Hello again readers! So I did a few minor changes, instead of the scarlet sisters helping the lovey dovey couple, someone else is. Well anyway, I figure I should tell you that I got sick so getting the next chapter out should take a little bit longer than usual. Not to mention I'm looking for someone to be my beta-reader so that my grammar doesn't suck so bad, but it's not going real well. (Also, someone pointed out that I don't have to do a disclaimer every chapter.) With all that aside, on to the story!

"Meiling? Meiling~! Hey!" Suddenly, a bonk on the noggin shook the gate guard from her stupor. Looking around a little confused she realized that to her left was the ordinary magician, Marisa Kirisame. She was surprised to see her standing there so suddenly and she had apparently rapped her broomstick upon her head. Rubbing the new sore spot welling up she winced a bit and asked, "What was that for?" The witch smiled now that the redhead had finally taken notice of her and started pacing a bit in front of her.

"Well, I was coming to… Visit Patchy in the library-"

"You mean steal books." The gate guard interrupted flatly.

The blonde halted movement and looked slightly hurt. "I have never stolen anything in my life~ze!"

Meiling crossed her arms and gave her an unbelieving look.

"I don't steal things! I merely borrow them!" This time the youkai frowned a bit, "and never return them." The magic user moved her left hand over her chest and her right in the air. "I swear I will return all the books I have ever borrowed the day I die~ze!"

"Marisa, it's your right hand that's supposed to be over your heart."

The witch blinked a second and then shrugged. "Well, whatever. Anyway, it's rude to interrupt stories you know! As I was saying, I was coming to play with Flandre when-"

Meiling considered pointing out that wasn't what she had said before, but knew it was pointless anyway.

"-and I said to myself, 'Where's the china girl? She usually halts me by now.' So I pulled around to the front and found you standing there all dazed and at first I thought something was wrong with you because you didn't even greet me when I landed, which was very rude you know. So I rushed over and you were just standing there, grinning really stupidly~ze!"

The youkai scratched her head and thought a bit before responding. "Oh, I must have been thinking about my date with Sakuya-san."

Marisa put her hand to her chin as if she were pondering something. "Yeah, I think I remember you saying something about that last time I was here~ze. So," her features quickly changed into a smug, devilish grin, "did ya kiss her?

Immediately, the gate guard's cheeks had turned a bright crimson and she stuttered a few times before shouting, "NO! I d-didn't k-kiss her…" She had trailed off a little at the end and started messing with her shirt tail to try and distract her nervousness.

The witch's grin only grew wider with the redhead's reaction. "Aww come on! In these situations you have to be aggressive~ze! Look lovingly into her eyes and flirt a little and then move in closer and-"

"Woah, woah, woah!" She shouted again. Now it wasn't just her cheeks that were flushed, her whole face had gotten about as red as her hair and you could practically see the tiny birds flying around her head. "L-Look, we h-haven't gotten t-that far yet."

The blonde crossed her arms and frowned at the gate guard. "Okay, you're a youkai right?"

Meiling blinked in confusion before answering a slow, drawn out, "Yes?"

Marisa nodded and continued. "And she's a human right?"

Again the china girl slowly replied, "Ye- well… I think so?" Honestly, she still couldn't believe any human could do what the head maid could, but since Sakuya said she was human she decided to trust her anyway.

"So that means you don't have all the time in the world you know, you've got to snatch her up before someone else does~ze! And lucky for you, I'm here to help!"

The gate guard knitted her eyebrows at the last comment. "You can help me? With love?" The witch grinned again and puffed out her chest. "Of course I can~ze! I've had plenty of lovers."

Marisa was the only person that Meiling knew who could quite literally breathe lies and yet somehow nearly everyone always can tell when she is lying because almost every fib is completely outlandish. She knew the magician was probably lying about past lovers, but decided to except the help anyway.

"Fine." She sighed and closed her eyes, fairly sure she would regret it.

