Chapter 1

Akashi Seijuurou, a 21-year man with red hair and heterochromatic gold and red eyes, was known as the famous painter these days. In total, he had made 159 paintings. The most famous art from him is a teal-haired boy with expressionless face was covered with red rose and white tulips. White porcelain skin, red touchable lips was painted on. Many millionaires wanted to buy that painting in an unquestionable price but the red-haired man didnt want to sold it.

" This painting was very meaningful to me." He always replied. People who wanted to buy the painting thought that the boy in the painting was a real young boy in life.

" Akashi-san, Is the boy on that painting are real?" One day, one of them, who was a journalist asked him, pointing to the art. At first, Akashi was a little bit shock, but he began to create a small smile in his face.

" Yes. His name is Kuroko Tetsuya. Just as you know, that the painting was 'him' himself. " The man with heterochromatic eyes said.

" What do you mean by 'him'?" The journalist said.

" It was started when ... " He began his story.




Hihi! Sorry for the cliffhanging and for the super short beginning. The next chapter will be interesting and longer! This idea was from my wild imagination hehe. Please review, fav or follows!

Hugs and Kisses,