuttering and squirming hobbit's answer.

"I… um… You're not undeserving," Bilbo manages, and then something like anger sparks in his eyes and the hobbit is suddenly pushing against Kili's chest, trying to escape, but Kili wraps his arms about the hobbit and draws the small creature further into him as the hobbit continues in a rather cross tone, "But this is not a request for repayment! I do not want this if it is only appreciation! Y-you cannot… It's not fair to me or to you!"

Kili chuckles as he leans forward, his lips finding purchase against the struggling hobbit's throat, his scruff scratching against Bilbo's neck as he nibbles and licks at the sensitive skin he finds above a steadily darting pulse.

"It is not repayment," he mutters against that pulse in between nibbles and licks, and he smirks as he feels the fight begin to ebb in the hobbit, and he recalls their first time out together in the pub where they talked about companionship; he remembers what Bilbo had said, and Kili smiles as he adds, "This is friendship and passion. I told you once I didn't mind if the rumors were true. I think it's time that we give the rumors in town credit."

Bilbo lets out a squeak, his protests weakening even further when Kili's teeth find the lobe of his ear, nipping, tugging, and licking the flesh soothingly.

Bilbo lets out a moan and then his struggles renew, and Kili is perplexed as he pulls back to look at the hobbit in confusion, the moonlight filtering through the small round windows in the room serving to illuminate the frustration and mounting anger on the hobbit's face, and Kili's eyes widen.

"This isn't right," Bilbo states firmly. "I came to give you comfort, and not for anything else. You… This isn't…"

"Who cares about propriety when it is but me and you here?" Kili asks, his own frustration beginning to mount and he shifts and his arousal becomes very evident against the hobbit's backside as Bilbo's eyes widen comically as a result.

Bilbo shakes his head, his eyes sliding shut, and then he whimpers, and with a licking of his lips he shakes his head firmer and says, "For you it is comfort, for me it is something altogether and entirely different!"

Kili stills, and takes in a sharp breath. He draws his right hand free and brings it up to cup Bilbo's very smooth cheek and says, "What are you saying Bilbo? How is it different?"

"I more than fancy you!" the hobbit snaps in his agitation, and then he freezes, squeezes his eyes shut and seemingly prepares himself for violence or rejection, and Kili understands what the hobbit means to say, but doesn't understand the reaction.

"Bilbo," he tries gently. "If the sentiments are returned what then? This changes nothing of our friendship. This does not take from me the home this has become. This gives me greater reason to find happiness and a life here, for it is not Bag End that makes this home for me. It is you."

Bilbo swallows thickly, noting the serious tone in the dwarf's confession, and lets his breath out slowly as he raises to meet Kili's dark, heated gaze. Kili shifts his hand from Bilbo's cheek to grasp the hobbit's chin, and then he slowly moves forward until their lips meet, and the heat building within his belly erupts to flame. Home, yes, he is finally home, and it's startling that home is a hole in a hill with a fair-faced hobbit, and not some cold hall of gold in a lost kingdom in the Lonely Mountain.

As he pulls back he whispers, "You truly are a wonder, more precious than a lost store of gold in a homeland I've never known, and I thank you for it, thank Mahal that I am here with you now, and this is home, something previously unknown to me, and what a great gift it is that you've given me, however underserving I still am of it."

Bilbo swallows thickly, still lost to the feeling of the dwarf's surprisingly gentle and tender mouth on his own, and a shiver runs over his body as the dwarf's warm hand reaches and slips below his shirt to skim over his soft stomach, and the dwarf's lips are soft as they brush across his ear in a deep, raspy whisper, "Let me pay praise and worship you as only a son of Durin can Bilbo Baggins. Let me show you what home means to me, what friendship and passion means to me."

Bilbo's breath hitches further as Kili tugs and pulls on his shirt as he pulls back enough to strip Bilbo of it, and Bilbo flushes until his eyes flutter shut at Kili's mouth on his own, Kili's tongue tracing his lips and then opening his mouth to succumb to the dwarf's request of fealty and entrance.

Kili gently pushes the hobbit away and Bilbo's eyes pop open and he watches as the dwarf removes his own shirt. Kili's chest is covered with fine, dark hair, his chest and stomach well muscled, and from the many hard hours of labor in his forge Bilbo knows that his shoulders and back are just as impressive. Bilbo flushes at the thought of himself, slender, undefined, soft, nothing like the hard, strong muscles of the dwarf.

"Bilbo," comes Kili's husky whisper, "What is it?"

"Look at you and look at me. I'm hardly that impressive, soft where you are well-muscled from years of work and even training, the body worthy of a warrior, and I'm a hole dweller happiest in my soft chair with a book at hand," Bilbo answers, his tone despairing.

Kili shakes his head and chuckles. "I care not for the differences between us. You're good enough for me, a fine example of a comely hobbit. Though I'm pleased you find me attractive. That was rare where I come from. Dwarf lasses weren't too keen on my features. Often I was compared to lasses, or they spoke poorly of my mother, saying she must have lain with a man or worse an elf to produce my likeness fair as it is."

