It started out innocently enough. Steve claimed he didn't wanna cuddle after sex and slept on the edge of the bed, back to Tony. But it began to progress. Tony didn't want to do or get oral anymore, so showers are only used together to conserve water when they have company. Then it was Tony only wanting to take Steve when he's on his stomach, so he didn't have to touch his cock or look him in the eye. Then Steve didn't wanna sleep in the same bed, long after Tony had started waiting till Steve was asleep before moving to the couch. It had just started to crumble. They were trying though.

"Little harder," Steve muttered, working his cock in his hand. He was on his side, his back to Tony, like always, but Tony's chest was pressed to him, the arc cool against his skin. "Please." His voice was low and raspy.

"Gotcha." Tony muttered, fucking into Steve harder, trying to focus on his prostate. He'd actually wanted to try, to see if the sex could bring back the spark. But he just wasn't very into it. "Here." He reached, wrapping his hand around Steve's cock, jerking him at just the right angle and speed to make him whimper and moan. "Better?"

"Yeah," Steve panted, working himself back on Tony, flexing his ass and trying to make it good. "You?" It was fumbled and awkward and they were talking much more then they use to. Which, while having sex, wasn't exactly a good thing. But Steve was into it now, panting shallowly and gripping the sheets and Tony's hair.

Tony swallowed. "Yeah." He murmured, working against Cap's prostate harder, knowing for sure now their relationship was dying, at least for him. The only reason he was still hard was the Viagra. He kept pumping, grunting with effort and after a long, awkward pause Steve came and Tony managed to fake an orgasm. The first time in his life he'd had to fake it.

Steve rolled onto his chest, stroking the arc. "I knew things would get better. I just knew it." He didn't seem to realize there was no cum in his ass, maybe he'd thought Tony had dry orgasmed, it happened on occasion.

Once Steve was asleep Tony rolled out of bed, showered, dressed and left, only one place in mind.

Tony sighed rapping on the door to Bucky's apartment with his knuckles. He remembered having to rattle off the address to Steve at one time or another. He didn't know where else to go. It wasn't like he could talk to Hawk Eye, Ginger, Hulk or Thor about this relationship problems. He sighed, rubbing his face and leaning casually against the wall, lighting a cigarette, tapping on the door again.

"M'comin'!" Bucky opened the door a cigarette between his full, pouty lips. He wore loose sweats, dangerously low on his hips, exposing his V. Tony swallowed, looking away and Bucky stepped back. "C'mon in, Tony, right?" He flicked his ash into the carpet, not really caring if he got his deposit back. He could always vacuum. He had ways of getting what he wanted, hell, he was practically jointed at the hip with a superhero. Or at least, he had been.

Speaking of superheroes, he turned back to Stark, his voice low and thick. "Trouble in paradise huh? Fifteen hundred for blowjobs, twenty to cum in my mouth, twenty five for fucking, thirty and medical papers for bare back, or I could sell you some pills, ten dollars a pop." He wasn't cheap, but then again, he was the best in this business. He looked Tony over. "You don't exactly look like you came to pay me thousands of dollars for sex." He cleared his throat. "You wanna beer?"

Tony nodded, gratefully. "You're a whore now?" His tone wasn't mocking or cruel, he was honestly curious. He'd thought Bucky was a pretty good guy, a clean guy.

"To supers and the very powerful, yes. I won't fuck just anyone. It's mostly blowjobs." He shrugged, like it was no big deal, popping the top off of a couple of beers, passing one to Tony. "Here, cheers,"

The bottles clinked and Tony was quiet, nursing his for a while. "I can't have sex with Steve. I even took a Viagra and I still had to fake an orgasm. We don't sleep in the same bed, don't shower together, hell, I, sometimes I have trouble looking at him." He was disgusted with himself. "We've only been married three years." He looked to Buck as if he could solve all the world's problems. "What happened?"

James had to think for a moment, brows furrowing, an honest look crossing his face. "It's obvious. You simply want different things. All the fucking in the world can't change two people who aren't in love. Or at least, one who isn't." He looked up at Tony, taking another drink of his beer. He was still chain smoking his cigarette, it smoldered between slightly swollen lips. "Cap never shuts up about you. Even when he's pissed at you he isn't pissed at you. Not really. He's mad he isn't 'a better husband.'" The last part was emphasized with air quotes.

Tony just took another long drink. "I don't know. I'm trying, I really am. I want to, I wanted to. Fuck, I don't even know what I want anymore." He looked to Bucky again with those confused eyes.

"Well Tin Man, how does this involve me."

"I think-" he cleared his throat. "I think I want to fuck you."

Love it, hate it? Let me know. I'm kind of scared to ship this because so many people are hardcore Stony shippers. Let me know how you feel about the story.