Hi! So sorry it took a while to post! I wanted to make sure that it was okay, since this has one of my favorite songs in this. :) I've been reading The Mortal Instruments and slowly it has become my life right now. Anyway, I'll stop babbling and start replying.

Brook Uchiha Daughter of Zeus: Thanks! :)

kayla nelson 399: Happy belated birthday!

JackFrostxElsa: Gotta love the fluff.

Elena2018: :)

dubLL: That's what I was hoping for. Thanks! :D

biddle29: Glad you like it!

N1KK1 Starlet: I am not responsible! Read at your own risk! xD

IShipJelsabecauseImaJelsaLover: :D

rylansmommybrei: Phew! I don't wanna be responsible for fangirl deaths. ;)

CON-Frozen-MLP-RotG-DIA-PercyJ: Bahaha don't burst.

Fabina-Percabeth-4179: Glad you liked it!

Chocolatelover23: I'd be very interested if you did.

Anialoveskick: Thank you!

Guest: Does the Z stand for Zeus? :)

XoXoGossipGirls: I'm glad you're happy! Yay Jelsa party *does the samba*

Cyberina: *hides in Narnia* WHEN YOU'RE READY COME AND GET IT NANANA

amke: Aren't they adorable?

PrincessOfTheNight01: Who doesn't love fluff? :)

Chocolate Spirit: Merci!

Guest (2): YES.

Mademoiselle le Chat: Sorry. :/ Glad your excited.

Until next time my awesome Jelsa-loving peeps. I am off to read City of Glass and try and contain my feelings. No spoilers btw! PLEASEEEE. Reviews are Clace. I know it's not food but whatever. Ciao xx.

Elsa was standing on the balcony, enjoying the afternoon breeze, when Jack came up looking extremely nervous. She frowned and pecked mouth. What concerned her was that Jack seemed distant. "What's wrong?" Before he could answer, a very familiar voice answered her question. "Elsa? Elsa?"

Elsa stiffened. Although it's been a few days since the fiasco, it felt like weeks or maybe months. That voice felt like a smack to the face. It was Anna. Jack trailed after Elsa, who was nervously wringing her hands.

How the hell did she find me? Elsa wondered. As she descended the staircase, Anna came into view. Her green gown was gone, replaced by winter clothing. Her little sister's face brightened immediately. "Hey there sis!"

Before Elsa could think, she blurted out, "What are you doing here?" Anna looked slightly taken aback. "I wanted to see you. This place is amazing!" Elsa couldn't help but smile at the pride. "Thank you." Suddenly, a small white figure came through the doors yelling, "SIXTY. HI I'M OLAF AND I LIKE WARM HUGS."

As the figure came closer, Elsa had to bend down and stare at him for a moment. "No way." Jack said behind her. Elsa ignored him. "Olaf?" He smiled shyly at her. "You built me, remember?" I made life? Elsa wondered incredulously.

"Yeah, I did." She grinned. Jack titled his head, savoring that beautiful smile on her mouth. Who knew when it would wipe off. Apparently Jack jinxed it because it immediately vanished as Anna said, "We were so close Elsa. We could be that way again."

Elsa shot up and her eyes glazed over, obviously remembering a certain incident. "Catch me Elsa!" Anna shouted, jumping even faster. "Slow down!" Elsa yelled, getting nervous.

Jack sat up and watched what was happening. "Careful Elsa!" He called as Elsa abruptly jerked her head in his direction. A little too fast. "Elsa!" Jack yelled, flying over. She slipped and fell backwards. "Catch her!" He called, panicking, picking up speed towards the little girl.

Elsa shot snow in Anna's direction, trying to save her, but ended up hitting her in the face! Jack sent a gust of air towards Anna, sending her to fall gently on a snow bank. Elsa jumped up and ran with Jack towards her sister. "Anna!" Elsa wailed, turning her sister over.

Elsa stiffened as a shiver ran down her back. "No, we can't." She jerked around and moved past Jack, climbing the stairs quickly. Jack touched off the ground just as Anna ran through him. He gasped at the pain he felt in his chest.

Elsa perked up at the sound, but didn't dare go back. Either way, Jack followed as Anna started singing. What is it with these people and singing through their problems? I guess different people deal with it differently, Jack thought to himself.