"You're quite nice to look at," Bilbo says, and he timidly raises his hand to Kili's face, pushing back the dark hair that's fallen to obscure it, and running his palm down the dwarf's scruff. Kili turns his head to kiss Bilbo's palm, and the hobbit licks his lips as the dwarf's eyes turn to meet his.

"You can always do more than just look Bilbo, as it is, if you continue to distract me with your words I'll have to find a way to quiet you so I can have my way with you," Kili remarks, a playful challenge to his tone.

Bilbo's eyes widen and before he can get another word out Kili's mouth crashes upon his and he finds himself flipped, the dwarf above him and then Kili thrusts against him, their very evident arousals colliding and a moan escaping him when the dwarf pulls back so they might both catch their breath.

Kili finds a very pleasant way to quiet the hobbit as his mouth begins to nip and bite down the hobbit's throat and then his chest. Licking and teasing the hobbit's nipples to sensitivity, and humming his pleasure at the moans and whimpers that escape the hobbit as he's lost to the sensation of pleasure.

As he begins to lick and nip his way down Bilbo's stomach his hands reach for the ties of Bilbo's under trousers, the linen material already strained by the hobbit's growing desires. The hobbit whimpers and reaches to cover Kili's hands. The dwarf tilts his head, currently level with the hobbit's navel, up to meet Bilbo's startled but still hungry gaze.

"What are you doing?" Bilbo asks.

"Worshipping you," Kili answers back. "I want to see all of you, take all of you, claim you as my home, for again, it is you that feels like the home I've never known till now. Please, we've come so far already. Do you really mean for us to stop?"

Bilbo's answer comes out on a tremble, "N-n-no."

"Good then," Kili says as he tugs the ties loose and slips the fine linen material down the hobbit's slender waist and legs, and then from large hobbit feet, up slender calf and soft thigh, Kili mouths his way back up the hobbit's body until he reaches the destination he had in mind from the moment he first toyed with the ties of those under trousers, the hobbit's moans and whimpers music to the dwarf's ears.


"War's rage draws near; and to the sword's strong hand Let all laws yield, sin bear the name of virtue, Many a year these furious broils let last, Why should we wish the gods should ever end them?" Bilbo whispers, the words flowing with ease in his sated and relaxed state, and they remind him of the dwarf laying entangled with him, the dwarf's blunt, but surprisingly nimble fingertips caressing his cheek.

Kili smiles and with a pleased groan asks, "Wherever did you come across such words?"

Bilbo smiles and says, "While reading about a god who fell in love with a young man. It somehow reminds me of you."

"So am I a god then?" Kili asks in amusement, and Bilbo chuckles.

"If you are then I will regularly see to worshipping you and singing your praises," Bilbo replies cheekily and then winces as he shifts, the aches becoming more evident, and Kili's brow furrows in concern.

"How badly did I hurt you Bilbo?" he asks, shame peppering his tone.

Bilbo shakes his head. "Silly dwarf, the hurt is not much, a pleasant reminder, but I daresay my worshipping abilities may take some days to recover. Still, you my dwarf are worth it, every ache and burn, and still I'll have and be had by you again and again."

"Are all hobbits so insatiable Mr. Boggins?" Kili teases.

Bilbo huffs at the use of the name and then grins as he lazily leans up into a kiss and says, "Perhaps, or maybe you've awoken a beast within me."

"Well then," Kili says with a smirk, his eyes darkening. "Let's do what we can to keep the beast awake."

Bilbo's eyes widen as his mouth is captured in passion and all his aches are forgotten in the flames being stoked within his belly and burning throughout his body.


Once Kili has dropped off a fresh buck at the butchers he heads to the pub, set on a good tankard of ale before going home to Bilbo, currently in the throws of writing one of his stories. He smiles at the thought of the hobbit's imagination, certainly put to good uses when the pair of them are entwined in their passion.

He takes in a deep breath, three years he's called the Shire his home, and he's made quite a few friends, the butcher, local smithy, and several people who come to him for the jewelry he's taken to crafting. His favorite of his growing admirers are the little hobbit children.

He can't help the smile that takes hold his face every time he sees a child with one of his crafted toys, the innocent, wide-eyed delight is breath taking. He shakes his head as he finds a place at the bar and lifts his hand. The main bartender likes to avoid him since their first meeting, but there is a bold barmaid that has grown to be quite a good friend to have, Primula Brandybuck.

"Master Kili Underhill, your usual then?" she asks as she takes notice of him, and her bright smile makes her even prettier to look at.

"Aye Prim, that would make the rest of my day, that and your company, come sit with me awhile, the usual table?" he calls after her, and she laughs and rolls her pretty blue eyes, but they both know she'll take her break for lunch and sit with him awhile, feasting on the soup of the day.

She gingerly sips at her soup as he nurses his ale, and he notices her sighs and raises a brow.

"What's the matter Prim?" he asks her.

