Sunshine streamed through the trees that formed the clan camp. Elders were napping, Queens gossiping while the kits played, warriors resting from their patrols and apprentices practiced their battle moves.

On the edge of camp, underneath the gigantic rock that served as the leaders post, Frogpaw sat with his head down, waiting for the punishment for his supposed meeting with a cat from another clan. Beside him, Badgerstripe made the apprentice look like a timid, newborn magpie.

Snowstar and Leopardheart finally appeared climbing down the rock. They both looked apprehensive, knowing Frogpaw wasn't a trouble maker.

"Alright Badgerstripe." Leopardheart mewed, "what is it this time?" Snowstar flicked her tail to her deputy, reminding her that it wasn't her place to speak yet.

"Go on," the leader promoted anyways.

"Well I found him out last night, and I think he was meeting an outsider."

An outsider now? Frogpaw hissed silently.

"You think?" The deputy mewed again, "do you have any proof?" Her striped tail was flicking impatiently.

Snowstar looked annoyed. It wasn't the first time Badgerstripe had reported something he only thought someone had done.

"Did you see him out with some other cat?"

"Well no," he said looking worried, but his confidence returned quickly, "but the guard said he and Cloudoaw left a while before I found him."

"And where were they when you found them?"

"I found my son trying to make up for his departure by hunting."

"No Cloudpaw?" The white she cat mewed.


Snowstar sighed and closed her eyes. She didn't think either of the apprentices needed to be punished, but Badgerstripe would get his way by talking to the mentors and getting them punished however he saw fit.

"Get out of here Badgerstripe."

The giant tom looked triumphant before wiping away the smirk and going back to the group of warriors.

"Your father is full of dung Frogpaw, but he's a respected warrior. I'm not going to punish you because I don't believe you were doing anything wrong, but if anyone asks, I did."

Frogpaw smiled and thanked her before dashing off. He trotted to the rabbit burrow the camp used as the entrance with his head held low, and his tail still. He passed his father, his giant, badly scarred father on his way out. They exchanged no looks, words, not even flicks of the tail. Frogpaw didn't bother saying hello to him. He knew he would get no answer.

The trees outside the camp were giant too. Frogpaw padded between the giant roots, heading back to the Cherry Grove.

Frogpawfinallyreachedhisstillsleepingclan mate who hadn'tbotheredto come home. He could hear the napping prey begin to wake around them. He could see little paws running into the shadows.

Surprised that Ledgepaw was still there, he looked at her for a moment, curled up with Cloudpaw before prodding her to wake up.

"You should go home now," he whispered as lifted her head. Still sleepy, she nodded and sat up to groom her pelt.

"Thanks," she whispered back, "nice to meet you by the way."

Frogpaw watched as she dashed off. Meet him? She hadn't spoken a word to him. How could she have met him?

Figuring it would be best to wake his friend, he crouched down, stilled his black and white tail, and leapt at him, landing on his back. The grey and white cat jumped. A small screech escaped his lips.

"Frogpaw? Cloudpaw?" A voice asked.

The black and white tom whipped around to see Wolfpelt and Cherrypaw. The apprentice had a smirk on her face while her mentor looked on curiously.

"What are you two doing out here?" Wolfpelt asked.

"Uh, just... Goofing off." Frogpaw lied, poorly, as Cloudpaw stood up beside him.

"I bet!" Cherrypaw laughed menacingly, "so Weaselfoot is looking for you."

"H-he is?" Frogpaw stammered. "Okay..."

"Come on, we'll walk back with you." The shaggy gray tom mewed, gesturing with a jerk of his head. Cherrypaw groaned.

Like she has somewhere important to be, he thought.

"Where is he anyways?" Frogpaw asked as they neared the camp.

"Badgerstripe?" Came a new voice from behind the group, "he, uh, was heading out to the MountainClan border last I checked."

Weaselfoot stepped forward to join the group, cutting his apprentice off and whispering for him to get moving. The apprentice followed the order. He hadn't trained with his mentor in a day or so. Now was just as good a time as any. The shabby brown tom led him away towards the same border his father was supposedly haunting.

also, still, OCs please?