Dear readers, I have some unfortunate news. As you know, I haven't updated this story in while and that is because I am at a point where I just cannot make the the current plot go anywhere, I have a vision of where I want the plot to go in the future, but I just cannot take the current Alpha school part of the plot any further. Currently I am finishing off my final year of college and I am in middle of writing two other stories, unfortunately I do not have anyone that can help with that and trying to write three stories alone with so many other things going on just leads to really slow updates. I have reviewed the situation, many of the earlier chapters in this story are too short, in need of re-work or are just not up to standard and I do not have the time or resources to be trying to finish off a story of this scale whilst trying to write two other stories at the same time, as a result, I have come to a decision that I know may upset some of you. I have decided to temporarily stop this fanfic. Stopping this will give me more time to work on my other stories, thus I will be able to bring out chapters faster. Maybe when I've finished my other stories, I'll re-write this, but for now I'll leave it up.

Thank you for understanding.