She snorts and shakes her head. "Nothing really. Just I'm of a fine age for marriage and I've no callers to speak of! Right shameful it is."

Kili snorts and he can only imagine why the fiery lass doesn't have many callers considering her temperament, but beneath that she has a sweet and truly accepting soul, as she proved when she came to his and Bilbo's defense in town in the face of the ever judgmental and snooty Lobelia Sackville-Baggins.

"Considering your charms I couldn't imagine you not having more suitors," Kili replies with a wink, and were the lass a dwarf and in the township of dwarfs she would be readily called upon for the very temperament that scares away most hobbit men.

She sighs. "Mores that pity that such a handsome man as yourself is so well taken. Bilbo Baggins is quite a lucky man."

Kili chokes a little on his ale and then looks at her with a small smile, pleased that she's so bold and comfortable with his chosen love. "Oh I think it more the other way around. I'm lucky to have come across so good match."

"And humble to when you're so pretty to look upon. I still say Bilbo is quite lucky indeed," she says and flutters her eyelashes teasingly at Kili as she takes another sip of her soup.

"And who've you got your eye on, if there's anyone?" Kili asks.

Prim huffs again and then mumbles a name that has Kili choking once more, only this time in surprise.

"Come again?" he manages to wheeze out once he's caught his breath.

"You heard me Master Dwarf. I clearly said Drogo Baggins," she pouts.

Kili's brows rise in disbelief. "But Prim, you would be letting out his waistcoat every day to accommodate his appetite. Surely you jest!"

"He's rather handsome once you take to looking at him, and he's sweet," she says, and Kili's sees the sparkle in her eyes, and he thinks, 'Mahal's will be with poor Drogo, he'll need it in dealing with this formidable hobbit lass.'

Still Kili grins at her as he finishes his ale and says, "Well, once you've managed to get him you send him along to me, it'll be an honor to craft a ring worthy of you lass."

Her eyes light up and she says, "You really think I'll catch him?"

"Oh, of that I have no doubt," Kili answers with a wink and grin, and he's glad he's already taken and happily so with Bilbo, lest this frighteningly determined hobbit lass turn her attentions on to him. He does indeed wish all the very best luck to Drogo Baggins in the near future, and he gets to his feet and continues, "Well Prim, lass, I thank ye for your company and the ale. I'll be off home now. Bilbo should be finished by now with his latest story."

He drops some coins to the table and gives her a little wave as he turns toward the door to head on home and share this bit of gossip with Bilbo, who even though he adamantly denies it, likes to hear of the more interesting goings on in town, and this will certainly catch his attention. Kili is chuckling to himself the whole way home at the thought of Bilbo fretting over his cousin Drogo.

As he walks into the door of Bag End he has a smile on his face, which brightens at the smell of Bilbo's fantastic cooking. At least this means that Bilbo has set aside his writing for the night.

"And where have you been?" Bilbo calls from the kitchen.

Kili smiles. "Today was a good day for hunting. Got a buck and pheasant and took them off to the butchers. He'll have it cut and fit for roast and stew by tomorrow. Also stopped off at the pub to talk with Prim."

Bilbo nods and says, "Well you were almost late to dinner."

"When you're cooking I can promise you that I'll never be late," Kili replies.

"Right, of course," Bilbo says with a growing smile and a nod. "So what's the latest bit of news from Miss Primula Brandybuck?"

"She's finally put her eye to someone," Kili says with a grin as he grabs a couple of large mugs and goes to the pantry to fill them with apple cider.

Bilbo winces at the thought and says, "Marduke Tensing or Balderin Brockton? Certainly not Hamlet Gamgee, poor Hamfast would be quite set against such a union with his younger brother."

Kili snorts with laughter and shakes his head. "Oh no, even better, Mr. Boggins."

Bilbo frowns at the use of that name that Kili knows grates on his nerves and raises an inquisitive eyebrow. "Well pray tell Master Dwarf, just who has she taken a fancy to?"

"None other than Drogo Baggins," Kili says, his smile wide and Bilbo's mouth promptly falls open in shock.

"Surely not! Drogo Baggins? My second cousin Drogo?" Bilbo manages once he's regained his senses.

Kili nods, completely amused at his hobbit's reaction. "The very one. I'd put a bag of gold on them being wed by early Spring. I'll start work on her marriage ring tomorrow."

Bilbo's mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water as Kili throws back his head and laughs, but he really does begin working on Primula Brandybuck's marriage ring the very next day.


The wedding is in early Spring, and Kili is one bag of gold richer. To celebrate the wedding, Primula's father Gorbadoc Brandybuck has arranged for a fine feast, then again he's always been known for a well-set table, one habit that certainly endears him to his pending son-in-law. In addition to the fine food, he has also arranged for fireworks to mark the union.

Bilbo, even after losing a bet, is still excited about the whole affair, and has managed to get Kili fitting attire, fresh clothes, a fine, dark blue and silver embroidered tunic, which Kili has begrudgingly agreed to wear. Bilbo himself has gotten a new vest and waistcoat for the occasion.