"You don't have to protect me,

I'm not afraid!

Please don't shut me out again,

Please don't slam the door.

You don't have to keep your distance anymore.

'Cause for the first time in forever,

I finally understand.

For the first time in forever,

We can fix this hand in hand,

We can head down this mountain together!

You don't have live in fear.

'Cause for the first time in forever,

I will be right here."

Elsa, who stood in the middle of the room, turned around to face Anna and Jack. Jack was panicking inside, but stayed emotionless on the outside. Elsa didn't sound like she was ordering in her song, more like pleading.


Please go back home, your life awaits.

Go enjoy the sun and open up the gates."

Anna cut in, looking as if she knew something the other two didn't.

"Yeah, but —"

"I know!

You mean well, but leave me be.

Yes, I'm alone, but I'm alone and free.

Just stay away and you'll be safe from me."

Jack looked slightly offended as Elsa made her way to the balcony and kept moving away from Anna. "I beg to differ, Els. I am here and it's pretty hard to forget me." As she turned around, Elsa shot him a glare, but her eyes were sorrowful.

"Actually we're not."

Elsa wheeled around.

"What do you mean you're not?"

Anna winced,

"I get the feeling you don't know."

"What do I not know?"

"Arendelle's in deep, deep, deep, deep snow..."

Elsa and Jack's eyes widened like saucers.


"You've kind of set off an eternal winter... Everywhere."

Snow started to lightly fall around the room. Jack bit his lip. "Elsa..."


For some very odd reason, Anna looked confident and was grinning.

"Well, it's okay, you can just unfreeze it!"

Snow started to fall harder.

"No, I can't, I — I don't know how!"

"Sure you can! I know you can!

'Cause for the first time in forever,"

Elsa turned away as Anna tried to sing through the storm. Jack however, actually tried to move through the storm to get to her. "ELSA CONTROL IT."

"I'm such a fool, I can't be free."

"You don't have to be afraid."

"No escape from the storm inside of me."

Jack slipped on the icy floor. "ELSA."

"We can work this out together,"

"I can't control the curse."

"You'll reverse the storm with me."

"Anna please, you'll only make it worse!

"There's so much fear."

Elsa patted her hair down, obviously freaking out.

"Don't panic, you'll make the sun shine bright!"

"You're not safe here."

"We can face this thing together, we can change this thing together, and every thing will be-"

"I can't!"

Anna was cut off mid-verse when ice shot up in the air. Forgetting that she wouldn't hear her, Jack shouted, "ANNA GET OUT OF THE WAY." Obvious to the screams of Jack, Anna was hit in the chest, sent staggering back.

Elsa didn't notice until she heard her sister fall to the ground. She gasped and backed up from Jack and Anna, staring at her hands in horror. A large, blonde man chose this moment to burst into the room with Olaf. "Anna! Are you alright?" He exclaimed, running towards her frail body.

With his help, she stood up and said stiffly, "Yes, I'm fine." Elsa cowered at the sight of the male. Although his build was intimidating, he didn't look like it at all. His face was very kind looking. But he has a big nose, Jack told himself.

"Who is this?" Elsa asked in almost a whisper. "A friend." Her sister told her. "You should all go." The sound of ice cracking sounded throughout the whole room. "Elsa..." Jack murmured. Against the pulling of her friend, Anna said, "No, I'm not leaving you here Elsa."

Elsa looked broken, like the scared little girl who accidentally hit her sister with her magic. "What power do you have over me to stop this winter?" Elsa created something that grew ten feet tall. It had icicle eyes and sharp teeth. Jack stepped back and took it all in.

The creature plucked up the man, Anna, and Olaf and carried them downstairs. Elsa began pacing, running her hands through her hair. "Conceal, don't feel. Conceal, don't feel. Don't let it show." She muttered.

"Elsie." Jack said wearily. She didn't stop. He grabbed her roughly and turned her around. "Snap out of it! You know how to control it!" Her eyes shined with tears. "No I don't! If I could, I'd be able to turn the enteral winter!"

The room no longer was blue and icy. It was red and dark, reflecting the fear inside of her. "Fight the fear Elsa. You are a fighter." "I-I can't." She whispered. Jack sighed and watched as the love of his life started to pace again, only making her more stressed.