Author's Note:

Hey guys! These are one shots about couples from Total Drama during and after the show. I'm starting with canon couples only. Comment a pairing and I'll try to use it! Please review; it means a lot to me! If you comment a couple, PLEASE give me some feedback as well! Good or bad, I just want to hear how I'm doing! I do not own Total Drama!

~Duncan and Courtney~

Courtney never really understood the words "forgive and forget." To her, forgiving was weakness. As a matter of fact, so was forgetting. And she was anything but weak.

She signed up for Total Drama for one reason only: to add it to her mountain sized list of accomplishments. And hey, $100,000 was a nice bonus. She probably would've won too, but she met her weakness. Courtney never expected to find love on the island, even less in the form of a pierced rebel of a delinquent.

Courtney was attracted to Duncan from the moment he called her Princess for the first time, but she never expected those feelings to turn into anything. What would her family and friends think if they saw Courtney, the straight A student, leader, and quite possibly future president with someone like him?

She didn't think there was more to the convict then what was on the surface until the stupid "trust" challenge. She was in the infirmary when she saw him: Duncan the black hearted rebel, finding a new bunny for his sad friend. When she confronted him, he denied being nice, but she knew he had a soft side.

And then he brought out her dark side. Duncan led her on an adventure, and gave her the most fun she'd had since she got to this stupid camp. Their playful teasing had led to an impulsive kiss, and that was when she knew it was serious.

She knew she should have acted differently during Action, but she was scared. She didn't want to lose him, and she thought changing him would solve that problem. Courtney realized way too late that the rebel Duncan was the one she fell for in the first place, but by then, it was too late to go back.

World Tour was the most heartbreaking thing she ever had to go through. Right when she finally got him back, he cheated on her with her best friend. That was sadness like she had never experienced before. Revenge was all she thought about, and she never wanted to have anything to do with Duncan or Gwen ever again.

By All Stars, she was done being mad at Gwen. Gwen had finally realized what a jerk he really was, and dumped him hard. Having Gwen back was amazing for Courtney, and she was secretly thrilled to know that she was the reason for their breakup. He was still obsessed with her. She got together with Scott just to mess with Duncan, to show him that she was happy without him. But she never felt anything real for Scott. That was why she could write him off so easily to win the million.

Duncan was attracted to Courtney from the very beginning. Bringing out her dark side and making her love him was the only reason he put up with the stupid show. When she tried to change him, it hurt. His brief attraction to Gwen led to something more without his control. He was hurting, Gwen was obviously crushing hard. It just worked. He meant for it to be a fling, and he never counted on Tyler finding out and telling Courtney.

Making Princess so upset was his biggest regret. Gwen was his rebound, because he screwed things up beyond repair with the love of his life. Their breakup was inevitable; it was obvious to everyone, including Gwen, that he wasn't over Courtney. He half hoped that when she found out why they broke up, Courtney would come back to him, but that didn't happen. He purposely left the island because he couldn't stand to see the girl he was in love with and his ex best friend/ex girlfriend both hating him so much.

After Total Drama finally ended, he knew he needed closure with Courtney. All these years later, she never left his thoughts. He approached her slowly, and she gradually warmed up him again. Just six months into dating again, Duncan proposed, determined not to let her slip away for a second time. To his delight, she said yes.

And now, on their wedding day, she is walking towards him, smiling, in her beautiful white dress. She looks radiant, and her grin is enough to make all of the pain and heartache that led to this moment worth it. His Mohawk is shaved, his hair plain black, and his piercings removed. His idea, she never even asked. But he wants to look good for his Princess on the big day.

When they kiss, it is as magical as the one outside the cabin on that first night. Except this time, there's certainty. This time, as Duncan and Courtney smile up at each other, there is forever.