The wedding is a spectacular affair, Primula reading her own vows and Drogo sweating profusely at the veiled threats in them. Theirs will certainly be an eventful marriage.

In fact Primula Baggins has managed to get on Lobelia Sackville-Baggins's good side, that is to say her bad side, already, which greatly elevates Bilbo's opinion of the former Brandybuck even more. That Primula insists he and Kili are her guests of honor and should sit near her and Drogo is quite the slap in the face to Lobelia who holds her head up high and her nose even higher.

Bilbo leans over to Kili and whispers, "However did we manage to be her guests of honor?"

Kili grins and inclines his head to Bilbo's ear to answer, his lips brushing the pointed tip of the hobbit's ear and causing Bilbo to shiver as the dwarf replies, "Simple. I designed and created her marriage ring and the bejeweled circlet she wears. She was quite pleased with the craftsmanship, and she also supports us. She says once upon a time you were quite a lonely hobbit, friendly but not particularly sociable until I happened a long. I think she was rather fond of you until I managed to win you over."

Bilbo's eyes widen in astonishment and his mouth opens and closes a few times before he shoves the chuckling dwarf away from him fixing the dark eyed and dark haired fiend with a glare.

Kili shrugs. "Only speaking from what I've observed so far Mr. Boggins."

"Harumph!" Bilbo says and crosses his arms over his chest until he is served a fine plate of food, and then he raises a brow in Kili's direction as a plate is set before the dwarf and says, "Remember, mind your manners. Can't have you eating like a troll on this particular occasion."

Kili snorts and rolls his eyes, but he takes care in how he eats more for the sake of Primula than for Bilbo's pride.

It is when the sky alights with fireworks that Bilbo nudges Kili's arm and points out a familiar pointed grey hat. "Look it's Gandalf the Grey! Of course he would be responsible for the whizz poppers!"

Kili's eyes widen and his throat tightens, and Bilbo notices immediately. "Kili?" he asks in worry.

Kili shakes his head and forces a smile. "Nothing, it's just… I've learned that a wizard never shows up without good reason. I think he's come for more than just the fireworks Bilbo."

"Oh, do you think so?" Bilbo asks, and then wrinkles his nose before he reaches into his pocket to retrieve his pipe and little bag of pipe weed to fill it.

Kili reaches for his own pipe and takes some of Bilbo's pipe weed for his own use, much to the hobbit's consternation, and together they smoke in comfortable silence. Bilbo enjoying the warm presence of the dwarf and marveling at the fireworks and Kili finding comfort in the hobbit's presence and wondering after the wizard.

Kili is not left to wonder long about the wizard. As the festivities die down, he and Bilbo return home to Bag End, and not even a half an hour passes before there is a knock on the freshly painted green door.

"Whoever might that be?" Bilbo asks, as he goes to answer it, Kili simply sits in one of the plush chairs before the fire, relighting his pipe, because he already knows who their visitor is, and is not disappointed when Bilbo says, "Gandalf!"

Kili makes a smoke ring and awaits the wizard's arrival to the sitting room, because something in his gut tells him that the wizard has come to see him after nearly four years since saving his wretched life, or what was left of it. The Oakenshield line, the last of the Durin line, died in the depths of the goblin-infested Misty Mountains.

"Thank you kindly Bilbo, I think some red wine might do nicely, or even a refreshing cup of tea," Gandalf says, and finds his own way to the sitting room and into the company of Kili, son of Dis, daughter of Thrain, the last of the Durin line.

"Hello Master Kili, son of Dis. It has been quite some time since last I saw you. It's good seeing you well and thriving," Gandalf offers by way of greeting.

Kili pinches his lips and nods in acknowledgement, taking a drag from his pipe. After a moment he releases the smoke in several rings and says, "Nearly four years by my count now, and I Kili Underhill of Bag End. I make no claim to family other than Bilbo Baggins, and I am certainly heir to no one."

"Have you grown so bitter and changed?" Gandalf asks.

Kili takes in a sharp breath. "I lost friends, and I lost my brother and uncle. I died at the bottom of that bloody mountain and yet you saw to my resurrection, and I have found a home, and someone that I care for deeply, and for that much I thank you, but that is where my debt to you ends."

"I understand, but I hope that you would still consider me a friend," Gandalf offers, a thread of hope in his voice.

Kili pauses and sighs. "As much as I can accept an Ishtar that led a deposed king and twelve others into certain failure."

"I bade your uncle take another member to his company, and he refused, such as fate would have it, you now call what would have been your fourteenth member your home, your love. I am sorry for the loss of Fili and Thorin, terribly sorry, but Erebor has been liberated, and even now is being restored to it's former glory."

Kili gets to his feet and points the stem of his pipe in Gandalf's direction, his eyes narrowed in his rage.