"Excellent~ze! First of all, you have to be super romantic. What's your best pick up line?" The gate guard blinked.

"You know! Something flattering like, 'Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot?" The witch had leaned in uncomfortably close causing the redhead to back up and hit the wall.

"I can't say that!" The 'love help' frowned a bit and crossed her arms again. "Why not? It doesn't have to be that one." The taller girl covered her blushing face with her hands.

"Because it's embarrassing!" Marisa tossed her hands up and started floating on her broom in mid-air. "You're the one who begged for my help and now you won't take my advice~ze."

"I didn't beg fo-" The magician ignored her and continued. "All I'm saying is you're gonna have to make advances because Sakuya never will, that's for sure."

Meiling pondered for a second before nodding slowly. The witch grinned and continued. "You've done well so far by having a date, now you need to get a kiss out of her~ze." The redhead started waving her hands frantically as the blush crept up on her cheeks again. "D-Don't you think it's a little soon for that!?" The blonde thought for a second before responding, "No not really. I mean, you two have already had a date haven't you?"

The youkai shyly poked at the ground with her foot, refusing to meet the young human's gaze. "Well, sorta." She mumbled. "Then yes, the next step is a kiss." The witch nodded to herself knowingly. "Have you ever kissed someone before~ze?" Meiling was beyond embarrassed and could only find the strength to shake her head from side to side. "No? Well first you gotta-"

"What do we have here? A rat trying to get into the house?" Sakuya had, as usual, appeared out of nowhere using her manipulation of time and scared the already flustered gate guard so bad she fell on her rear. Marisa merely jumped a bit before getting off her floating broom.

"Ah, Sakuya, we were just talking about you~ze." The redhead had gotten up from the ground only to see the head maid's slightly frustrated face once she did.

"Meiling, you're supposed to keep thieves out of the mansion, not talk to them." The youkai was scratching the back of her head as the silver-haired girl started giving her a small lecture only to be interrupted by the "rat" in question.

"Meiling, didn't you want to say something~ze?" The ordinary magician sidled up to her and wiggled her eyebrows. The tall girl had flushed cheeks again as she turned back to a confused maid.

"Ah, w-well Sakuya-san, I w-was wondering if um, do you th-think we um, how should I put this I uh-" Marisa was getting impatient and as the redhead continued she was only getting more nervous and confusing the elegant female.

In one swift, strong movement, the witch shoved the stuttering youkai onto the head maid, toppling them to the ground. Meiling pushed herself up slowly on her hands without opening her eyes yet, not quite sure what happened. When she was shoved she accidentally knocked heads with the maid causing a small red mark to appear on her forehead. Then she remembered, her eyes shot open looking down at the bewildered and blushing Sakuya underneath her. The youkai grew crimson all over again and jumped up, bowing over and over while repeatedly apologizing to the silver-haired girl.

"Meiling, Meiling!" she shouted, urging her to calm down, "it's fine, but where's Marisa?" The gate guard paused, her blush fading as she looked around for the black and white clad girl. The elegant maid suddenly stiffened and turned around.

"She must have run inside while we were… Distracted. I have to go catch her before she does any thieving." The head maid started to run when the red-headed girl suddenly grabbed her hand.

"Sa-Sakuya-san! I have to talk to you about something later, okay?" The silver-haired girl blinked a few times before nodding slowly and the once again blushing female released her hand. The youkai watched her run off and suddenly disappear before practically collapsing to the ground. She could feel her heart pounding in her ears and her face felt like it was burning up. "Well, now or never. I'll finally get to see if she likes me or not."

"You don't have all the time in the world you know." The witch was right, Sakuya had less time than she did and the redhead knew she shouldn't waste it just because she was nervous. Meiling was convinced that no matter what happened or how flustered she got, she would have to tell the head maid her feelings. For better... or worse.

Will Meiling finally confess her feelings to Sakuya? Or will they get too flustered like the cutie-pie dorks they are? Find out next time! (If I don't die from this cold first *sneeze*)