It shouldn't have been a surprise that Renee would eventually be awoken by the sound of her ringtone blaring from her phone, but it was. An annoying surprise at that. Because much like any other sane person, being woken up by a phone call ridiculously early in the morning didn't exactly bring the biggest of smiles to her face. She forced her eyes open at the irritating sound of her mobile slowly dragging itself over the wooden table from the vibration. 6.12am. And after incessantly blinking away the stinging blurred vision, she manage to just see that it was Kaitlyn calling. At that moment, Renee slung her head back into the pillow, a grunt of frustration leaving her at being woken up at stupid o'clock. By Kaitlyn of all people, the woman notorious for sleeping in and being grouchy early in the morning.

It was definitely unusual that she would be calling Renee at this time, and the blonde had to think for a moment what it is she might want. Then it hit her. The very reason was likely the huge, dark mane of hair laying right beside Renee. She panicked for a moment, unsure on whether or not Kaitlyn had gotten the wrong idea of this entirely. Of course, the news for Kaitlyn would have come from someone else, most likely Summer, seeing as she was the only person to have seen Renee with Roman. It would be no surprise if she was the one who had gone to Kaitlyn with it, not on badness, because she probably thought that the woman would know anyway considering all three women near enough discussed everything together.

If Kaitlyn had gone with the assumption that Renee was guessing she would, it wouldn't put her and Roman in the best of situations, but they had their story - the
story of what actually happened.

She knew she'd have to answer the phone and explain, as much as she really couldn't be bothered. She looked across to the other side of the bed to see
Roman Reigns sleeping what looked to be rather peacefully. Half of his face looked to be buried into the pillow, his long, dark hair spread out so much that it
even shared Renee's pillow. Of course, the man's hair was remarkably more full and thick when it was dry, it made Renee wonder how difficult it would be to
wrestle if it weren't for him drenching it every show... and honestly, the thought brought a grin to the Canadian beauty. Her eyes traced over his tattooed arm that was drawn up where he rested his head on top of. And he was seemingly snoring softly. It was quite the sight. So much that Renee had to force her glare
elsewhere. Sighing, she pulled herself up and shifted her legs to hang over the side of the bed. She was careful not move too sharp, as she didn't want to wake Roman, certainly not at this time. The Diva was surprised that the sound of her phone didn't actually wake him up. Maybe he wasn't much of a light-sleeper.

Renee picked up her phone, stood and walked to the bathroom. The room had gotten a little chilly and it looked to be really cold out. After closing the door, she
ran a hand through her wavy hair and phoned Kaitlyn. Unsurprisingly, Renee was barely waiting any time at all for her friend to pick up and it wasn't long until she heard the other woman on the other end.

"Renee! Good, you're there-"

"Yes, I'm here," she said with the least enthusiastic of tones. "Here and tired."

There was a short silence for a moment, and Renee shook her head in disapproval. Obviously knowing that Kaitlyn wouldn't see it anyway, but the woman knew
her friend was likely picturing her doing that very motion anyway...

"Damn, sorry. I got up super early for gym," the hybrid Diva told her, what seemed like amusement in her tone. Of course she found this funny. "That's actually
why I called. Fancy a sesh' at the gym with the guys then drinks after?"

Thinking for a moment, Renee gave an incredulous look. "The guys?"

"Yeah, Seth, Roman and Dean. Dean was actually the one to suggest, oddly enough... maybe he felt bad, I don't know. So, what do you say? In a few hours or
so? Then get ready for the show?"

"Yeah... that actually sounds great. I'm in."

"Excellent," Kaitlyn cheered. "Oh, and Renee?"

"Yes, Kaitlyn?"

"Seth said good luck getting Roman out of bed. Catch you later!" And with that, the call had ended and Renee was left to stand there looking more than a little
stunned. She knew Kaitlyn would just be milking this. Luckily for Renee, her friend sounded most elated about this for whatever reason, which was typical of her.

Shaking her head with a smile, the blonde left the bathroom. She walked back through to see that Roman was now awake, sat up and currently reaching for the
remote... Renee frowned, knowing that it was her being on the phone to Kaitlyn that had woken him up. It was pushing 6.25, so still quite early... It wasn't as if the
wrestlers got the best nights' sleep when on the road and after shows, so they were used to waking up at early times with not much sleep for the next day... but
she couldn't help but feel bad. "Sorry... I didn't mean to wake you up, Kaitlyn called."

"Hey, don't worry about it," he smiled. God damn that smile. "Guess I should be up anyway."

"Yeah, I suppose. I figured you might want a lie in of sorts, though, considering we were really tired last night."

"No, I'm fine," he told her. Roman motioned his hand to the empty side of the bed. "Unless you want to get some more sleep? That's fine."

"It's okay, I'm awake now," she walked over to her side and sat back down with her head resting against the headboard. She could see at the corner of her eye
that Roman's glance was on her, and without thinking, she turned her head to face him. A brow was raised and a half smirk was there. "Why did Kaitlyn call?" He
asked, sounding just as amused as Kaitlyn did over the phone.

"She invited us all to the gym. Well... Dean did. She just passed on the message."

The woman noticed that his expression had quickly changed at the mention of Dean, so she quickly reassured him. "Kaitlyn said it was probably him apologising
and wanting to straighten things out or something, that's what she said..."

He nodded. "Not much of a surprise, he's always switching personalities towards us. But like I said, it keeps the peace to just go with it."

"That kind of attitude towards him constantly will just encourage him to push it even further, though," Renee said without thinking, ignoring that Roman's attention had been brought back to her once again. "Damn it, shut up," she muttered to herself, and Roman just chuckled lightly.

"I get you. You're fine to slate cranky Dean as much as you please."

"No," she laughed. "I shouldn't be at all, really."

"Maybe not, but it's not like he's here to hear it, is it?"

They both shared another laugh, a laugh that Renee felt slightly guilty for at Dean's expense. After all, she herself had never had a problem with him, but she
did see the reason for Roman and Seth's frustration a lot of the time. Maybe that was just Dean and maybe the two men just knew how to deal with it. They had know each other for long enough, so they clearly knew each other near enough inside out.

"So, two options: we get ready and go meet the guys now, or we sit here, watch TV and possibly order room service. You choice, m'lady?"

"I think we should make a move, as much as I don't want to. I'm already starting to feel lazy. Plus... I'm pretty sure there's a waffle house somewhere around
here that we drove past last night. And it's calling my name."

"Well, I think that's all the encouragement I'm going to need," Roman smiled. "Although, I am pretty comfy here."

She quickly grabbed the remote from his reach and put it down on the table next to her side. "Kaitlyn told me you'd be a test to get out of bed."

"Oh, so that's what you two were discussing on the phone? Anything else I should know about?"

Renee responded be hitting him with the pillow that sat behind her. "Nothing too out of the ordinary, but I think we're going to have to do some convincing."

"Of course we are," he said with a sigh. "They'll believe us."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because this is you and I. We're the good, believable ones," he smiled.

"You better hope," she said, walking around the bed to pick up her bag. She went over to Roman with an arm extended to get him up. "Let's go, big man."

"Sure thing," he shouted back as she walked back into the bathroom, but not before turning to look back at him with a brow raised.

"You forget that I have water access in here, so you better think about moving around now." With that, she closed the door behind her and to her amusement
heard a large thud that only meant that he had taken her word and moved.