"Do not speak to me of my brother and my uncle! Do not dare to say their names! Did you crawl from the bowels of that foul mountain only to see your dearest brother and uncle's heads on pikes? Do you suffer the nightmares, imagine their screams of torment? Do you wonder what happened to the others?" Kili hisses.

Gandalf meets the dwarf's gaze head on. "I do not claim to know the depths of your grief, but I can offer you some solace. The only lives lost that day were those of your brother and uncle. The others lived, and Erebor was restored, the dragon slain by the rightful heir of Dale, Bard the bowman. One of the company with an heir was chosen as the new king of Erebor, Gloin."

Kili's eyes widen with surprise. "Then the others survived?"

A knock sounds on the door before Gandalf can respond, and a moment later there is the sound of Bilbo answering it followed by, "Bofur at your service!"

"No," Kili says, a look of betrayal on his face. "They cannot know. I am not that dwarf anymore."

"Looking for Gandalf, he's just in the sitting room through there, would you have wine, tea, or ale Mr. Bofur?"

"Ale would be fine laddie, and I'll thank you for it," Bofur's cheerful voice sounds throughout the halls of the house, and then he steps into the sitting room and his eyes widen, his mouth falling open in amazement as one word, a name escapes him, "Kili?"

There is a pang in Kili's chest as he meets the familiar gaze of the dwarf, and very little has changed about Bofur. He even has the same hat. That pang brings Kili to his knees and with a clatter of tray and glassware, Kili soon feels the familiar embrace of his hobbit, as Bilbo comes to his aid and asks him what is wrong before looking to his guests, the tall wizard, and the strange hatted dwarf.

"Kili. Kili, it's all right. Come on now, let's get you to the chair and you can tell me what's the matter," Bilbo says.

By this time Bofur has come to his senses. "Young Kili, my prince, we thought you were lost to the Misty Mountains like Fili and Thorin. Yet here you are, in this place, alive, well. Your mother would be so pleased to know, and the others, Balin and Dwalin especially!"

"No," Kili says, his voice soft and hollow. "I am no longer young Kili. I am no prince. The last of the line of Durin has died. Let my mother mourn the loss of Fili and me without having to see me now. To see me fallen, defeated, and only now newly healed."

"But Erebor is your home," Bofur says in confusion, and Kili shakes his head.

"Erebor was never my home! It was a dream, a dream that stole everything from me. It was my uncle's homeland, his dream, and it destroyed him. I have a home, it is here in the Shire in Bag End. I have a new family, one that would not look upon me and question my honor. I live well here Bofur. I am not your prince, nor am I heir to Erebor. That is Gimli's right and honor to bear as the son of Gloin," Kili replies, and then he smiles at the look of confusion in Bilbo's eyes and asks, "My Mr. Boggins, what perplexes you so?"

"Prince. He called you a prince," Bilbo says, his eyes wide.

"Of course I did laddie. His uncle was Thorin Oakenshield, the King under the Mountain, killed on the quest to retake his homeland, and with him died Kili's brother, Fili," Bofur says, sorrow edging his usually jovial voice.

"Is this why you have come then?" Kili asks as he turns to Gandalf. "To take me from the only home I've ever known? I will not leave from here. You've no right to ask it of me."

"And he will not ask it of you, laddie, if this is what brings you peace, then you deserve it. I'm just glad to know ye live," Bofur says, tears in his eyes, and with a watery smile he says, "And I'll keep your secret if you'd rather no one else knew. Now to lighter matters, have ye found a lass to keep your comp'ny?"

At this Bilbo lets out a little squeak and Bofur looks from the hobbit to Kili, and his eyes widen before a grin pulls at his mouth. "Well, well, should have guessed when we noticed yer eye on that elf lad at Rivendell. Glad you've found yer home and happiness, and you're all the richer for it. Oh Mr. Baggins, I believe I'll be having that ale now if ye can spare it."

Bilbo and Kili offer lodging to both Bofur and Gandalf, but Gandalf says he must be off and will return for Bofur to make the journey back to Erebor in a week's time. Bofur accepts the offer of a spare room, and after a quick, light supper Gandalf departs and the two dwarves and the hobbit see themselves off to bed.

It is when they are in the privacy of their room, the master bedroom of the house that Bilbo turns to Kili as the dwarf removes his tunic and unbuttons the shirt beneath to remove it. Kili can feel the hobbit's eyes on him.

"Bilbo," Kili says with a sigh.

"A prince. All this time I've shared my home and my heart with a prince. I knew you had a past, and I hoped one day to learn of it, if only to help and share in your grief, but never would I have thought you were a prince."

"It was my table manners, wasn't it?" Kili asks, trying to lighten the mood, but the smile doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"N-not that this changes what is between us, at least I hope it doesn't. To me you're still my Kili, but what of your mother? What of Erebor?" Bilbo asks, and Kili can tell that he hobbit is afraid of what his answer might be.

Kili shakes his head. "It is better that my mother continue to think that I died with Fili and Uncle, because I'm not the son she once knew. It is a heartfelt shame I feel, deep and unforgiving, that I could not come to the aid of Fili and Uncle Thorin. There might have been something I could have done. That is my burden to bear, that I was lost in the mountain when I might have done something. It is good to know the others lived, and still live, but that is no longer my life. Here with you, this is my life now, you are my life."

"You give up so much to call this place, to call me home," Bilbo says, his tone tinged with wonder.

"I give up nothing. You Mr. Bilbo Baggins saved me, gave me a new will to live, and it is because of and for you that I live. As I've said before and undoubtedly will say again, you are a wonder," Kili replies, and reaches out, his fingertips gently tracing Bilbo's cheek.


Kili is tending to their breakfast, frying eggs and bacon, bread heating in the oven, butter and jams out on the table, and freshly squeezed orange juice readily available. Bilbo has gone to retrieve their guest, and Kili can't help the smile at the sound of the cheerful dwarf's voice as the two approach the kitchen.

"Ye mean to say ye trust that scamp to actually cook your meals for you?" Bofur asks in amazement and Kili snorts out a laugh.

He can imagine the look on Bilbo's face, one of confusion and sudden concern, and does his best to maintain a look of offence as the two reach the kitchen and Bilbo says, "Whatever do you mean Mr. Bofur?"

Bofur chuckles, but then his eyes widen considerably as he does in fact see Kili cooking their meal. "Well laddie, he was the brains behind the pranks he and Fili used to get us with. I remember the one time we let them cook for the comp'ny. We should have known something was amiss when they insisted on their bread rations rather than what was in the pot, but Bombur, that's my brother, took a taste of it and seemed all right so we all ate it. We were miserable with belly aches and running off the trail for days after, and Thorin soundly boxed their ears and wouldn't let them near the cooking fires again!"

Kili huffs and pretends annoyance as he says, "We didn't expect the end results to last for days. We just thought you'd be miserable through the night and the next morning."

"Well laddie, I can tell ye that we were very much thoroughly cleansed from the ordeal. Then I was put in charge of the vittles afterward," Bofur replies with a fond smile of remembrance.

As they all sit down to eat Kili can feel two pairs of suspicious eyes on him, and he sends a glare in Bofur's direction before stabbing into his eggs with his fork and taking the first bite. The guest and the hobbit let out relieved sighs and the meal commences. Bilbo, mostly use to customary dwarf eating habits doesn't mind how Bofur talks with his mouthful, gestures, and he even ducks when bread and even a buttering knife are tossed across the table to be caught deftly by Kili.

Kili is still minding his manners deftly learned over the course of four years of living with the hobbit, even going so far as using his napkin, which has Bofur raising his brows and saying, "Well bless me! Look at how dainty you've become, right and proper!"

Bilbo looks up in confusion, and smiles at Kili's use of proper hobbit manners, and Kili shifts his gaze to Bofur as he puts the napkin down. "Trust me, took awhile to learn proper manners, but there's no living with Mr. Boggins otherwise. Used to chide me something awful. He's particular in the care of his dishes and cutlery, careful not to clash the silverware lest you blunt his knives, and don't get me started on his doilies."

Bilbo narrows his eyes at Kili's bright smirk, and starts waving his bread knife at the dwarf, "Now you hold it right there a moment! You are just as particular about my doilies!"

"Only because it's crochet," Kili says with a teasing flutter of his eyelashes at the incensed hobbit.

Bofur then smiles widely and says, "And a wonderful game it is too, if you have the balls for it!"

Bilbo's mouth falls open stunned, and Kili outright laughs. In fact the young dwarf laughs so hard he falls from his chair and clutches at the stitch in his side much to the amusement of the hobbit and the elder dwarf.

"There's a good lad," Bofur says helping Kili up and clapping him on the back, a bright smile on Bofur's face he continues, "There's the laugh I remember. It's good to know you're doing well, Kili. Yer brother and uncle would be glad to know ye can still laugh for all the things you've seen. I know their looking down on ye from the Halls of Waiting."

"Thank you," Kili replies warmly and then he's hugging Bofur. "It's good to know you and the others made it, and you have your home back. I'm glad of it."

They finish their meals, Bilbo snipping at Kili every now and then, more in jest than anything, and Bilbo insists on doing the dishes so that Kili can catch up with Bofur. Kili takes Bofur to the workshop and smithy he's managed to build near the bottom of the hill of Bag End near the river at the end of Bilbo's garden and vegetable patch. Bofur's eyes widen as he looks at the fine forge and workshop, a smile on his face at the sight of the woodcarving and mechanical toys as well.

"So I see you've taken up my trade then, toy making and bringing joy to the wee little ones," Bofur says as he looks around at the various toys and projects in progress. "You smith as well, black smith or white smith?"

"Both. I do a little bit of everything. Black smithing in memory of Uncle Thorin, and white smithing as Fili was fond of it, and in memory of our father. I enjoy the toy making myself. I like seeing the smiles on the faces of the children when they figure out one of my puzzle boxes or the joy they get from a music box. It's nice watching them chase after the mechanical gadgets I've made when they're wound up," Kili says, a gentle smile on his face.

"Aye," Bofur responds. "That was my own reason for tinkering and toy making. It's a pity you'll not have any wee ones of your own. You'd make a great father I imagine, but I see that you're happy with the hobbit, and he seems quite taken with you."

Kili nods. "He might not look like much at first, but I'll be the first to tell you that hobbits are full of surprises. You think you know everything about them and then they go and surprise you when least you expect it."

"That I suspect they do," Bofur says, and takes out his pipe for a mid-morning smoke. Kili takes out his own pipe, and once they're lit and pleasing smoke fills the air, Bofur continues, "And what has yer life been like these last four years? I only want to know how well you're doing, understand. You're still family, as well you should know."

Kili nods, and then sighs, maybe its time to relive it he thinks, and as he decides neither of the dwarves notice the hobbit, one Mr. Bilbo Baggins, having snuck upon them to crouch by the window and listen with curious ears.

"Well," Kili says, "I suppose it starts from that night of the thunder battle. I remember being separated from Fili when the rock giant we were standing on stood up to enter battle, and then by chance we found our way to a part of the mountain that was actual mountain, as well you know. I remember the cave, how we lit fires to get warm and recover our senses and nerves after being jostled and nearly thrown from the mountains by those creatures.

"Then Uncle gave a shout after pulling out his blade to clean it only to find it glowing blue. I remember the floors opening below us, and landing in that woven catch guard. We were dumped to that path in the mountain, surrounded by goblins. I don't remember how, but I fell behind, and I wanted desperately to catch up, to be of some use to Fili and Uncle Thorin and the rest of you, but as I fell behind a lone goblin saw me and charged after me. It happened so quickly I didn't have time to reach for my bow or my sword.

"We tumbled into the dark. I landed on mushrooms and hit my head on the rock. I wasn't knocked unconscious, but I was addled. The goblin wasn't so lucky, he was greatly hurt, and for that I was relieved. It was odd, but as I looked around me I noticed a glint of gold, and picking it up I put it in my pants pocket. That's when I heard the noise, the terrible noise of a clearing throat, gollum, gollum, over and over, and the goblin, in spite of it's injuries tried to struggle, but there was no help for it as a grey skinned creature with wide, large eyes creeped from the darkness, bashed the goblin in the head and dragged it off by it's ankles."

Kili pauses and both Bilbo and Bofur are fascinated by the tale, and Bofur says in amazement, "A creature even goblins feared?"

Kili nods. "With good reason. I made a noise of disgust as I watched the creature tear into the goblin, and that is what drew its terrible attention to me. I had the time then to draw my weapon, and I took my sword in hand and faced the pitiful thing. I drove it back to the water, and it spoke to itself in hisses and growls of finding me and of a thing he called his precious. He then let out a shriek so terrifying that I began to run, the tunnels were so dark I could barely manage to see, but I was desperate, and eventually I stumbled upon a tunnel where I could see light at the end of it, purely by luck. Goblins ran past this tunnel, and I don't know what drove me, but with my sword in one hand, my other hand, my right hand I slipped into my pocket and I felt a shadow pass through me. It was then that I stepped into the lit cavern.

"I was quiet as I made my way through the running goblins, and it amazed me that they took no heed of me, almost as though they could not see me though they could feel it if I knocked into them. I found my way to the main place, the throne of the Goblin King, and that is when I saw pikes with Fili and Uncle Thorin's heads, and then came the Orcs into the mountain. I saw no one else, only their heads, and I thought all of you had been lost. I turned to face the Orcs, and realized by some dread magic they could not see me either and so I fought. I charged and took as many as I could and then I was struck by a lucky blow on their part in my side.

"Still, they could not take or attack further what they couldn't see, so they moved on, further into the mountain, I presume after the rest of the company. I came to my senses, and with sword in one hand and my other hand pressing to the wound in my side I followed after them until I discovered a way out of the mountain. I reached an opening, the wailing creature I'd met below, cowering nearby crying out for his precious and cursing me. I jumped over the wretched thing and that was the last of my strength as I tumbled and rolled down the mountain. By some miracle I managed to live, crawled over to a tree, and then the terrible magic was lifted from me and I fell unconscious.

"I imagine that it was Gandalf that found me, and next I knew I awoke in the fine home of my little hobbit. He'd taken to cleaning me up, stitching my wound, and applying what I suspect was elvish medicine to my wounds. I recovered, and continue to recover. My physical pains have healed, but I am still haunted and fear I always will be, and I carry too a heavy burden, the secret of that dread magic that saved me in the depths of that cursed mountain.

"It has been four years since I found myself in Bilbo's care, three years since we admitted our affections for each other, and this has become my home, he has become my home. You cannot persuade me from it, and I ask that you don't. I am not now, nor have I ever truly been a mountain dweller, and you know this, even if Uncle would have denied it to his grave, and did do that in fact."

"Oh laddie," Bofur says, his voice heavy with the weight of his grief as he approaches Kili and grapples him into a fierce hug, ruffling the young dwarf's hair, and then he pulls back, tears shining in his eyes. "I'm just glad to know the true line of Durin still endures. No one can begrudge ye what brings ye peace or happiness after what you've gone through."

"You're a great man Bofur," Kili replies, his voice choked.

Bofur chuckles and says, "Aye, and expect I'll visit quite regular after this. Someone will have to remind ye of yer dwarf heritage every now and then if only to keep yer fair little hobbit on his toes and in his ire over our dining customs."

Kili shakes his head and replies, "And everyone always called me the trouble maker."

"You've grown to be a fine man, laddie," Bofur says and then he pulls back and claps his hands together, "Now show me some of the wonders you've created. I fancy I've been idle enough, and I think I'd like something to keep my hands occupied until lunch."

Kili grins then and says, "Oh you won't be waiting long for your next meal."

Bofur raises a brow at this, and Kili grins as he continues, "Hobbit custom is very specific when it comes to meals. There is breakfast, then second breakfast, elevensies, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, and then supper."

Bofur's eyes widen and he shakes his head, "Now there's a custom that Bombur would certainly appreciate!"

The two dwarves laugh, and the hobbit, reminded of the hour for second breakfast scurries off back to the house to prepare the meal.


After a week of getting to know the ever-cheerful dwarf Bofur, and having finally heard Kili's story, Bilbo has had much to think on. Today is the last day of Bofur's visit, and the dwarf has spent most of his time with Kili, but Bilbo has noticed that the older dwarf's scrutiny has been on him throughout the visit as well.

That is why he is surprised when he goes to his retreat of books and maps to work on one of his stories only to see Bofur sitting on his stool, pipe in hand and making smoke rings. Bilbo comes to an immediate halt and looks around, wondering where Kili is.

Bofur gets to his feet and claps the hobbit on the shoulder as he begins to guide him to the sitting room and the two comfortable plush chairs set before the fire as he offers an explanation, "Kili mentioned something about hunting and going down for a Hamfast Gamgee's ponies to shoe them later this afternoon. He said I was free to relax for the day before my long journey back to the Lonely Mountain. I took him up on the offer, and saw it as a rare opportunity to get to know ye before I leave."

Bilbo must admit that he's impressed at the dwarf's cleverness, having previously not expected it. Bilbo nods and says, "Of course, and in the mean time can I offer you something to drink? Water, tea, ale, wine, a bit of brandy?"

The dwarf shakes his head, "No, I'll settle for a bit of talk, and maybe drinks later. We do need to talk though. Don't think I didn't notice ye listening to Kili's story about how he escaped Moria and the goblins. I heard you gasping from yer place below the window. That Kili didn't notice shows how lost he was to the memories at the time. So explain yerself hobbit. Kili thinks highly of ye, so what drove ye to listen from yer hiding spot?"

Bilbo knows when he's been caught, and so he resigns himself to divulging the truth. "You've known him, seemingly his whole entire life, and I knew if anyone had a chance of putting the fire in him for his homeland, that it would likely be you and that confounded wizard. That he told you what plagues his nightmares surprised me, but then again, you were there as well."

"Aye," the dwarf says somberly. "I saw what led to his brother and uncle's deaths. Weren't a pretty sight either. Nearly destroyed us all. Took quite a bit of time for us to recover from it, but we pressed on, and nearly a year and some odd moons later we took back Erebor in honor and remembrance of them, Thorin our lost king, and his lost heirs Fili the elder and Kili. Never thought I'd see the lad again, but it does my sore heart good to know he still lives yet, and I suppose I owe ye a debt of gratitude to that effect."

"I only did what I thought was right, and then there was just something about him. He teases me all the time, can be absolutely infuriating with his pranks, like when he switches the sugar for salt and ruins my baking, but he usually only does that when we're expecting Lobelia and Otho Sackville-Baggins. He also has such a way with the children here, how he gets along with all of my cousins. Sometimes he has nightmares, but we muck through them together," Bilbo says with affection.

Bofur smiles and reaches over, patting the hobbit's hand. "You've told me all I needed to know right then Bilbo. Seems to me ye love him, and he feels the same. That's what makes this place home to him. To be honest Thorin never took much stock in you little hobbits. Gandalf wanted us to have one in our company, but Thorin wouldn't hear of it. I think ye might would have changed his mind, especially with the effect you've had on Kili. You're a pleasant surprise, and quite a good cook."

"Thank you, I think," Bilbo says, and then he and Bofur talk of other things, and Bilbo shares with him some of the adventures his mother told him when he was younger, and Bofur in turn shares some of his songs. Eventually they do get into the ale, the pair of them singing and staggering about, much to Kili's amusement when he comes home to find them.

Of course Kili is even more amused at the prospect of a hung over and grouchy hobbit in the morning and passing along an ailing and hung over Bofur to Gandalf to deal with on the journey back to Erebor.

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